Selling: Mayhem LP-40 Perfected T3.9. Omegaton M83 Predator T10. EST. Ares Augmented. Athenic Perfected. Hermetic Perfected, more


Dec 13, 2005
Avatar Name
Feng Huan SecretAznMan Zho
SOLD A&P Series Mayhem LP-40 Perfected Tier 3.9 SOLD

SOLD Omegaton M83 Predator Tier 10 SOLD

Adjusted Restoration Chip B/O: TT + 4600

Divine Intervention Chip I B/O: TT+1550

Modified EMT kit Ek-2350 Tier 0.9 B/O TT+4400

Athenic Ring Perfected: TT+3700
Ares Ring Augmented: TT+ 5250
Hermetic Ring Perfected: TT+650

EST Earth Shock Trooper Set 1 (Low Arms). Total TT: 187.96. B/O 1650%
Harness Tier 2.6. TT: 41.91
Arm Tier 2.7. TT: 5.87
Gloves Tier. 1.3 TT:19.87
Helmet Tier 1.6. TT: 31.89
Shin Tier 1.7 . TT: 31.08
Thigh Tier 1.6. TT: 37.53
Feet Tier 1.2. TT: 19.77

EST Earth Shock Trooper Set 2. Total TT: 267.13. B/O 1500%
Harness Tier 0.0. TT: 65.83
Arm Tier 0.7. TT: 40.61
Gloves Tier 0.3. TT: 22.19
Helmet Tier 0.0. TT: 41.88
Shin Tier 0.8. TT: 29.57
Thigh: Tier 0.0. TT: 46.23
Feet: Tier 0.3. TT: 20.79

Procedure: Make me an offer by PM. I will post offer if not rejected and set a time after which the item is yours. Odds of me rejecting an offer is likely if your offer is not within 90% of Market Value. Your odds of being an acceptable offer is very good of you are at least within 95% of Market Value.

Other stuff will come in a new post.
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Added some terms of sale.
Bump it to the top!
Friday Bump Day.
Saturday morning bumpss!!
Sunday morning bumps!
Monday morning bumps! :)
Bump this up to the top!
Saturday morning bumps!!
Sunday fun day bump!
Monday bumps!
Another bump for some nice gear :)
Monday evening bumps
Tuesday Bump! :D :D
Bump to the top...received a possible offer for lp-40......
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To the top again!!!
M83 has been sold. LP40 hopefully soon also :) :).
Thursday fun day bumps
LP40 Perfected has been sold, may it bring many hofs to the new buyer :)