Mining excavator enhancers currently bugged


Jun 10, 2013
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Tony KingofAces Hans
In short, if you add a mining speed excavator enhancer for any tier, it is supposed to 10% of the base efficiency, or the amount of stones an extractor pulls per use (though stones pulled also scales differently depending on resource base TT value). This shows in the item stats menu when you pull it up as well.

However, that does not increase the actual amount of stones pulled per use when you tally it up. In short, differences in base efficiency in the stats window (confusing with hunting eff., I know) between different extractors does show a difference, but the actual recorded differences with enhancers are no different than unenhanced. This first came up in a previous thread by Deepa after some conversation, and I wanted to start a new thread with a clearer warning to those who haven't seen it, and because it looks like Deepa's thread can't have the title edited for some reason.

Here's my original testing reply I made after that initial discussion came up:

I was pretty surprised by this since when you change between excavators, higher "efficiency" means more stones per pull. However, I never bothered to test this just with enhancers because I assumed the in-game stats increasing meant the same. I went and did some formal testing, and it looks like these enhancers are bugged.

I'm on Cyrene right now, so I tested my tier 2 Improved Excavator for alternating claims (no enhancers or 2 enhancers) on Yellow Crystal. That's 15.2 eff. vs 18.2 as the stats are shown in-game. After 125 pulls each, I averaged 79.6 stones per pull with 2 enhancers, and 79.1 stones per pull with none (p =0 .76). That p-value from a t-test confirms that there is no significant difference between the two and that tiny bit of difference is just random variation rather than an actual treatment effect. I thought it might just be an effect that would show through on averages, but no dice. That excavator should have forced an effect since only two other excavators have higher eff.

So in short, the enhancers do not work as advertised at all even though the in-game window actually says efficiency is increased. I'm not one who goes out of the way criticize MA, but this one is extremely misleading. Thanks for Deepa2 bringing this up, because I sure wouldn't have thought to even double check this. I'm glad I didn't spend 6k in MU to go to tier 3 in my excavator, and I'm definitely not doing it in the near future.

Just for reference, an ME/01 has 6.8 eff. and averages around 34.9 stones per pull after about 50 pulls. Between that and the improved, it looks like for every 1 efficiency an excavator has, it will pull about 5.2 stones per pull. If the in-game window's listed stats with enhancers of 18.2 followed the same trend, my testing should have pulled around 93 stones per pull on average instead of 79.

This is mostly as a warning to those using mining excavator enhancers that they are currently a waste of PED (in terms of MU anyways since you get TT back in shrapnel). I also already submitted a bug report on this, so MA does know about it, but I'm also posting this in case some of our MA forum residents want to get up to speed on what's been found so far.
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Thank you for saving me a bunch of peds for nothing tiering my excavator. Please let us know if MA gets back to you.
great post. I would like to see these fixed asap, as it has taken a long time to tier my extractors, and was really annoyed to find out that the enhancers were not working.
Just another friendly reminder bump.
Bump for the weekend. Hopefully this ends up in a known bugs issue whenever MA puts another general update statement out for a patch for VU.
I hadn't been mining for quite some time.
Today I went back to it for a bit, I put enhancers on my exctractor (Tier 3), and I was surprised by the average amount of stones at each exctraction which seemed to be exactly the same as without any enhancer.

I'll double check next time, but it seems to me that indeed the enhancers for exctractors does not work.
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I hadn't been mining for quite some time.
Today I went back to it for a bit, I put enhancers on my exctractor (Tier 3), and I was surprised by the average amount of stones at each exctraction which seemed to be exactly the same as without any enhancer.

I'll double check next time, but it seems to me that indeed the enhancers for exctractors does not work.
Yeah, I recently did a mini-test about a week ago again, and that's pretty much exactly it. I might get around .9 ped on a single pull at max without enhancers, and it's pretty much the same max even with enhancers.
Tried another round of testing a few days ago, and still no difference. I’ll probably wait to try again at the next VU.
Did the yogs get fixed for speeding up excavators yet btw?
Did the yogs get fixed for speeding up excavators yet btw?
Never tested those, though that one should be relatively easy to compare for anyone that owns one since you don’t need to deal with averages.
Still doesn't work for me too. And no answer on ticket.
I wonder if MA will make announcement or continue to steal money sneakily :unsure:
I tested again yesterday on a big claim, whith stones worth 0.65 PED each.

100% sure, excavator enhancers are bugged/broken.

So they don't works at all, but still they break..

Would be nice to get a little word from MA, at least..
You know something like "we are aware of it, we work hard to solve it, blah blah.." :sleep:

I have enhancers in inventory that wait to go back on excavator.
And I'm pretty sure alot of people still using them, not knowing that they don't works..
Would be nice to get a little word from MA, at least..
You know something like "we are aware of it, we work hard to solve it, blah blah.." :sleep:

That’s actually why I reported it over a month before the VU. I figure that way they could at least add it to their known bugs list that comes with each update description. . .

I’m rarely one to gripe about MA compared to some of the whinge posts I see on the forum sometimes, but sorry for giving you all the lead time MA. Just think of the furor something like this would cause if say it was weapon damage enhancers that falsely stated a damage increase on the stats but actually did nothing.
:LOL: nobody gives a @#ck, especially MA
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Weekend bump. Still no formal notice for players from MA that the in-game stats are listed incorrectly.
:naughty: Bump note what MA fu:banana:ng you over mining enhancers.
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B.U.M.P :yay:

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Bump before the VU. This is the second VU since it was reported, so I'll be curious to see if it gets addressed this time.
Bumping this again. I see in the auction history people are still buying these enhancers not knowing they are broken. MA really needs to put a notice somewhere if it isn't going to be fixed over two separate VUs already.
MA please look into this. It is important to us.