Need your experience on this one...

Francis Drake D

Oct 12, 2006
TuSaLuSa Stalkers
Avatar Name
Francis Drake Dragon
Hi there fellow Entropians,

The little piece of information i need is related to Snablesnots, so if you are or have been for a while a snablesnot hunter, please read.

Can't remember how many thousands of them i killed so far, but i keep killing it now and then since i started playing on EU ( previously PE ).

Back on April/May/June 2006, i remember i got 2 Esi ( the old ones, TT 9.99 )from this mob... can't recall if it was from male or female snablesnots, but i really did it by that time.

The question is : Since somewhere in time ( can't precise the VU ) i didn't had the chance to loot a single Esi from those snables again, and i took a look on Entropedia Creature Loots, and the Esi's are still there as loot for this mob.

Anyone of you looted an ESi from these creatures on the last months ??????

I'll apreciate all your hints and info about this doubt i have ( if i'm unlucky or the Esi stop droping from snablenots ).
ESIs can, in theory, drop from any mob. However, it seems they are much more likely to drop from bigger mobs. I'd say that in April/May/June 2006 you were EXTREMELY lucky to get those, although it was a bit easier to get ESIs from smaller mobs back then. If you got one from a snable now I think it would have to be in a major HoF.

I've had one ESI from an atrax in 18 months of hunting, nothing more :rolleyes:
I've been camping snablesnots since june or july. Globalled twice, 62 ped and 79 ped. Never seen an ESI drop.
No ESI EVER from a snablesnot not even when they were called GSI :D
I've had an ESI drop from an Atrax, Merp and a chicken.
I reckon esi's have a perfectly even chance to drop from everything. The reason they drop more often from massive mobs is because their average loot is much higher. In theory as soon as a loot is >10 ped, there is a chance that loot will be an esi. Even chirpies/fuga/gibnib/turp can loot an esi, it's just that the chances to get a >10 loot coupled with the additional chances that part of that loot will BE an esi is why it is incredibly rare.

If you camped snable stalkers in CND for ages, you would probably get one

Speaking of the tiny birds, my first "bigger" loot was actually from a fugabarba, i got an AnP Brave!
ESI lootet so far:
Atrox 3x, Neconu 1x, Malcru...damnit stupid name 1x, Chomper 1x, Nexnecis 1x

Never from Snablesnot, and never globaled on a Snable!

Edit: maybe I forgot one or another ESI I looted from some bigger Mobs
I had a 900 ped hof on a snable the first day of this vu and no esi
try combibos, i looted an esi from an old, when almost no esis were on auc, and they went for around 1.4k% :):)
Nope, never from a snable personally. Armax, Argo, Allo and Drone are the only ones who've donated one to me ;)
Tantillion young gave me one the other day.
Entropedia says the last confirmed drop of an ESI was VU 8.4.2 for male snables, that was ages ago!

Dunno what made you think they'd still drop...
Simple fact!: Every mob drops ESI's! even chirpys!
The only problem is they don't drop big enough loot to often allow an ESI
Let me explain

Like a warrior or atrox their mini's since they take a ped or 2 to kill are about 10-40 ped depending on how good the mini is.
Now Esi's drop probably 2% of all mini's/globals
(Not exact numbers just an example also some mobs might have a bigger % of dropping an esi in the mini/global cause it has the right value of loot. reason why certain mobs drop more than others.)
So you would need 50 10+ mini's to get a esi.
Now snables take 1-2 shots to kill depending on gun.
Their mini's are 1-3 ped. Won't allow for an esi to drop
BUT! if you kill enough to get what would be considered a global/Hof on a mob say warrior instead on a snable it would be a bigger 10-40 ped mini. and at 2% you'd need 50 (Regular mob globals) To get a 10-15 ped esi on a snable.

This is a rough guess. I dunno the exact numbers no one does but an ESI can drop from a chirpy to a dasplator you just need the right sized loot.
Simple fact!: Every mob drops ESI's! even chirpys!
The only problem is they don't drop big enough loot to often allow an ESI
Let me explain

Like a warrior or atrox their mini's since they take a ped or 2 to kill are about 10-40 ped depending on how good the mini is.
Now Esi's drop probably 2% of all mini's/globals
(Not exact numbers just an example also some mobs might have a bigger % of dropping an esi in the mini/global cause it has the right value of loot. reason why certain mobs drop more than others.)
So you would need 50 10+ mini's to get a esi.
Now snables take 1-2 shots to kill depending on gun.
Their mini's are 1-3 ped. Won't allow for an esi to drop
BUT! if you kill enough to get what would be considered a global/Hof on a mob say warrior instead on a snable it would be a bigger 10-40 ped mini. and at 2% you'd need 50 (Regular mob globals) To get a 10-15 ped esi on a snable.

This is a rough guess. I dunno the exact numbers no one does but an ESI can drop from a chirpy to a dasplator you just need the right sized loot.

This sounds about right, and just reinforces my constant and incredible frustration that I have looted only one ESI in nearly 100 globals and many hundreds of minis.

The obvious explanation is that MA hates me.
i got a 730 peder on one a while ago and only got oils...
Entropedia says the last confirmed drop of an ESI was VU 8.4.2 for male snables, that was ages ago!

Dunno what made you think they'd still drop...

Thank you all for sharing your experiences until now.

The reason i posted this thread is that one precisely : Are Snablesnots still droping Esi's ??? ( yes, i recall those two i got back then when i had dippers where still called GSI's = General skill implants ).

Keep this issue updated
I got 2 ESIs from the massive Feff spawn in one night (!) when I was making the run to get the TP at Segna Forest (yes, that long ago... there weren't even minerals in the ground yet).

I also got 1 from a Cornundacauda guardian in a silent global, along with some wool, a few bigwig boards and a couple of pec.

Haven't seen one since the bloody switch from money on mobs to oils, ointments, unguents and garbage.