FYI: LA 19 - cK Shadows

thats pretty lame of MA didnt they put back kingfishers on a LG la?
In an VU MA announced to replace all Gradivore spawns with Bristles, ofc they forgot our LA, so i told them to do the same on our La, well they did but we didn't have the ability to alter dense and maturity via the fert station ....

Finally we told MA now to completly empty the LA if Gradivores don't come back in near future. Well they did!

So far FPC-Support works just fine but MA's Design Team and probably FPC-Management (for not caring about the outcome of their Events) failed miserably :mad:

Happy Mining
anyone want to remove all the DNA from la19 and Myrene before we leave as a thanks....?
Nah that's just useless... we only hurt ourselfs with that ;)

So other socs be warned Myrene will remain cKs Island forever :laugh:
Bump for a miner friendly LA without any mobs and nice Tax settings 3,9% :yay::yay::yay:

Happy mining
mining mining mining