Just me or what??


Apr 4, 2006
Houston, TX
Avatar Name
Tyberius TyMaxim Maximuss
Ok I am by no means a mathmatician, rocket scientist or brain surgeon, so can someone please explain the logic in this to me??

Why would anyone in their right mind spend almost 250% on an already hellaciously expensive weapon that you can't repair, has less durability than it's non-mod version, and less range??

What's the weapon?? Mod Korss

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Only reason I bring this up is because I was fortunate enough to loot a regular Korss in a little global earlier today and can't shutup about it. It had about 71 ped worth on it. I've put an easy 25k ammo through it if not more with and without amps and it's still got 40 ped worth of value...

Regular Korss w/out an amp:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Korss w/ only an a101 on it:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

So am I nuts or is it everyone else biddin on the "Modified" version that might have a screw or two loose :rolleyes: ???
Not this again :rolleyes:

It's sometimes used for PK-ing and the price was pushed up by someone who's name starts with du and ends with ub.

It may be the economy allowing a higher markup but its certainly better.
My bad I should've started the post w/ the disclaimer stating that this question has more than likely been raised at one point or another already...

My apologies :)
Maybe, Tyberius, but it definitely brings up a good time to post a repeat reminder to folks.

Remember, keep an eye on what you're buying. Make sure not to purchase a limited use item at a lowsy price. Cause ye can't repair it when it's done for.

Hmm...now if you just want furniture for your apartment....

maybe you should get a couch... (those last two lines were for humor....

...sort of )
Don't underestimate the stup...power of the collectors.

People will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for movie props, old stamps, etc.

Why should it be different in EU? A Mod Korss, even if (L) is still a mod item. Some people like to collect those.
Interesting thought. Movie prop..that I can understand for sure.

a display trophy maybe too. Good thoughts.
You forgot to factor in the "my :censored: is bigger than your :censored: " factor :smirk:

Well much thanks to all respondents. I am a die hard hunter whose playing time has been severely limited because of the heartbreaking loss of a 100% Opalo + X amp. I don't PK so I wasn't thinking of it in that manner nor as a collector, so thanks for opening my eyes to these excellent albeit alternative explanations. But with my recent discovery of this weapon (Korss H400(L)) I think I will again take up my past time and skill up an area thats needed working on since I unlocked Seren.

Thanks again all
