Lootius Mayhem: Episode One


Feb 2, 2011
Salt Lake City, USA
Avatar Name
Rachel MsPudding Hawkins
Disclaimer: Lootius Mayhem is in no way connected to any seasonal Mayhem's promoted by MindArk PE AB®. No prizes in this event are randomly distributed, no winners are randomly selected, all event rewards are tied directly to MindArk's in game global system. EULA 2.1 Compliance and Section 8.14 of the EULA have been strictly adhered to

Days Completed: 34
Days Left: 1
Total Globals: 6018
Average Globals Per Day: 177
Current Prize Pool Value: 65,000 PED

End Prize Pool:
Total Value::eyecrazy: 65,000 PED :eyecrazy:

16,000 PED
224,000 PED [Lootius Pack]*
315,000 PED [Pudding's Bag]*
42,000 PED
57,500 PED [Deino's Kit]*
6600 PED
7600 PED
8600 PED
9600 PED
102,000 PED
11400 PED
12400 PED
13400 PED
14400 PED
154,500 PED
* Prize packs for 2nd, 3rd, 5th, contain items as part of their prize value. For specific details please refer to the Prize Pool Page (Click Here)


Learn The Rules to Lootius Mayhem in 6 Minutes

Watch This Video on YouTube
Click Here!

It is with great pleasure that I announce Episode One of my new event platform, Lootius Mayhem, hosted at my new website: www.entropiagold.com The website automates everything for you! It keeps track of your globals, character class, rank, HSL bonuses, displaying everything beautifully

35 days

Start & End Times
Event Start UTC TIME: June 1st, 00:00:00 -> Eastern Time: May 31st, 8:00:00
Event End UTC TIME: July 5th, 23:59:59 -> Eastern Time: July 5th, 7:59:59


Rules & Overview
Lootius Mayhem is an epic 35-day tournament with a guarantee'd starting prize pool of 40,000 PED! The prize pool grows larger as the event goes on. I'll be adding 10% to the pool (4k PED increments) as we reach new global totals. Prizes are awarded to the top 15 ranked participants

Basic Idea: Hunt 3 different Mobs to earn a Placement Score, your score determines your rank, and your rank determines your prize. There's a Leaderboard that auto-updates every 2-3 minutes. The goal during the first 4 weeks should be to raise your score as high as possible, because the biggest prizes are near the top. The last week of the event you’ll be deploying your own strategy to raise or lower your score, and go after that prize you want most!

*If you haven’t watched the 6 minute video up above yet, I suggest you start there. There are several event mechanics you’ll want to familiarize yourself with by reading below. The leaderboard refreshes every 2-3 minutes. Everyone's scores are public*

Character Class: You will choose from one of 3 unique character classes, and hunt 3 different Core Mobs on 3 different Land Areas, a Core Mob is an Atrox, Neconu or Scipulor. Choose a Character Class by getting your first global on that mob type. Character classes will influence the quantity of each mob that makes up your score, and the points you earn from globaling on those mobs. You can raise or lower your score to improve your rank.

A Scip Fixer’s score is heavily weighted by Scipulor globals, while an Atrox Nomad’s score is heavily weighted by Atrox globals, Neconu Techie are "balanced", requiring you to kill all 3 mobs almost equally. Any class you choose is going to require you to hunt all 3 mobs

General Strategy: Raise your score the first 28 days. As the event winds down during the last 7 days you may want to lower your rank to get a better prize. Some players may go after one of the prizes in the 10[SUP]th[/SUP] or 15[SUP]th[/SUP] ranked positions, as there will be less competition there. Other’s will take more risk and go after any of the 3 largest prizes, ranks 2[SUP]nd[/SUP], 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] and 5[SUP]th[/SUP]. Mining is meant to play a small role in the event, most bonus points and score composition comes from hunting the Core Mobs. This doesn’t mean you should completely forget about mining, but mining should not be your primary focus

Ranking: Your ranking on the Leaderboard ties directly to your Score, the higher your score the higher your rank. Scores are made up of the best 20 globals on Core Mobs with a value between 50-399 PED. Bonus Points are applied on top of your score as a flat rate amount (see table below). The best 20 globals that make up your Score depend on the character class you choose (see character class image)

There are two categories of Bonus Points, Standard Bonuses and “Gifts of Lootius”. These two bonuses "stack" making it possible to earn a HSL bonus and a Standard bonus for the same global, both conditions must be satisfied

Gifts of Lootius (Active First 28 Days): Bonus points for HSL globals on Core Mobs that go right on top of your score (raising it). These are awarded on a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly basis (84 + 12 + 4 = 100 total Hunting HSL bonuses). A weekly HSL bonus is awarded to the Largest Ore Claim (resource type doesn’t matter only size) (4 total HSL Ore Claim bonuses). And one HSL bonus for the Largest Ore Claim of the month (1)

Standard Bonuses (Active All 35 Days): Bonus points for globals greater than 399 PED on any of the 3 Core Mobs. These points go right on top of your score, raising your overall score. The higher the global value, the more Standard Bonus Points you earn. Small adjustments to raise your score can be made by getting a global of any size on a Gokibusagi (natural spawns found at Deino Island) (see table)

Lowering Your Score (Active All 35 Days): Large adjustments to lower your score can be made by getting a global of any size on either a Razortooth or Calypsocod (both fish found in small ponds on Deino Island). Small adjustments to lower your score can be made by globaling any size on any type of Energy Matter. (see table)

Theme & Final Strategy: The final 7 days of the event are known as "Judgment". This period represents the adjudication of Lootius over each Entropian, determining a soul's true value. During the last 7 days it will be more difficult to raise your score because the "Gifts of Lootius" period will have ended, however, all HSL Bonus Points earned up to this point will be yours to keep. It’s still possible to raise your score by improving your Core Mob globals, or by getting any of the Standard Bonuses. It’s also during these last 7 days that you’ll begin implementing different game plans to either raise or lower your score to get the prize you want

Purpose: The rules have been carefully crafted to reward effort, strategic thought, luck, and fortitude. The best prizes are near the top, although the 15th place has an amazing reward too, so you're never out of the running for something truly great. The event was structured this way to discourage one uber person with unlimited time and uber gear from completely running away with the best prize. Those types of event can be discouraging, some players give up half-way through. The prize pool matches the purpose, the more you grind the bigger the prizes get, so you can get more out the more you put in. I hope this format keeps you engaged and on your toes all the way up until the very last minute!​

Prize Pool

*Total Globals Counted for 10% increase are on Core Mobs (Atrox, Neconu, Scipulor)

3 Participating Land Areas

Character Classes

Each character class offers a unique set of skills and a unique formula for calculating your placement score. Your first mob also counts towards your placement score

Classes have been balanced. There's no definitive answer on what class you should choose to help you win, there's many paths to victory

Raising or Lowering Your Score

Standard Bonuses & Decrease Effects Table


Think of this table above as a tool kit. You can raise or lower your score, with "blunt instruments" that raise or lower your score drastically, or use a "sharp instrument", and make micro adjustments up or down

Registration (only needed to claim prize)
Register by replying to this thread or PM'ing me in game if you don't have a PCF acct
You can begin hunting right away -- everything is being tracked. register here to claim a prize

1. All globals must be on my 3 participating Land Areas
2. This is a solo hunting event only
3. No teams allowed
4. Anyone caught abusing the system or trying to cheat will be immediately disqualified and banned from participating in any of my events. Please report suspected cheating by PM'ing me on here or in game
5. Prize payouts will take place July 12th, screenshots from the payout will be posted to this thread as proof of valid payment. Please report any suspected cheating or system abuse before the event payout period on July 12th by messaging me on here or in game
6. If you notice any missing globals from your placement score or HSL Bonuses please contact me, allow up to twenty-four hours for your score correction. All screenshots for score corrections must be submitted before the event ends on July 5th 23:59:59 UTC. No screenshots or score adjustments can be made after the event is over (unless someone is proved to be cheating)
7. Fappers & Healers are perfectly OK to use
8. ALL YOG PETS ARE BANNED. Effective as of June 11th
9. In the event winning scores are tied, prizes from those ranks will be added together and then equally split between those sharing the ranks​

Hunting: 4.49%
Mining: 2.49%

Promise of Integrity:
I will not be competing in this event for any prizes. I want to first and foremost experience the event, so that I can work to improve upon the mechanics and balance of future Lootius Mayhems. I also thought it would genuinely be fun to make it possible for players to really interact with the game in a unique way. And, I wanted to create an event with a seriously kick ass prize pool that gets people excited to compete! Here's how I am going to be competing:

  1. I will create a poll, where the mob with the most votes chosen by you guys will select my character class for the event -- I'm happy to play any of the 3 classes :)
  2. * I am making myself ineligible for any prizes, I will push myself out of any winning rank several days before event end. The support for this event is mind blowing, and I'd feel awful if I took any prize away from anyone else, so you don't need to worry about me :p Not like I was much of a threat anyways haha

Good Luck Everyone!
As you head on your 35 day journey, maybe you'll capture a piece of Entropia's Soul...
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Spawn Density For Event:

OLA#39 Atrox Zone - High Spawn Density (Atrox Guardian+)
OLA#50 Cold Place
- High Spawn Density (Neconu Young)
Deino Island
- Medium Spawn Density (Scipulor Young)

I cannot raise spawn density on Deino Island, but I don't think I would, because the Scipulor mob can be really freaking nasty and kill most players if they get even 2 or 3 of them hitting them (obviously not a big issue for the ubers :p but most players will struggle with 2-3 of these on them at once).

Let me know how spawn density is on OLA#39 and OLA#50, as I can raise those furthers if need be. I just raised both OLA#39 and OLA#50 by about 15-20% spawn rate from what they were set to before

Registered Players:

-Saphire of Dark-
Adi Biliwen Wen
Affe Aframo Mr Afroman
Akon TrusT Konvicted
Agusia Misiaczek Tulaczek
aka deathro executioner
AI Opeyum Tr
Alannon The Gray
Alex BGG Leech
Aleksiane Mrs-zap Greadon
amanda Alissanos robinson
Angel Shadow Heart
Andrew agalvayne Galvayne
Antonio Hermerson Aguiar
apallo sincros neverweave
Arckaf Arckag One
Aristotle Razzar Riley
Avalon Butterfly Erupter
AxelRod Trample Gunnarson
Ayrelia Relia Darkright
anthony pepe pepe
Baelrahyn Bael Riverwind
Bahb happy Silunt
Bare BareBones Bones
backstabber twelve hit combo dropkick
Blade of Slash
Bob beechbum da'mon
Bob c3rberu5 smith
Boo Who You
Bruce NickName Leeroy
Brito Eduardo Cruz
Caldonicus Fade Love
Captain Jack Daniels
Chantra TheProfit Moneymaker
Christopher Meshfire Jones
Christian Dker Simonsen
Cheese Jay Smooth
Conquistador Conq45 45
Conquer Tuga Pimenta
CrazyPecurkA LinuX LjuTaMasinA
Crow Dacrow Moi
Davin Trooper Felth
David BigDog LaFata
Deux Pelleman Ex
demetra dea olimpia
Dessa Dessa Dj
Digital Clipper Fartz
Diogo ToLeDo Toledo
Drakken drakken dethstalker
Dunfjall TheNaughtyViking Thorbrandsson
dynamage voltage assasin
eclair ran hinari
Elizabeth Artemis Black
Enviro Larry Lagoono
Eternal JustFineAziz SkyPharoaoh
Fanan Head Shot
First 1ch3ls Lady
Fire58 Crewso Patrick
Flinter Raven Hex
Forgorth Forgo Lundain
Gavin JAX Jackson
foudre Roswel nulpart
Gemini Gem Heart
Gechka Gechka Gencinis
Grale Gurra Pilsner
Green Toker 1987
Gredrrik Alhakekhist Malgar
Gholes Nicholas Trebole
Gun KimBoom Kim
Henry BabyOxide Ha
Helena Helena Fra
Howard Nkil Lee
Hunter Greyford Page
ilbe dcinside master
Inherent Marxus Legends
Jabez JAG Groove
Jack Wuzi Daniels
Jack mansky Mansky
James Jim O'Neill
James Jimmy Stryker
Jar Jasis Sismondi
Jay VeNgeNcE Spitzel
Je Jak Bam
Jeppe lillfya falk
Jim Mepparn Brownbean
John chaoz Anderson
Jojo Genlyk Jones
Jordan Arkon Fultz
Jungle Stalker Amazon
Juizzy Skittles Chesterfield
Juljka Saya Vukolova
Kara RavenJade SummerWind
Kael Dominator Slaughter
Kayla Mystique Sinclair
Kenpachi SilentCrow BlackFalcon
Killarious K-Max Maximillion
Kimmi Kimmi EFnet
Kitty Kitty Fire
Kerri Krazy Blaing
knight david MRD
Lady Mysteria Nevrqwit
Leir'hy Leon Ension
Levinstein Lev II
Lemmy Rocker Dickinson
lilith lilith DeRooze
Linas Lingarr Garunkstis
Linus Zip Lindström
Lion of Europe
Lize Lizelotte Sweden
Loren Lorry Potter
Lucky Sky Vodka
Luke Szalu Ace
Luri UncleMo Nightshade
Madam Salto Mortale
Madok Mad Weloi
Mat browN Johnson
Max Furiosa Carnator
Maria Tsuande Magdalena
malick mac malstrom
Mateooo MrZ Beljan
Mat MatKatt84 Katt
Mel Demeter Ver
Michael23 JK Park
Michael Mike Duval
Mike KingMike007 Hussey
Monkey Lou-Cifer Lou
MR armorer petter
Mr kleb jr
Nakor of Boreft
New York Rose
Nicci Kayly Starr
Niklas Negolas Hedlund
Nite Niteflite Flite
Nuno pombinho Zezere
Norian Norian Xx
ObZen HevyDavy Stengah
Oleg Oleg McMullery
Ole-Andre Ole1234 Bratberg
Omega Dan Prime
orik eragon knurla
Orpheus wildcuts Kurosawa
Pablo ContainerConrad Francisco
Perlea nashu daniel
Penethol Junkman Bloodsteel
pavel rozikp rozenbaum
Pavol Svako Giertl
Phenalon of Eternia
Physical Graff Graffiti
Prototype Hunter Legendary
quin perv amorim
Ragin RaginCajun Cajun
Rhagnar Rhag Thormilium
Ranyard Rany Ranyhyn
Raven Lunchbox Palehorse
Ray RayRay Rodriguez
[Rebekah Beki Viera
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Rocky Addz Harley
rookie bluu 12
ryu rorrito smith
Ruori GreatSin Kenshin
Samiel Ratt Darrenger
Sandy VVEAPON Smith
Sara Rellik Calypso
Sebastian muzze cisp
Scott DoctorH Joel
shaman SYNshaman lotus
Skirmantas Pioter Danius
Slim NoBueno Pickens
slupor slupor slupor
Shadow Punisher Dark
Smexy Virgo Nugget
Star StarDrifter Drifter
Steven Razor2k Smith
Sub-Zero The Killer
SonNang KingS09 Thach
Sungam Sun Nosskire
Supermats Turritopsis nutricula
star stunkcuf child
Prophet the Prophet from Planet Zen
Temptress Hakalugi Ripper
Teli Goodrich Fresh
The Blue Thunder
The Mean Machine
Theone LaMoar GR
Tjaz peps897 Zibert
Toast Toast CHG
Thomas TrixXz Beckers
Tom TomMyers Wick
Torene Tor Alaranth
Tyr Wolf Fenris
Troy Brooksy12 Brooks
troy Brooksy12 Brooks
Vandal VandalHand Hand
Vasia Azagxal Zabrodniy
Vi V3r0nyka BitFury
vitor rotiv3tuga zezere
Vladisla CheekyMonkey Bologan
Wand AxeMurderer Silva
Woedy woedy Gotcha
Xavior Target Technosplurg
Xendar Xen Xal
Yoel SoldadoDeDios Szkilled
Xarcx XarcX Seras
xXx MrUnderCover xXx
Zabadoodee Zab Xanthron
Zero no Louise
Zigzag zapper 007
Zyloc Zyloc Mist
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Change Log
6/2: Stretch Goals Created (Goals that increase prize pool further)
6/2: Atrox Maturities Bumped 5% - Eliminate 'Provider' maturity
6/2: Neconu Spawn Density OLA#50 - Increased 7% (3+ people requested)
6/2: Leaderboard extended from 100-150
6/2: New Event channel created #entropiagold (JOIN US!!!)
6/3: Full score calculations made public (warning not pretty on the eyes!)
6/3: MsPudding is ineligible for any prize -- I will move myself out of any winning ranks by the event end
6/4: Neconu Spawn Density OLA#50 - Increased 7% (5 people requested)
6/4: Leaderboard extended from 150 to 200
6/5: Neconu Spawn Density OLA#50 - Maxed 3 DNA
6/5: Neconu Spawn Density OLA#39 - Increased 25%
6/11: Yog pets are banned. Known glitch

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Prize Pool
Lootius Mayhem's Prize Pool is Dynamic. The total amount of globals contributed by everyone hunting on all 3 Land Areas is being tracked,

As we reach new global totals, the prize pool grows for everyone as well! The more you put in, the more you can get out


*Total Globals counts all globals from all hunters, from all 3 Land Areas on Core Mobs: Atrox, Neconu and Scipulor

The community support and activity has been insane! You guys have blown this thing up way bigger than I ever expected.

The daily global average is
Utterly insane!

Let's see what it would look like with all of the Prize Growth mechanics we have working


Total PED Value in Prizes @ 6k Total Globals = 62,500 PED


Total PED Value in Prizes @ 8k Total Globals = 84,750 PED


Total PED Value in Prizes @ 10k Total Globals = 107,750 PED
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Wow, Fantastically well thought out and quite complex event!
Also very well executed with the video explaining it and the website with the leaderboard.

I admire your event planning and commitment to the event!
Hope it will get many participants and be a huge succes
Yeah I was gonna say the same thing as Nakor but he beat me to it, this is a very well designed event and I'm sure I will be participating!

Shameless plug:

Stab armor plates available at the Animal Armor shop for Scipulors!!

Hihi :laugh:

Wow. Just, wow. :bowdown:
This will be awesome! Can't wait to see the website in action.
Please register Kitty Kitty Fire

Sounds awesome! Register pls :)
Avatar name: Pavol Svako Giertl
Please register: Enviro Larry Lagoono :cool:
Please register Jay VeNgeNcE Spitzel.

Good luck everyone.
Please register "Monkey Lou-Cifer Lou" :)
What an incredibly well thought out event :wtg:

Good luck to all participants!

Please register: Bruce NickName Leeroy
This has to be one of the most thoughout events put on and self funded by a player, great job!

Sign me up!
maybe I can get 142nd place.I know, lofty goals..sign me up Xavior Target Technosplurg
Awesome event!

Register: Temptress Hakalugi Ripper
I'll take a spot on the list

Bare BareBones Bones
Sign Me Up!!!

Killarious K-Max Maximillion

Looks like a great event.
AH, the Entropia Universe spirit force is Epic as shown for this event! Too the "platinum moon" and back and oh yeah, please register/sign me up, thank you.

Bang, Bang,
Vi V3r0nyka BitFury
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register me pls

Maria Tsuande Magdalena

Very nice that someone actually made up such an event heads up!
A lot of nice things said, thank you guys! I hope its fun the whole way through. If at any point you have a question or concern don't hesitate to reach out to me on here or in game. If you have some critique, or words of encouragement, those are great too! :)

This will be the first Lootius Mayhem launched, so I'm expecting there to be some kinks/bugs along the way, hopefully they are minimal. I'm wanting to sharpen the rules/mechanics and balance the event as needed based on your feedback and my own observations(after it's over). The code is pretty robust, so there's a lot we can do with it.

So far, registered these players:
MsPudding;3768124 said:
Registered Players:

Inherent Marxus Legends
Nakor of Boreft
Enviro Larry Lagoono
Leir'hy Leon Ension
Luri UncleMo Nightshade
-Saphire of Dark-
Kitty Kitty Fire
Pavol Svako Giertl
Jack Wuzi Daniels
Wand AxeMurderer Silva
Jay VeNgeNcE Spitzel
Monkey Lou-Cifer Lou
Bruce NickName Leeroy
Boo Who You
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Xavior Target Technosplurg
Affe Aframo Mr Afroman
Temptress Hakalugi Ripper
Bare BareBones Bones
Killarious K-Max Maximillion
Vi V3r0nyka BitFury
Maria Tsuande Magdalena

If you haven't voted on which Character Class you want me to play, please do so by clicking here!
Sign me up baby.

Kenpachi SilentCrow BlackFalcon
Add me please
Michael23 JK Park