Mining after MM?


Jul 4, 2009
Hi, have a few question to other miners...

1. Before MM, I was getting a 75 to lol, 200 percent return while mining, for several months. After MM, I'm averaging 35 to 60 percent return.

My question, is this happening to anyone else?

Last question, does anyone think that MM effects mining? After all, it is a hunting gig.

1. no
2. no
Doubt it has any relevance to MM. In December I had low returns (no more than 2/3 usually), last few weeks had a nice tt profit, this week I had ~70%, but from last few runs I can say that It's getting slightly better. My point being - It's probably a coincidence that after MM you had bad returns and you shoudn't really look for patterns or anything like that all the time. Besides you are saying you had even tt profit runs - you can't really expect to profit TT wise from MA all the time - MA would have gone bankrupt a long time ago, if that was true.
"The good times" seems to be over for you, payback time.
I would rather blame too many ATHs and ubers given out recently ;)
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blame Canada!!!!
1. no
2. no


I will also extend this to almost any theory weird miners have

In my experience the only thing that affects tt are:

1) bombing in the same place continuously (although you may get the tt back in time afterwards, no concrete proof either way yet)

2) redropping in a area before 1.5 hours

3) nothing else :) (what i mean is nothing STUPID, ie dropping bombs on the ground without a finder lol)


oh ok, my mistake, haha. had to recheck, my apologies
My own returns since mid-December (5k bombs) do show an overall fall compared with the previous 3 months (10k), but there are some interesting features.

During a period overlapping MM I had very bad returns; this was followed by a week of very good returns (this was also the week the 217 ATH occurred; someone also had a 13k unamped). Now I have had 3 weeks of stable return, which is still worse than that pre-MM, mainly because of the absence of any big finds.

Now all this may just be normal waves, but it is also consistent with MA tuning their loot system.

- MA turned down the loot in December
- they realised it was too low, and turned it back up, but too far (hence the ATH)
- they adjusted it down again.
- they have raised the normal loot and reduced the number of big finds. So taken day-to-day, returns look better, but long term they are actually worse.

btw I mine Calypso, not FOMA, which I think makes changes in return easier to see. TK320/VRX2000 & Lvl 5 amp.
My returns have been stable as usual + or - a few ped tt each run up until a week or so ago when I did a depo to buy a quad and have some fun..ever since I have been getting 30 to 40% returns. So again my cc is now removed from the game for at least another year.

Nearly 53 levels in prospecting and cant get the courtesy of a 5 dollar global once a month, and they wonder why I talk shit on em all the time.
My mining has been the best ever since MM, clearly MM makes mining loot better.:laugh:

Seriously, we all get our good streaks and bad streaks... When my luck is bad, it doesn't seem to matter what I do, change area for mining, or hunt a different mob, go to another planet, I just run out of peds faster....