Mob level


Old Alpha
Nov 26, 2005
villiers sur marne
Avatar Name
firejuggler water zabimalu
Hi. as per 11.10, MA introduced a mob danger level.

Link for similar topic on the different planet
Arkadia mob info
Next Island mob info
Rocktropia mob info

So far , we know that

Plumatergus Young​
Sabakuma Young
Sabakuma mature
Snable F Young
Snable M Young​
Berycled Young
Exaro Young
Fugabarba Young
Sabakuma Old
Snable F Mature
Snable F Old
Snable M Mature
Snable M Old​
Exaro Mature
Exaro Old
Fugabarba Dominant
Gradivore Young
Prancer Young
Sabakuma Guardian
Sabakuma Provider
Snarksnot Young
Shinkiba Mature
Snable F Dominant*
Snable M Guardian
Snable M Provider*
Berycled Mature
Combibio Young
Combibo Old
Cornundacauda Young
Cornundacauda Mature
Exarosaur Provider
Diripi Young
Exaro Guardian
Foul Young
Prancer Mature
Sabakuma Dominant
Shinkiba Old
Snable F Provider
Snarksnot Old
Snarksnot Mature​
Berycled Old
Caudatergus Old
Combibo Mature
Combibo Provider
Cornundacauda Old
Cornundos Young
Exaro Dominant
Faucerix Young
Faucervix Mature
Foul Adult
Snarksnot Guardian
Snarksnot Provider
Tripudion Young​
Argo Young
Armax Cow Young
Combibo Guardian
Dripi Prov
Exarosaur Old Alpha
Faucervix Old
Igni Old
Rippersnapper Young
Rippersnapper Mature
Snarksnot Dominant
Tripudion Old
Thorafoid Worker
Calypsocod Young
Caudatergus Provider
Cornundos Mature
Foul Gatherer
Igni Provider
Longu young
Merp Young
Mermoth Young
Molisk Young
Rippersnapper Old
Rippersnapper Prov
Shinkiba Dominant
Snarksnot Alpha
Tantillion Mature
Tantillion Old
Trilomite Young
Thorafoid Gatherer
Tripudion Mature​
Argo Adult
Armax Bull young
Armax Cow Old
Bery Dominant
Bristlehog young
Combibo Dominant
Cornundos Old
Drone 01
Equus Young
Longu Mature
Merp Mature
Merp Old
Snarg Mature
Tantillion Provider
Tantillion Guardian
Thorafoid Patron
Trilomite Mature
Trilomite Old​
Argo Gatherer
Argo Scout
Bristlehog Old
Calypsocod Mature
JamRaider Gen 01
Merp Provider​
Armax Bull Mature
Argo Guardian
Atrax Young
Berycled Alpha
Bristlehog Provider
Calypsocod Old
Caudatergus Guardian
Hiryuu Mature
Molisk Adult
Snarg Old
Trilomite Young
Thorio Outcast
Thorofoid Patron​
Berycled Old Alpha
Caudatergus Dominant
Combibo Old Alpha
Cornundos Provider
Hiryuu Old
Longu Old
Longu Provider
Tezlapod Young
Tez Mature
Thorofoid Thief​
Armax Bull Old
Caudatergus Alpha
Drone 04
Hiryuu Provider
Hiryuu Guardian
Nexnecis Young
Tez Old​
Argonaut Raider
Argonaut Scavenger
Armax Bull Provider
Atrax Guardian
Boorum Male Outcast
Calypsocod Provider
Combibio Prowler
Drone 05
Gokibusagi Mature
Longu Guardian
Molisk Scout
Oculus Young
Scaboraeas Young
Shinkiba Stalker​
Drone 06
Itumatrox Young
Snarg Guard
Tezlapod Provider
Thorifoid Watcher​
Atrax Dominant
Boorum Male Guard
Combibio Stalker
Drone 07
Itumatrox Mature
Nexnecis Mature
Snarg Dominant
Thorifoid Adept​
Argonaut Hunter
Drone 08
Formidon Young
Harbinger Beta
Itumatrox Old
Leviathan Young
Longu Dominant
Merp Stalker
Molisk Gatherer
Scaboraeas Mature​

Armax Bull Dominant
Cersummon Young
Droka 1
Harbinger Gamma
Nexnecis Old
Warrior Gen 01​
Allophyl young
Drone 09
Fefoid outcast
Harbinger Delta
Molisk Guardian
Thorifoid Gatherer
Trooper 1
Warrior Gen 02​
Droka 2
Formidon Mature
Hispidus young
Longu Alpha
Mulmun Outcast
Warrior gen 03​
Formicacida Weak
Neconnu Young
Thorifoid Shaman
Trooper 2
Warrior Gen 04​
Allophyl mature
Droka 3
Feffoid Bandit
Molisk Scavenger
Scaboreas Provider
Sumina Young
Thorifoid Shaman
Warrior Grn 05​
Formicacida Strong
Formidon Old
Harbinger Digamma
Maffoid Bandit
Maffoid Outcast
Neconnu Mature
Trooper 3​
Atrox Young
Droka 4
Feffoid Guard
Hispidus Old
Itumatrox Dominant
Longu Old Alpha
Neconu Old
Razortooth Young
Sumina Mature
Trooper 4
Warrior Gen 06​
Allophyl Old
Atrox Mature
Feffoid Raider
Formicacida Ravager
Maffoid Guard
Neconu Provider
Razortooth Mature​
Droka 5
Feffoid Warrior
Maffoid Raider
Neconu Guardian
Sumina Old​
Atrox Old
Allophyl Provider
Formidon Provider
Maffoid Warrior
Razortooth Old
Sumina Provider​
Esto Young
Formicacida Watcher
Kingfisher Young
Phasm Young
Razortooth Provider
Trooper Gen 06
Warrior Gen 07​
Allo Guardian
Armax Bull Prowler
Kingfisher Mature
Sumina Guardian
Trooper Gen 07​
Esto Mature*
Legionaire 1
Molisk Raider
Warrior gen 08
Zombie biker outlaw​
Atrox Provider
Allophyl Dominant
Kingfisher Old
Sumina Dominant​
Esto Old*
Feffoid Warlord
MAffoid hunter
Molisk Hunter
Razortooth Dominant​
Chomper Young
Legionaire 2
Maffoid Warlord
Scipulor Old​
Esto Provider*
Falx young (confirmed at LA16)*
Feffoid Champion*
Hogglo Young
Maffoid Champion
Molisk Warrior *
Razortooth Alpha
Sumima Old Alpha​
Allo Old Alpha*
Atrox Guardian
Chomp Young
Feffoid Clan Warlord*
Second Entity gen 1*
Sumima Prowler​
Ambu young (confirmed this one my self at nea)*
Eviscerator Gen 01​
Razortooth Old Alpha
Second Entity gen 02*​
Allo Prowler*
Ambu Mature*
Furor Adept
Hogglo Mature
Maffoid Clan Warlord*
Sumima Stalker​
Esto Dominant*
Grand Formidon Young​
Atrox Dominant
Eviscerator Gen 2
Scipulor Alpha​
Aurli Weak
Chomper Old​
Esto Alpha*
Hogglo Old
Scipulor Old Alpha​
Allo Stalker*
Furor Worker
Globster young*​
Malcruentor Young
Scipulor Prowler​
Falx Prowler*​
Falxangius Stalker
Globster Mature*
Malcruentor Mature
Scipulor Stalker​
Fresco Young
Hogglo Provider
Malcruentor Old
Osseocollum Young​
Malcruentor Provider​
Aurli Watcher
Globster Old*
Malcruentor Guardian
Molisk Leader*​
Atrox Old Alpha
Osseocollum Mature​
Aurli soldier​
Fresco Mature
Hogglo Guardian
Kreltin Young
Proteron young​
Furor Patron​
Kreltin Mature
Letomie Young*
Warlock 7​
Aurli Strong
Fresco Old
Osseocollum Old​
Atrox Prowler​
Kreltin Old​
Furor Thief​
Fresco Provider​
Aurli Ravager
Hogglo Dominant
Ara young
Aurli Devastator
Proteron Mature​
Atrox Stalker
Furor Rogue​
Aurli hunter​
Mulaak'f Guard​
Araneatrox Mature
Aurli Chaser
Furor Scavenger​
Proteron Old​
Furor Looter​
Osseo Old Alpha​
Aurli Majestic​
Araneatrox Old​
Osseo Prowler​
Aurli Queen​
Harbinger Iota​
Araneatrox Prowler​
Warlock gen 10​
Araneatrox Stalker​

data needing precision/checking

- TskTsk L19 to L21.
- Formicacida L21

thanks to all for your data.

the level for mid level/ hard mob seem screwed up. Low level one seem consistant with HP.

Missing data on calamusoid, caperon,daspletor, mulmun,Muluk-Hir,Tsktsk and many calypso mob i forgot

entropedia added a ' danger level' collumn

* Level doesn't feel appropriate
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I think Gibnib and Exarosaur Young are both L3?

Esto Young is L28, Mature is L30
Allo Prov is L27
Yeah the levels are stupid.
Maybe the regen is taken in account? ambu have regen, not falx.
Or they should have 2 sort of danger level.. one for mob with regen, one without.
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chomp young is L36.

snarg guard is L15, some tsk 19 to 21.

i guess it's just hp based, disregarding dmg.
Also confused about levelcount.

Globster 44
Fresc 52-64

So dmg can not be criteria.

Atrox/Formicacida 21/21 so regen also no criteria.

So what is "compared"?
maybe the level of armor needed?
ara young 67(or similar can't remember)

my guess aggro,regen and dmg?
This is one of the stupidest things they've bought into the game EVER, IMO. Last I checked.. this wasn't WoW and I didn't have to be lvl 50 to kill lvl 55 mobs to get the best xp. Seriously... Sack it.
osseo prowler 97... didnt see any stalker though
Subscribing. Nice thread.
what would interest me now would be the level of mulciber/ big dasp just to get an idea.

Maybe its aggro,regen and dmg as suggested by johan roadkill.
I don't understand why people are so excited about mobs having a level next to their name. If you've got half a brain you know how hard a creature is to kill, which ones you can pick on and which ones to run the hell away from.
new planet... to know right away what you can kill / try to. Also, to help noob with direction : ' don't hunt anything above L10'
new planet... to know right away what you can kill / try to. Also, to help noob with direction : ' don't hunt anything above L10'

But where's the fun in that? Half the excitement when I was a noobie was to test out my abilities on every mob. Which one would kill me fastest, which ones I could run from, etc. In a way I think this will limit the challenge for both new players and old because people will have a notion of what is "too difficult" for them when actually, because it's got a number by it that may be a little high, they won't bother in the first place.
But where's the fun in that? Half the excitement when I was a noobie was to test out my abilities on every mob. Which one would kill me fastest, which ones I could run from, etc. In a way I think this will limit the challenge for both new players and old because people will have a notion of what is "too difficult" for them when actually, because it's got a number by it that may be a little high, they won't bother in the first place.
You know, with all the nerfs that have been implemented over the years, I don't think we should be too upset about one thing being made easier. :laugh:

But no matter what way you slice it, Allo/Esto are not tougher than Formi and Ambu are not tougher than Falx/Chomper, etc, etc. So unless the levels are adjusted, they are going to be a bit misleading.
Atrax young lvl 11
you can choose to ignore the level, as , for now they are a bit misleading.
must be way an troxdom is tougher then an sumima or scip stalker
sum/scipstalker had lower number then trox dom,and trox dom isa noobmob
You know, with all the nerfs that have been implemented over the years, I don't think we should be too upset about one thing being made easier. :laugh:

But no matter what way you slice it, Allo/Esto are not tougher than Formi and Ambu are not tougher than Falx. So unless the levels are adjusted, they are going to be a bit misleading.

I don't think you're getting my point. MA have done so much already to take the soul and excitement out of the game compared to how it used to be... This is just another senseless thing to add to the list.

Don't you remember the adrenaline rush you used to get when you were new and facing up to a new mob and the anticipation you'd have as you wondered how hard it was gonna thwack you? I was personally looking forward to getting my arse handed to me on Arkadia when I tried out every mob I ran into. Now, I'm just gonna see something is difficult, know it is difficult and not bother. Poo.

Anyway, Trilomite Young was lvl 11 too, I think.
must be way an troxdom is tougher then an sumima or scip stalker
sum/scipstalker had lower number then trox dom,and trox dom isa noobmob

Small Levi has same lvl like small trox. Think levi has much more HP than small trox. Don't think it is HP related.
So it seems that low mob level is consistant with HP. Medium/ hard seem screwed.
Don't you remember the adrenaline rush you used to get when you were new and facing up to a new mob and the anticipation you'd have as you wondered how hard it was gonna thwack you?
Not really...I always check Entropedia before I do anything so as to be sure I'm not wasting PEDs!

I do get what you're saying. I'm just being adaptive.
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Thanks all for your data.
Not really...I always check Entropedia before I do anything so as to be sure I'm not wasting PEDs!

I do get what you're saying. I'm just being adaptive.

You're "adaptive" because you don't know any better.

We'll all get used to the change but just because I'll get used to something doesn't mean I have to like it.
hmm I like the idea in general and ofc it would make the exploration of Arkadia A LOT easier in the first days before we have Entropedia data. However if it stays at this stage then I will just ignore it... no matter how you twist it an allo young is not as dangerous as a leviathan. lol I really don't understand why allo are lvl20+... they have low aggro they have medium health and they do low dmg and hardly ever hit? ....
they have regen...
If 'regen' add a static level that might explain it.
say that static is like 10 level. Ambu become 27 and it make a bit more sense.

edit : not possible or it would screw Trox value
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