Mandyr Mining Runs

May 24, 2005
Avatar Name
Mandyr DoT Khron
Hi Everyone.

So, after being out of the game for a couple of years i remembered i still had some peds to spen so i decided to come back :)

Since MA wiped all my skill i decided to start in something that i mostly ignored before: Mining! (geez what a suprise rigth? :p)

So without more delay i present my firsts runs

Run #1


Bombs Spents - 50
Finder - Z10 unamped

Ore Mined
1387 Lysterium
125 Gazzurdite
69 Belkar
56 Narcasium
39 Zinc
32 Caldorite
SubTotal TT = 60.32
SubTotal with MU (at the time) = 68.71


Probes Spent - 50
Finder - MF-102 unamped

Matter extracted
627 Crude Oil
128 Melchi Water

SubTotal TT = 8.85
SubTotal with MU = 9.5

Total TT = 69.17
Total With MU = 78.21
Spent in Repair/Bombs/Probes = 77.05

Overall TT = -7.88
Overall MU = 1.16

Got quite lucky with ores in this run, if i didnt try my luck with enmatter i would profit even with tt alone but enmatter was a disaster and ended um being saved bu MU just barely.

Run #2


Bombs Spents - 47
Finder - Z10 unamped

134 Iron
101 Narcasium
95 Zinc
36 Blausarium
4 Ignisium
SubTotal TT = 39.24
SubTotal MU = 44.06


Probes Spent - 47
Finder - MF-102 unamped

625 Crude Oil
132 Force Nexus
46 ALicenies Liquid
SubTotal TT = 9.87
SubTotal MU = 10.23

Total TT = 49.11
Total MU = 54.29
Spent in Repair/Bombs/Probes = 72.08

Overall TT = -22.97
Overall MU = -17.79

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -30.85/-16.63

So... enmatter went sligthly better but was worse so ended up with quite a loss.

Run #3


Bombs Spents - 53
Finder - Z10 unamped

1884 Lysterium
273 Belkar
70 Cumbriz
34 Narcasium
5 Gazurdite
SubTotal TT = 38.77
SubTotal MU = 43.59


Probes Spent - 53
Finder - MF-102 unamped

1206 Crude Oil
1075 Melchi Water
41 Garcen
SubTotal TT = 37.66
SubTotal MU = 38.58

Total TT = 76.43
Total MU = 82.17
Spent in Repair/Bombs/Probes = 80.09

Overall TT = -3.66
Overall MU = 2.08

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -34.51/-14.55

good run overall, loss with tt but with mu i go into the positive.

Enouh for today, more coming tomorow :)
May I suggest longer runs? They seem to be more effective.
May I suggest longer runs? They seem to be more effective.

thanks for the sugestion m8 but already doing it, this are past run that i recorded in paper and im now posting, forgot to mention that :)
Run #4


Bombs Spents - 50
Finder - Z10 unamped

1312 Lysterium
215 Caldorite
5 Erdorium
SubTotal TT = 52.47
SubTotal MU = 58.38


Probes Spent - 50
Finder - MF-102 unamped

461 Melchi
41 Alicenies
14 Garcen
1 Growth
SubTotal TT = 13.14
SubTotal MU = 14.51

Total TT = 65.61
Total MU = 72.38
Spent in Repair/Bombs/Probes = 76.68

Overall TT = -11.07
Overall MU = -4.3

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -45.58/-18.85

Hit my first large deposit, almost my first global at mining :)
pity that even that didnt managed to cover the recurrent dister that was enmatter so ended up again on negative.

Run #5


Bombs Spents - 50
Finder - Z10 unamped

971 Lysterium
108 Blausarian
67 Blekar
65 Cumbriz
33 Gazzurdite
22 Megan
8 Copper
SubTotal TT = 38.61
SubTotal MU = 41.6


Probes Spent - 50
Finder - MF-102 unamped

1189 Oil
107 Melchi
SubTotal TT = 14.03
SubTotal MU = 14.7

Total TT = 52.64
Total MU = 56.3
Spent in Repair/Bombs/Probes = 75 (seems i mislocated the expenses on repairind and decay do z10 so it would be a little higher)

Overall TT = -22.36
Overall MU = -18.7

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -67.94/-37.55
I had some luck with Z10, i think it is good starting ore finder.
Run #6


Bombs Spents - 50
Finder - Z10 unamped

318 Blausarian
26 Cobalt
13 Gazzurdite
2 Durulium
SubTotal TT = 22.77
SubTotal MU = 24.38


Probes Spent - 50
Finder - MF-102 unamped

349 Force Nexus
261 Sweetstuff
41 Alicenies
6 Lytairian
4 Typo
SubTotal TT = 10.46
SubTotal MU = 11.47

Total TT = 33.23
Total MU = 35.85
Spent in Repair/Bombs/Probes = 75 (once again forgot to check repairs/decay)

Overall TT = -41.77
Overall MU = -39.15

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -87.35/-57.73

near 50% loss... nothing else to say i guess.

Run #7


Bombs Spents - 50
Finder - Z15 unamped

646 Belkar
171 Blausariam
30 Gazzurdite
25 Copper
Total TT = 30.76
Total MU = 36.32
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 51.28

Overall TT = -20.52
Overall MU = -14.96

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -107.87/-72.69

Switched to a z15 and didnt had that much luck 37 NRF's and the ones i got was small or below. Oh also stoped doing enmatter, going to concentrate on ore for now since it seems the one were i have more luck.

Run #8


Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Ligtht

1746 Lysterium
213 Caldorite
163 Cumbriz
61 Iron
36 Gazzurdite
10 Erdorium
7 Durulium
Total TT = 104.65
Total MU = 115.19
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 155.55

Overall TT = -50.9
Overall MU = -40.36

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -158.77/-113.05

So my first run amped, missed a lot, came back with enough to pay up the bombs but not the amp.

Run #9


Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Ligtht

1156 Belkar
313 Gazzurdite
203 Hansidan
7 Durulium
Total TT = 109.00
Total MU = 142.37
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 153.36

Overall TT = -44.36
Overall MU = -10.99

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -203.13/-124.04

Lot of misses again, around 3/4 of bombs were NRF's, but did got ore with relatively nice MU's and an uncommon founf, hansidian.
So while i still ended in the negative it was nice :).

Run #10


Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Ligtht

356 Lysterium
245 Alferix
Total TT = 236.31
Total MU = 238.66
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 102.66

Overall TT = 133.65
Overall MU = 136

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -69.48/11.96

Well this was a great run, got roughly 50% of hits and a global of 116ped Alferix :) :yay: my first Mining Global!
Even if i didnt had the global i would almost break even. my best run ever :)

Funny thing, i got this one today and i started this thread yesterday, maybe the rumor is true :p.
Keep up the good work, and congratz on global!
Run #11


Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Ligtht

8679 Lysterium
984 Blausariam
114 Iron
22 Gazzurdite
Total TT = 146.47
Total MU = 151.15
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.55

Overall TT = -8.08
Overall MU = -3.4

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -77.56/8.56

Not a bad run, minimal loss. 2/3 of the bombs were NFR's but got saved by 2 ample finds.
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gl mandy! hope you will profit in the long run.

If you want to join a mining soc and share knowledge dont hesitate to klick the link below.
Here i am again :)

Thanks for the invite SODERD but im in a soc of fellow contryman and im quite content.

Before i post the newest run were it is the screenshot of my first mining global

Now for the run:

Run #12

Bombs Spents - 98
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Ligtht

1801 Belkar
629 Gazzurdite
26 Durulium

Total TT = 214.07
Total MU = 268.25
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 152.2

Overall TT = 61.87
Overall MU = 116.05

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -15.69/124.61

Another global, this time of Gazzurdite wich have a rather decent MU compared with Alferix.

The run was actually going very badly until i hit the global, in the end i ended up with a nice return :)
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Run #13

Bombs Spents - 98
Finder - Z15+OA-102

240 Alferix

Total TT = 228.00
Total MU = 239.4
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 211.07

Overall TT = 16.93
Overall MU = 28.33

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = 1.24/152.94

Decided to give a try to a 102 amp, more or less the same result as the 101 and also got a global even if smaller then the others

65ped Alferix.

Run #14

Bombs Spents - 98
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Light

5996 Lysterium
898 Belkar
157 Gazzurdite
107 Cumbriz
38 Caldorite
32 Lanorium
23 Narcanisum
18 Durulium

Total TT = 160.98
Total MU = 173.72
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 153.79

Overall TT = 7.19
Overall MU = 19.93

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = 8.43/172.87

Switched back to a 101 since peds were running low (been to lazy to trade my ore :p) and went for another run. Decided to try a new place but was getting a lot of NRF's so decided to relocate to one of my favorite places. on the way there i decided to drop some bombs and scored this global

50ped Lysterium with a tt extractor can be really boring :zzz:

When i got to my mining spot it had constumers already it seems so ended up giving back less than it usualy does.

Even so ended on positive so a good run :)

P.S The profits ended being used to craft amp for the first time, resulting ofc in the loss of the bigger part of the money invested. oh well fun day anyway :p
Run #15

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Light

7918 Lysterium
98 Cumbriz
32 Caldorite

Total TT = 99.52
Total MU = 101.42
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.56

Overall TT = -55.24
Overall MU = -53.14

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -46.81/119.13

Run #16

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z15+OA-101 Light

2005 Lysterium
225 Calorite
205 Cumbriz
190 Blausarian
117 Zinc
25 Cobalt

Total TT = 115.55
Total MU = 122
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.56

Overall TT = -39.01
Overall MU = -32.56

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -85.82/86.57

Well, 2 runs that didnt go so well, was trying new mining spots and seems i got unluck :(
Well lets hope it will go better next time :)
Run #17

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-102

265 Alferix

Total TT = 251.75
Total MU = 259.30
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 214.56

Overall TT = 37.19
Overall MU = 44.74

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -48.63/131.31

Run #16

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-102

371 Gazzurdite
414 Belkar
52 Duru
2 Kanerium
Total TT = 147.63
Total MU = 175.11
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 214.87

Overall TT = -67.04
Overall MU = -39.56

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -115.67/91.75

So this time i started quite good, another alferix global and got good profit, so decided to try another run, started good getting a XI rigth at beggining but ended up getting a lot of NRF's. Did managed to get 5ped of Kanerium, first time i saw it since i left the game years ago.
Run #19

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

4570 Lysterium
365 Blausarian
162 Iron
76 Gazzurdite
Total TT = 100.36
Total MU = 107.41
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = -54.54
Overall MU = -47.49

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -170.21/44.26

Run #20

Bombs Spents - 200
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

1500 Blausarian
249 Frigolite
159 Alferix
92 Lanorium
20 Dianum
Total TT = 286.17
Total MU = 298.09
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 311.29

Overall TT = -25.12
Overall MU = -13.2

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -195.33/31.06

Meh, luck ran out it seems, run #19 was really bad, run #20 was going bad but changed place and it got better, the alferix is allwasy saving my runs :)
heh geing lazy lately so didnt upgrade this little blog but here comes the next runs.

Run #21

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

1808 Lysterium
596 Blausarian
409 Cumbriz
218 Zinc
94 Ganga
2 Terradite
Total TT = 138.55
Total MU = 145.11
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.87

Overall TT = -16.32
Overall MU = -9.76

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -211.65/21.3

Run #22

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

444 Belkar
285 Gazzurdite
41 Durulium
Total TT = 112.93
Total MU = 127.23
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = -41.97
Overall MU = -27.67

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -253.62/-6.37

Run #23

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

1082 Lysterium
1074 Narcasium
676 Zinc
Total TT = 164.37
Total MU = 182.29
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.91

Overall TT = 9.43
Overall MU = 27.38

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -244.19/21.01
Run #24

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

321 Alferix
Total TT = 304.95
Total MU = 307.99
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = 150.05
Overall MU = 153.09

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -94.14/174.1

Run #25

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

1107 Lysterium
814 Zinc
280 Iron
106 Narcasium
15 Quantium
Total TT = 146.51
Total MU = 159.86
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = -8.39
Overall MU = 4.96

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -102.53/179.06

Run #26

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

527 Zinc
471 Narcasium
380 Lysterium
339 Blausariam
44 Cobalt
8 Azzurdite
Total TT = 126.2
Total MU = 137.14
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 149.4

Overall TT = -23.2
Overall MU = -12.26

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -125.73/166.8
Run #27

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

5695 Belkar
32 Caldorite
Total TT = 119.34
Total MU = 137.23
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 155.91

Overall TT = -36.57
Overall MU = -18.78

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -162.3/148.02

Run #28

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

509 Belkar
99 Copper
20 Erdorium
3 Ignisium
114 Megan
34 Durulium
10 Niksarium
3 Azzurdite
Total TT = 93.94
Total MU = 97.15
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = -61.16
Overall MU = -57.75

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -223.46/90.27
Run #29

Bombs Spents - 200
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light+OA-102

484 Alferix
9 Gold
Total TT = 468.8
Total MU = 478.89
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 370.81

Overall TT = 97.99
Overall MU = 108.08

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -125.47/198.35

Run #30

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

2656 Belkar
256 Gazzurdite
47 Durulium
Total TT = 158.32
Total MU = 180.7
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = 3.42
Overall MU = 25.8

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -122.05/224.15

Run #31

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

1216 Zinc
3436 Lysterium
264 Narcasium
16 Iron
5 Quantium
Total TT = 182.16
Total MU = 193.24
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = 27.26
Overall MU = 38.34

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -94.79/262.49

Run #32

Bombs Spents - 100
Finder - Z20+OA-101 Light

4183 Lysterium
170 Cumbriz
108 Zinc
71 Ganganite
Total TT = 86.65
Total MU = 98.73
Spent in Repair/Bombs = 154.9

Overall TT = -68.26
Overall MU = -56.18

Total Profit/Loss (TT/MU) = -163.05/206.31

Day off so i went nuts and did 4 runs 500 bombs total, good day i must say even with the loss on the last run.