Looking for next mob to hunt.


Nov 3, 2016
I need a suggestion for which mob to do iron challenges for next. I just finished kerb stage 4 and I am not really liking the rewards for stage 5. I'm not sure which iron challenge is good to do next.

Evader: 8.4
Laser Sniper (Hit): 30.6
Ranged Laser (Dmg): 25.6
Dodger: 4.2
HP: 105

DPS: Currently using Z12+A101, but I want to upgrade to a Xent X3 + A102.
Armor: Pixie, Adjusted Pixie, Adjusted Musca, and full set of Armor Plating Mark.2A
Rings: None as of yet, but I want to get the Ares Improved and the Athenic Improved.
Argonauts and Corns. You can combine Argonauts with the daily coins instance - 50 argo young for 1 coin per day.
Corns drop Kobold harness and thighs (gaiters) both male and female. Kobold armor is good vs Feffoids which is popular mob too but they have higher regeneration so more DPS will be good.

Noticed you have A101. It makes great combo with Bukin's spare rifle.
What is the aproximate size of your pedcard?
As Pratahn suggest, a good option is to choose mobs that you can combine with daily missions.
Your low skills gives you narrow choices. Rewards is a reason to choose. So check what rewards you get from every challenge.
A factor also you might consider if there are clean spawns of the mob you choose. This can be very usefull and saves you lot of PED.
My first extend iron on Caly was on Merp for that reason, decent loot, easy to hunt, clean spawn and rewards that interested me!
Merp's coming to you instead of chasing 'em :)
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Argonauts and Corns. You can combine Argonauts with the daily coins instance - 50 argo young for 1 coin per day.
Corns drop Kobold harness and thighs (gaiters) both male and female. Kobold armor is good vs Feffoids which is popular mob too but they have higher regeneration so more DPS will be good.

Noticed you have A101. It makes great combo with Bukin's spare rifle.

A101 won't work on Bukins spare rifle. The amp can't be more than 50% of the weapon max damage and A101 is 4 damage so the gun needs to be at least 8 max. damage
A101 won't work on Bukins spare rifle. The amp can't be more than 50% of the weapon max damage and A101 is 4 damage so the gun needs to be at least 8 max. damage

Entropedia don't work right now so I cannot check but I thought A101 gives +3 dmg.
It would appear to me that skill growth is important to you.

Did you know that the greater the damage you can turnover during your hunts the greater the skill reward. Generally that means the bigger the weapon or ammo per shot you use the greater your natural skill gain (excluding mission rewards).

Why don't you check out those 'new' eco and efficiency guns in auction. Type "Isis" into auction weapons search and look at info. If is says something like ..."these weapons are made for efficiency" on the weapon info tab, then you know you're in the right place.

Then make sure you're 10/10 hit ability on that weapon.

Then select a mob that you can reasonable kill without much of a battle and see how you get on. Without amour plates.

Having enough ammo right armour and ped to run the cycles is another matter, but get the equipment right first.

Good Luck


Have you done daikiba, bery and combibo?
I think argos might be a bit to tough atm.

If you want to stay at caly I can recommend fouls and shinkibas, your gear should be perfect for those mobs.

If you are willing to go to other planets there are loads of options. Cyrene offers a lot of low level mobs with several missions, the rewards are pretty good as well.

Planet arkadia and Toulan also has a lot to offer regarding mobs in that range with missions.

Just remember to adapt what you hunt based on your budget and your hp/evade. As someone mentioned, its preferable to be able to hunt without armor.
As someone mentioned, its preferable to be able to hunt without armor.

Healing will generally always be more expensive than armour repairs. unless you've got one the Galactica mission chips that cost a lot.

Obviously use the lowest level possible armour for the mob. If the mob is hitting you 1.0 damage the armour is too strong.

Healing will generally always be more expensive than amour repairs. unless you've got one the Galactica mission chips that cost a lot.

Obviously use the lowest level possible amour for the mob. If the mob is hitting you 1.0 damage the armour is too strong.


True! But if he's in it for the skills, FA skills are pretty nice. Armor decay doesnt give any skills.

But its still a valid point that armor in many cases can be cheaper than fap-decay.

Either way, as you say its important to keep the costs of armor decay at a minimum.
I think argos might be a bit to tough atm.

True. But looking at OP's lvls it seems he chipped in laser hit and laser dmg so he can use much higher guns then Xent X3. If he is laser hit lvl 30 and lasr dmg lvl 25 he can use EWE LC-120 from the daily toknes trader.
Too bad A101 is not very useful with thus significantly more high dmg gun.
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Argonauts for the win, just slap on some rascal armor and have fun.
i thought they were great for me.
but like others said try and match up missions and rewards with what you need.