Selling: Letomie Fossil Teeth


Dec 18, 2007
Letomie Fossil Teeth selling

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Post your offers or send me PM,opening bid 30k buy out 60k
auction ends monday 12 AM MA time

Deathifier 30k bid---- won without battle :)

update on next bid

If someone overbid on last minute,auction is extend for 5 minutes to make it fair
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Are anonymous offers going to be allowed?

I'm not too keen on bidding against mystery people.

- Deathifier
Nice loot. Go on deathifier,
free bump. ;)
Bump for Lady DARCI :D
and Deathifier will surelly get it to bring us a new mob :yay:
Bump to keep it on top, we want a new mob :)
I think It's best in the hands of Deathifier

Please don't sell in too much haste to a reseller if it ever crossed your mind! :)
Cant wait to see this mob. GL with the sale.
I think you should sell it to Deathifier. We want to see new mob :D
GL with the sale !
Bump for a new mob!
amagads!! Sell to Deathi asap !!

We need Letomie, I need to get a hide soon XD

Btw, my mother told me that sugar russles infrequently, supporting negative effulgence, wearing trifle boots for free.
Bump to keep it on top, we want-want-want a new mob :yay::wtg::yay:
It would def be best in deathifiers hands if we ever want this new mob to exist
Do a deal with deathifier, I'm sure he'll pay a reasonable price, he's a reasonable guy.

You could be remembered as the guy who helped bring us a new mob :)
hope it is a new cool mob :cool:
damnit, I can't wait for Death to get this >.<; so excited that my nipples have just upped and left, packed their bags and gone, they couldn't take it anymore. But its ok, I'm a bloke and didn't really need them anyway. In fact, good riddance, I say!

Doesn't the high tt of this part mean it is likely the "main" part?
GL with your sale, but I find it hard to beleive anyone else is going to bid on it when we already know Deathifier is holding the other parts needed - or at least the majority of the other parts.

Just sell it to him already :)
Doesn't the high tt of this part mean it is likely the "main" part?

Depends if theres a 150ped tt scale or whatever waiting to be looted from a gibnib or igni somewhere i guess.
But yes on other DNAs the "highest tt part" is usually the ridiculously rare "main" one (regarding the lastest new mobs/DNAparts it seems like all parts are insanely hard to find though...).

*Bump* and gl on sale :) Will be fun to see if this mob is really 2-3 times the "size" of a hogglo like the tt suggests or if Ma just changed how things work again :)
I doubt I will be able to solo the young of this, hmm dunno well the leather texture is below Spider, but above Cersumon, Formidon etc. so I'm thinking this will be SEG standard mob in terms of difficulty in killing ^^
Hope Deathifier gets it and we see a new mob soon that drops cool stuff:)
I doubt I will be able to solo the young of this, hmm dunno well the leather texture is below Spider, but above Cersumon, Formidon etc. so I'm thinking this will be SEG standard mob in terms of difficulty in killing ^^

hope it wont be TOOOO hard......I wana hunt it to :)
Bump...... :) 1hr left?