Looking for a Mentor


May 23, 2013

I've played this game before in the past (a year or two ago?) for a short while. I jumped into the game without doing any research and quickly lost interest due to my lack of knowledge about the game. I want to give it another chance and do it right this time around.

I'll be playing on and off but it should be often. In real life I work as a counselor at a group home and campus security. As well I am currently attending a local Police Academy. Between school, volunteering, and work I should be on usually at night.

Honestly I would enjoy some help and hopefully I can be of service in return.

Timezone - CST -6 GMT

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if you didn't find any mentor yet, talk to me in game.. press Y, go to page 19, second icon with name player register, type Stelios AKALYPTOS ntelinatsos and add me to your friend list, so we could talk..
Me me me:)

Nah, seriously I am too stupid to be a mentor. But, I think you have to decide what you want to learn from a mentor.

How to make money? fail

How to be cool? fail also

How to enjoy the space without losing lots of peds and learn something about yourself? tricky but worthwhile.