Joke Swedish


Nov 14, 2011
Essex England UK
Jurai Blood
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Rickard Rick England
Just heard this, thought I'd post it.

Why do Swedish war ships, have bar codes on the sides of them?

So when they return to port, they can Scan-da-navy-in.


For historical reasons, this is not really a safe topic.
Comments are funnier than the joke itself :laugh:
NEVER trust someone who cant find humor in a stupid joke!
Greatest joke I have heard since some one said that that guy with a wig became a president. :D
It could have been worse!

what if it was:

Why do Swedish navy personnel have bar codes on their arms and sing Aha songs?

So when they return to port, they can Scan-da-navy-ah
Greatest joke I have heard since some one said that that guy with a wig became a president. :D

Which one, John Adams?

In the United States, only four presidents from John Adams to James Monroe wore curly powdered wigs tied in a queue according to the old-fashioned style of the 18th century. Unlike them, the first president George Washington never wore a wig; instead, he powdered, curled and tied in a queue his own long hair.

Real Life at the White House: 200 ... – Google Knihy. Retrieved April 20, 2010.

"Frequently Asked Questions: Did George Washington wear a wig?". The Papers of George Washington. University of Virginia. Archived from the original on November 20, 2005. Retrieved October 4, 2010.
sir Dickon English was attacked by shark.
his friends shouted: Stab it with your big knife.
sir Dickon: fish with knife, are you insane :eyecrazy:
Good tension reliever Rick .. lol
Just heard this, thought I'd post it.

Why do Swedish war ships, have bar codes on the sides of them?

So when they return to port, they can Scan-da-navy-in.



You were watching Horizon last night, weren't you? The 'why do we laugh' episode with Jimmy Carr. It's a good one. :)