Help: Knives, fists, and clubs oh my!

Rick Sanchez

Old Alpha
Apr 24, 2019
Avatar Name
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Anyone got an up-to-date guide for melee skilling & weapon options for Loot 2.0/VU-17? :scratch2: The ones I saw were general recommendations for 1-off questions, or simply outdated with broken links.

I've got my eye on a couple UL options in the lv 30-40 range (argo claw, combat mace, shagadi knife), but am not sure about high-end options (lv 60+) and ESPECIALLY the general progression from my current level (lvl 12~15 dmg/hit all melee types) based on current availability of weapons. I'm currently leaning towards clubs/PF, but am hesitant to "commit" without better knowledge of what lies ahead with that option.

Open to all L and UL weapon/amp options. Any recommendations for mobs/spawn locations also welcome. Thanks in advance! :yup:
The newest graphs for SIB weapons are outdated now. There are new items that aren't in the graphs, and most of the items in the graphs are no longer crafted.

I mess around with power fist, but have found that after I purchased all of the Loughlin Smacker Ones in the auction, no more have been crafted for sale yet. Same goes for the Mudra fists. The gap between TT fist and what actually IS for sale makes it impossible to skill in an economical way - until someone comes in and starts crafting those items.

The only other option for power fist is the UL weapons, but without SIB, I won't be continuing sadly.
You may need to hunt with other weapon types, and then get the powerfist or clubs skill from the codex rewards.

For knives, you can use the ArMatrix SB-xx series.
The problem with these old items is that they need stuff that is now difficult to get these days, as they no longer drop as much as they used to.

I could probably make a few with what I have left, and there are a few ingredients on auction.
The problem with these old items is that they need stuff that is now difficult to get these days, as they no longer drop as much as they used to.

I could probably make a few with what I have left, and there are a few ingredients on auction.
The old generics like basic target assessment unit do not drop anymore. So for these "special" melee weapons its currently best to take codex reward until you're maxed on those that are available.
The old generics like basic target assessment unit do not drop anymore. So for these "special" melee weapons its currently best to take codex reward until you're maxed on those that are available.

The problem with these old items is that they need stuff that is now difficult to get these days, as they no longer drop as much as they used to.

I could probably make a few with what I have left, and there are a few ingredients on auction.

Thanks y'all for your input. Turns out the supply choke is real - i'll be keeping an eye on auction, but guess i'm gonna be using knife + codex for a while :tongue2:
It looks like there is no real replacement for the Loughlin stuff. The nearest I can see in the wiki is Thorifoid stuff.

I am willing to create some Loughlin stuff - but the ingredients may run out!
Further to this - have you checked the TT for Castorian-EnKnuckles-B?

This might get you going.
Having used knives and swords mid to high end myself i have realised that if u want melee its usualy better to go with mace or club due to 2.0 high end options being widely available. Although id have a mid to late game weapon to skill upto in mind and usualy make sure its affordable to you and consumes uni ammo.