Mad Marchness


May 21, 2007
Agents of Entropy
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Karmic Karmic Nature
Late on this post because of feffox, didn't have time to do anything but that :(

Staying on Rocktropia for the patch was a bust. It looks like they didn't get much of any of their stuff in, including TEN items. Since I had the weapons waiting I went ahead with the plan to kill Motorhead Royalty. It actually went fine as far as loot but no TEN items, the clubs and shortblades skills from the mission were welcome though!

I needed to go back to calypso to collect some of my MM split, a little more than 200 peds of it but every little bit is welcome with all these events going on. What's that? another robot event, this time with 125227 skill choices for each level? Grats me on more dodge.

It took a little while to figure out which robots were going to be profitable. Drones no, legos no, trooper no, harbinger yes! Why harbinger? because even on small globals the loot looks like this.

The components they dropped were selling at 120% too for a while and they dropped a lot of them. Of course that eventually fell to nothing and I stopped looting Kallous-7. They were still a good choice even though with only 2 people hunting them it was the other guy that looted the unlimited Igni 1000. Profits looked good except for a few ill fated team hunts on Big Bulks.

I also took some time to sell the ESI i had and some old advanced target assessment units for great markups.

Heading back to Caly to sell always seems to bump up the monthly profit numbers so hear goes.

Ped +1107
skills +2095 lots in dodge

MOtorhead royalty I,II
drone I,II
Lego I
Trooper I,II
Harbinger I,II,III

Lots of Dodge.

April looks like more robots, I did spend some time skilling mindforce on the vortexwhatever guys and shared steel birds but that's really not working out for me either. I really want to get back to Arkadia and treasure hunt some more for health and farm instances for arkoins, but, until caly events are over and all the UL weapons stop dropping I think I'm stuck on caly.