Lucky / Unlucky avatars .. whats the answer?

Name			G	U
Aetherex		2265	10
Allophyl		33628	157
Ambulimax		96453	350
Araneatrox		25716	65
Argonaut		76982	254
Armax Bull		13193	42
Armax Cow		8286	24
Atrax			21810	73
Atrox			378034	959
Attacker		3259	13
Aurli			126344	220
Berycled		5811	52
Big Bulk		2368	51
Boorum Female		388	3
Boorum Male		3252	16
Bristlehog		5883	19
Calamusoid Female	259	4
Calamusoid Male		337	1
Calypsocod		107	0
Caperon			2050	6
Caudatergus		1407	22
Cersumon		11010	36
Chirpy			16	2
Chomper			24219	36
Combibo			1979	59
Cornoanterion		3114	16
Cornundacauda		6358	40
Cornundos		857	5
Daikiba			4092	51
Daspletor		9963	360
Decomposing Zombie	263	2
Defender		1226	5
Diripi			27	1
Droka			8181	42
Drone			57075	211
Drone Communicator	5	0
Drone Coordinator	4066	18
Elvis Dragon		113	0
Eomon			12373	331
Equus			2221	8
Estophyl		18920	62
Eviscerator 		13009	40
Exarosaur		3234	52
Falxangius		12254	19
Faucervix		1920	30
Feffoid			93891	331
Formicacida		7459	15
Formidon		23777	46
Foul			3084	20
Frescoquda		48696	79
Fugabarba		16	2
Fungoid			669	3
Furor			19496	53
Garcia Dragon		20	0
Gibnib			10	0
Globster		5067	9
Gokibusagi		1315	7
Gradivore		827	2
Grand Formidon		1303	2
Hendrix Dragon		48	3
Hiryuu			519	4
Hispidus		3271	14
Hogglo			64961	90
Igni			29	2
Itumatrox		27832	69
Joplin Dragon		35	0
Kerberos		705	7
Kingfisher		11757	13
Kreltin			60801	131
Legionaire		5104	19
Lemmy Dragon		733	14
Lemmy's Guardian	123	0
Letomie			8260	15
Leviathan		16960	388
Lone Wolf		119	2
Longtooth		40718	586
Longu			17284	91
Maffoid			13054	49
Malcruentor		3518	5
Mermoth			1512	8
Merp			928	46
Miner Bot		436	1
Molisk			15346	72
Morrison Dragon		30	0
Morsusilex		625	6
Motörhead Security	804	4
Mourner			184	0
Mulciber		1049	36
Mulmun			10999	191
Muluk-Hir		4324	12
Mulaak'f		10776	17
Neconu			12420	33
NEVERDIE Dragon		207	3
Nexnecis		1680	5
Oculus			3514	14
Osseocollum		9653	39
Phasm			7925	8
Plumatergus		126	3
Pop Dragon		3013	5
Prancer			432	3
Proteron		35790	670
Pupugi			65	1
Razortooth		137	0
Repesilex		110	0
RipperSnapper		126	6
Rudolf Dragon		71	0
Sabakuma		404	10
Scaboreas		2211	6
Scipulor		81349	121
Second Entity		13014	17
Snablesnot-Female	401	17
Snablesnot-Male		246	12
Snarg			1843	7
SnarkSnot		417	18
Sonic Squid		103	0
Spider Bomber		326	0
Sumima			17760	44
Tantardion		874	4
Tantillion		685	23
Tezlapod		1320	4
The			2030	74
Thorafoid		172	0
Thorifoid		4889	16
Thorio			1139	2
Thorofoid		288	2
Trilomite		980	5
Tripudion		1754	10
Trooper			5039	15
TskTsk			2677	3
Turp			9	1
Umbranoid		4266	17
Vampire Chick		207	0
Warlock			7223	37
Warrior			11498	47
Werewolf		464	4
Here's another lucky player

Atrox Young 8724 PED Saturday, September 04, 2010 19:05
Maffoid Outcast 162 PED Tuesday, March 24, 2009 15:03
Atrox Old 186 PED Monday, February 23, 2009 15:43
Molisk Scout 50 PED Thursday, December 25, 2008 16:27
Atrax Mature 3395 PED Thursday, December 25, 2008 15:44

Maybe us unlucky ones are playing too often, we should maybe only on every few months or years.

Maybe he was grinding all that time, and never even got one global... :D
With ET its impossible to know how much ped theyve rotated to get those hofs/globals right?

Hof/Global doesnt mean profit.

the only way this could ever be looked at seriously, is if you get a large group of avatars in a study to record everything they do, amount deposited, amount spent, all decay, gear, and so on, every single possible vairiable. Including if they profit or loose.

And then carry that study out for a extended period of time.

Untill a study like that takes place, imo such claims cant be taken seriously.
Name			G	U
The			2030	74

The... Eviscerator? :scratch2: :scratch2:

Oh, and average values are pretty much useless w/o mean deviation, im afraid :(

Give us some more!
Glob/hof ratio - from best to worst

Merp                    928     46	928	46	0,049568966
Snablesnot-Male         246     12	246	12	0,048780488
RipperSnapper           126     6	126	6	0,047619048
SnarkSnot               417     18	417	18	0,043165468
Snablesnot-Female       401     17	401	17	0,042394015
The                     2030    74	2030	74	0,036453202
Daspletor               9963    360	9963	360	0,036133695
Mulciber                1049    36	1049	36	0,034318398
Tantillion              685     23	685	23	0,033576642
Combibo                 1979    59	1979	59	0,029813037
Eomon                   12373   331	12373	331	0,026751798
Sabakuma                404     10	404	10	0,024752475
Plumatergus             126     3	126	3	0,023809524
Leviathan               16960   388	16960	388	0,022877358
Big Bulk                2368    51	2368	51	0,021537162
Proteron                35790   670	35790	670	0,018720313
Mulmun                  10999   191	10999	191	0,017365215
Exarosaur               3234    52	3234	52	0,016079159
Caudatergus             1407    22	1407	22	0,015636105
Faucervix               1920    30	1920	30	0,015625
Calamusoid Female       259     4	259	4	0,015444015
Longtooth               40718   586	40718	586	0,01439167
Daikiba                 4092    51	4092	51	0,012463343
Kerberos                705     7	705	7	0,009929078
Morsusilex              625     6	625	6	0,0096
Berycled                5811    52	5811	52	0,008948546
Boorum Female           388     3	388	3	0,007731959
Hiryuu                  519     4	519	4	0,007707129
Prancer                 432     3	432	3	0,006944444
Thorofoid               288     2	288	2	0,006944444
Foul                    3084    20	3084	20	0,006485084
Cornundacauda           6358    40	6358	40	0,006291287
Cornundos               857     5	857	5	0,005834306
Tripudion               1754    10	1754	10	0,005701254
Gokibusagi              1315    7	1315	7	0,005323194
Mermoth                 1512    8	1512	8	0,005291005
Longu                   17284   91	17284	91	0,005264985
Cornoanterion           3114    16	3114	16	0,005138086
Droka                   8181    42	8181	42	0,005133847
Warlock                 7223    37	7223	37	0,005122525
Trilomite               980     5	980	5	0,005102041
Boorum Male             3252    16	3252	16	0,004920049
Molisk                  15346   72	15346	72	0,004691776
Allophyl                33628   157	33628	157	0,004668728
Tantardion              874     4	874	4	0,004576659
Fungoid                 669     3	669	3	0,004484305
Drone Coordinator       4066    18	4066	18	0,004426955
Aetherex                2265    10	2265	10	0,004415011
Hispidus                3271    14	3271	14	0,004280037
Warrior                 11498   47	11498	47	0,004087667
Defender                1226    5	1226	5	0,004078303
Osseocollum             9653    39	9653	39	0,004040195
Attacker                3259    13	3259	13	0,003988954
Umbranoid               4266    17	4266	17	0,003984998
Oculus                  3514    14	3514	14	0,003984064
Snarg                   1843    7	1843	7	0,003798155
Maffoid                 13054   49	13054	49	0,003753639
Legionaire              5104    19	5104	19	0,003722571
Drone                   57075   211	57075	211	0,00369689
Ambulimax               96453   350	96453	350	0,00362871
Equus                   2221    8	2221	8	0,003601981
Feffoid                 93891   331	93891	331	0,003525365
Armax Bull              13193   42	12193	42	0,003444599
Atrax                   21810   73	21810	73	0,003347088
Argonaut                76982   254	76982	254	0,003299473
Estophyl                18920   62	18920	62	0,003276956
Thorifoid               4889    16	4889	16	0,003272653
Cersumon                11010   36	11010	36	0,003269755
Bristlehog              5883    19	5883	19	0,003229645
Eviscerator             13009   40	13009	40	0,003074794
Tezlapod                1320    4	1320	4	0,003030303
Trooper                 5039    15	5039	15	0,002976781
Nexnecis                1680    5	1680	5	0,00297619
Calamusoid Male         337     1	337	1	0,002967359
Caperon                 2050    6	2050	6	0,002926829
Armax Cow               8286    24	8286	24	0,002896452
Muluk-Hir               4324    12	4324	12	0,002775208
Furor                   19496   53	19496	53	0,002718506
Scaboreas               2211    6	2211	6	0,002713704
Neconu                  12420   33	12420	33	0,002657005
Atrox                   378034  959	378034	959	0,002536809
Araneatrox              25716   65	25716	65	0,002527609
Itumatrox               27832   69	27832	69	0,002479161
Sumima                  17760   44	17760	44	0,002477477
Gradivore               827     2	827	2	0,00241838
Miner Bot               436     1	436	1	0,002293578
Kreltin                 60801   131	60801	131	0,00215457
Formicacida             7459    15	7459	15	0,002010993
Formidon                23777   46	23777	46	0,001934643
Letomie                 8260    15	8260	15	0,001815981
Globster                5067    9	5067	9	0,001776199
Thorio                  1139    2	1139	2	0,001755926
Aurli                   126344  220	126344	220	0,001741278
Mulaak'f                10776   17	10776	17	0,00157758
Falxangius              12254   19	12254	19	0,001550514
Grand Formidon          1303    2	1303	2	0,001534919
Scipulor                81349   121	81349	121	0,001487418
Chomper                 24219   36	24219	36	0,001486436
Malcruentor             3518    5	3518	5	0,001421262
Hogglo                  64961   90	64961	90	0,001385447
Second Entity           13014   17	13014	17	0,001306286
TskTsk                  2677    3	2677	3	0,001120657
Kingfisher              11757   13	11757	13	0,001105724
Phasm                   7925    8	7925	8	0,001009464
Frescoquda              48696   79	408696	79	0,000193298
The... Eviscerator? :scratch2: :scratch2:

Yes.. When I added that mob to the db.... I fsucked up in the "name and generation" table... and I havent been bothered changing it... :)

Ill see if I can build a "SQL tool" so you can "build" a query to the database your self.. :)
Glob/HOF Ratio - From best to worst

Thanks for info Starfinder, I sorted the tab a little bit, I hope its ok.

The tab has some duplicate columns because of my lame excel editing, but all data are valid :)

Interresting info is to the right, the HOF/Glob ratio. The bigger the number is, the better it should be, if you looking for "uber" loot.

I have removed RockTropia mobs because I dont hunt them (no interresting numbers on em too) as well as mobs with zero HOFs recorded. Also few very low HP mobs removed (diripi pupugi igni fuga chirpi) because they seem obsolete in case that you are chasing uber loot.


Merp                    928     46	928	46	0,049568966
Snablesnot-Male         246     12	246	12	0,048780488
RipperSnapper           126     6	126	6	0,047619048
SnarkSnot               417     18	417	18	0,043165468
Snablesnot-Female       401     17	401	17	0,042394015
The Eviscerator         2030    74	2030	74	0,036453202
Daspletor               9963    360	9963	360	0,036133695
Mulciber                1049    36	1049	36	0,034318398
Tantillion              685     23	685	23	0,033576642
Combibo                 1979    59	1979	59	0,029813037
Eomon                   12373   331	12373	331	0,026751798
Sabakuma                404     10	404	10	0,024752475
Plumatergus             126     3	126	3	0,023809524
Leviathan               16960   388	16960	388	0,022877358
Big Bulk                2368    51	2368	51	0,021537162
Proteron                35790   670	35790	670	0,018720313
Mulmun                  10999   191	10999	191	0,017365215
Exarosaur               3234    52	3234	52	0,016079159
Caudatergus             1407    22	1407	22	0,015636105
Faucervix               1920    30	1920	30	0,015625
Calamusoid Female       259     4	259	4	0,015444015
Longtooth               40718   586	40718	586	0,01439167
Daikiba                 4092    51	4092	51	0,012463343
Kerberos                705     7	705	7	0,009929078
Morsusilex              625     6	625	6	0,0096
Berycled                5811    52	5811	52	0,008948546
Boorum Female           388     3	388	3	0,007731959
Hiryuu                  519     4	519	4	0,007707129
Prancer                 432     3	432	3	0,006944444
Thorofoid               288     2	288	2	0,006944444
Foul                    3084    20	3084	20	0,006485084
Cornundacauda           6358    40	6358	40	0,006291287
Cornundos               857     5	857	5	0,005834306
Tripudion               1754    10	1754	10	0,005701254
Gokibusagi              1315    7	1315	7	0,005323194
Mermoth                 1512    8	1512	8	0,005291005
Longu                   17284   91	17284	91	0,005264985
Cornoanterion           3114    16	3114	16	0,005138086
Droka                   8181    42	8181	42	0,005133847
Warlock                 7223    37	7223	37	0,005122525
Trilomite               980     5	980	5	0,005102041
Boorum Male             3252    16	3252	16	0,004920049
Molisk                  15346   72	15346	72	0,004691776
Allophyl                33628   157	33628	157	0,004668728
Tantardion              874     4	874	4	0,004576659
Fungoid                 669     3	669	3	0,004484305
Drone Coordinator       4066    18	4066	18	0,004426955
Aetherex                2265    10	2265	10	0,004415011
Hispidus                3271    14	3271	14	0,004280037
Warrior                 11498   47	11498	47	0,004087667
Defender                1226    5	1226	5	0,004078303
Osseocollum             9653    39	9653	39	0,004040195
Attacker                3259    13	3259	13	0,003988954
Umbranoid               4266    17	4266	17	0,003984998
Oculus                  3514    14	3514	14	0,003984064
Snarg                   1843    7	1843	7	0,003798155
Maffoid                 13054   49	13054	49	0,003753639
Legionaire              5104    19	5104	19	0,003722571
Drone                   57075   211	57075	211	0,00369689
Ambulimax               96453   350	96453	350	0,00362871
Equus                   2221    8	2221	8	0,003601981
Feffoid                 93891   331	93891	331	0,003525365
Armax Bull              13193   42	12193	42	0,003444599
Atrax                   21810   73	21810	73	0,003347088
Argonaut                76982   254	76982	254	0,003299473
Estophyl                18920   62	18920	62	0,003276956
Thorifoid               4889    16	4889	16	0,003272653
Cersumon                11010   36	11010	36	0,003269755
Bristlehog              5883    19	5883	19	0,003229645
Eviscerator             13009   40	13009	40	0,003074794
Tezlapod                1320    4	1320	4	0,003030303
Trooper                 5039    15	5039	15	0,002976781
Nexnecis                1680    5	1680	5	0,00297619
Calamusoid Male         337     1	337	1	0,002967359
Caperon                 2050    6	2050	6	0,002926829
Armax Cow               8286    24	8286	24	0,002896452
Muluk-Hir               4324    12	4324	12	0,002775208
Furor                   19496   53	19496	53	0,002718506
Scaboreas               2211    6	2211	6	0,002713704
Neconu                  12420   33	12420	33	0,002657005
Atrox                   378034  959	378034	959	0,002536809
Araneatrox              25716   65	25716	65	0,002527609
Itumatrox               27832   69	27832	69	0,002479161
Sumima                  17760   44	17760	44	0,002477477
Gradivore               827     2	827	2	0,00241838
Miner Bot               436     1	436	1	0,002293578
Kreltin                 60801   131	60801	131	0,00215457
Formicacida             7459    15	7459	15	0,002010993
Formidon                23777   46	23777	46	0,001934643
Letomie                 8260    15	8260	15	0,001815981
Globster                5067    9	5067	9	0,001776199
Thorio                  1139    2	1139	2	0,001755926
Aurli                   126344  220	126344	220	0,001741278
Frescoquda              48696   79	48696	79	0,00162231
Mulaak'f                10776   17	10776	17	0,00157758
Falxangius              12254   19	12254	19	0,001550514
Grand Formidon          1303    2	1303	2	0,001534919
Scipulor                81349   121	81349	121	0,001487418
Chomper                 24219   36	24219	36	0,001486436
Malcruentor             3518    5	3518	5	0,001421262
Hogglo                  64961   90	64961	90	0,001385447
Second Entity           13014   17	13014	17	0,001306286
TskTsk                  2677    3	2677	3	0,001120657
Kingfisher              11757   13	11757	13	0,001105724
Phasm                   7925    8	7925	8	0,001009464

This is just TT wise, so it doesnt take in account that some mobs tend to drop high MU stuff (Esi, UL, etc), so they can uber silently. Also on some mobs (usualy with lower hp, low spawn, hard to hunt etc) there are not too many recorded Globs/HOFs so the numbers are less acurate.

Seems merp is a good mob to start with, if u want to get uber loot sooner than later ;) (or Daspletor :D ). Atrox has many recorded hofs and globs, yet it seems the mob has very bad ratio...
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Seems merp is a good mob to start with, if u want to get uber loot sooner than later ;) (or Daspletor :D ). Atrox has many recorded hofs and globs, yet it seems the mob has very bad ratio...

After more than 10'000 Merps killed in the last two month I cant say they are good in Globals/HoF's as I scored exactly Zero, as you can see on Entropia Tracker, maybe I'll get one, Global or even HoF, while killing the last 6k of them.

Having said that I still cant complain as I think I did not loose much more than maybe 100 or 200 ped on the first 10K kills. Only a fraction of the peds lost while killing the 50 Longthooth or during the first days of the robot event.

Thanks Starfinder for your great tool.
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MMM interesting data.... I would love to see a tool that could calculate the percentages over a certain time period as well, with the respected totals of peds. :yay:

MONTH June/2010

Merp = # 400 (K) * 100 (G)--- / 8 (U) ------ ( 25% (G) - 2% (U) )
--------------------5000 peds / 8000 peds

Total percent return over 50 ped = 27%
Ped amount = 13000 ped

legend (K = kills) (G = globals) (U = ubers)

Im pretty sure the number of kills can't be done, but the rest of it would could be. :D
Thank you for all your hard work.. It is an excellent tool!! :wtg:
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Again ill mention my loot frequency theory.

what I call ubers are estimate 400-800 times of cost to loot show up about 1 in 30-40K loots

Uber Ubers 1 in 5 of those (estimate 1500 times or more) so once in 150-200K loots

Normal loot is
0-3 times per mob
3-10 times every 25 loots (minis)
10 times or more every 100 loots (normal peaks or globals on 3-8 ped per kill mobs)
100 times every 1500-2000 loots

using these numbers small merps should only global on the uber mulpliers or about 1 in 30-40K killed. and out of those globals 1 in 5 will be a uber mulplier of 1500 or more times cost per kill which still is not big enough to be a TT uber. Actual results have the bigger merps of course which are more likely to global within normal loot factors.

Using my frequency theory any mob that costs about 5 peds to kill should global every 100 kills on average so it should uber ever 300-400 globals

I am using a guesstimate on all these numbers, starfinders data may make it possible for me to get a more accurate guess.

What id like to see is a progam that that takes the hp of each maturity and divides by 3 to get the approximate cost per kill. Then using this data translate multiplier size for every mob so see if all mobs have a similar ratio of larger hits. Also may help determine which mobs may hit bigger multipliers more often etc.

Also a mob like Mulciber I think could give a good indicator of what each loot mulplier is on avg for mobs since I believe every single one killed globals.