New Mob Content


Sep 17, 2006
In the Refrigerator, Behind the Mayonnaise, Next t
Skillin Villains
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Bare BareBones Bones
Please , lets have some new mob content instead of recycling the same over and over.

Something that excites me enough to give you my money.
In terms of variety there is plenty as of the other planets. They better concentrate on making loot tables and justification to hunt bigh hp mobs as they only have disadvantages at this point (little skill bonuses, looter skills, no big hofs, loot tables same as small maturities).
I.e. make the existing ones useful rather than throwing a new bunch and making balancing even more difficult.
Obviously there is a wide variety of mobs , and I do travel quite often.

When i wrote this , I had just come from an event discussion on another thread and didn't think my wording through.

I would like to see MA sponsor more content for events with new mobs , to excite the base again as they did when feffoid was first introduced.

I think if we are spending large amounts of money compared to other MMO's , we deserve something exciting.

But I guess all that will do is take away from their limited staff.
I would like to see MA sponsor more content for events with new mobs.

We deserve something exciting.

A new suggested exciting mob :
the Men in Black

Source of inspiration : the famous photo of some MindArk members trolling around in black suits.

EDIT+UPDATE : After a long and difficult research finally I found the MYTHICAL photos :laugh:
(See my next message, in this Thread, for another photo and more details)


A Creative new Mob with a mild symbolic reference : SUCCESS guaranteed :dunce::dunce::dunce:

Another example of a creative and a bit crazy mob (just that kind of crazyness truly liked by people) was the Mutated Chirpy (a Chirpy dealing 200 damage), used in an Event in 2006.

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How about a new mob type called Ubers?

HP 300-500
Damage potential: Huge
Damage type: Penetration/Burn

Make a spawn of them near the Oil Rig :D

Pesky Uber
Vicious Uber
Holy Uber
Uber of Ubers (boss)
A new suggested exciting mob :

The Men in Black

Source of inspiration :
the famous/infamous photo of some MindArk members trolling around in black suits.
(please someone post that well known photo so I will add it here, I haven't found it yet)

An Ironic and creative new mob with a mild symbolic reference to MindArk staff : success guaranteed :dunce:

Other example of a creative and a bit crazy mob (just that kind of crazyness liked by people) was the Modified Chirpy (a black chirpy dealing 200+ damage), used in an event in the early 2000s, if I remember correctly.


The men in black comes to me and take my peds and leaves without even a hug or anything :S
The men in black come to me and take my peds and leave without even a hug or anything :S

Hahaha fantastic :laugh:

After a long and difficult research finally I found the famous photos that were my source of inspiration :laugh:

(The photos of some MindArk members trolling around in black suits, aka "the Men in Black", come from


A Creative new Mob, with a mild symbolic reference : SUCCESS guaranteed :dunce::dunce::dunce:

CUTE UPDATE : In the CODEX Description of this New Mob Type, we might read something like :
"The Men in Black simply have been a part of human folklore for a long time. NO similarities to actual persons should be inferred " ;)

-->Recommended Launch Song for the New Mob :cool: :

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The men in black come to me and take my peds and leave without even a hug or anything :S

This comment also made me think about another funny idea, to make the new mob even nicer :

when a Man In Black attacks, he runs to you and when in close range, he tries to HUG you :laugh:
[ CUTE UPDATE : As alternative choice -also easier to implement than a hug animation- the Man In Black stops 3m away from you,
and starts throwing kisses at you , causing damage ofc :laugh:

Create a funny animation for all this, add some hilarious sounds, and you have the most successful mob ever :yup:

CUTE UPDATE #2 : In the CODEX mob description we might read something like :
"The Men in Black simply have been a part of human folklore for a long time. NO similarities to actual persons should be inferred " ;)

About possible Copyright Issues on the name "Men in black", note that the term was commonly in use long before the 1st movie released in 1997.
And anyway the source of inspiration for the new mob isn't any movie.

In case of improbable problems of any sort, the name of the new mob could be "Men in Black Suits", or simply "Black Suits" (since they can be men or women ! ).

There also could be Creature-Control-Capsules dedicated to these "Men in Black"/"Black Suits" .

If MindArk develops funny ideas like this one, the results could be outstanding in terms of Player appreciation :yup: :bowdown: :yup:

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This comment also made me think about another funny idea, to make the new mob even nicer :

when a Man In Black attacks, he runs to you and when in close range, he tries to HUG you :laugh:

[ CUTE UPDATE : As alternative choice -also easier to implement than a hug animation- the Man In Black stops 3m away from you, and starts throwing kisses at you, causing damage ofc :laugh: ]

New-New-New CUTE UPDATE #2 : In the CODEX mob description we might read something like :
"The Men in Black have simply been a part of human folklore for a long time. No similarities to actual persons should be inferred " :)

Create a funny animation for all this, add some hilarious sounds , and you have the most successful mob ever :yup:

If MindArk develops funny ideas like this one, the results could be outstanding in terms of Player appreciation :yup: :bowdown: :yup:


Let's add something to this Concept of a New Class of Mobs, properly called "Funny Mobs" :

(1) The Slapper (aka "Bud" for friends) : A Big and Fat Robot, that runs to you and starts slapping you without mercy ; PROPER funny sounds included :D

Source of inspiration for various funny animations and sounds :

(2) "Bruce" : A Thin and Agile Robot, capable of incredible kung-fu moves coupled with ridicolous yells of various types :D

Source of inspiration for various funny animations and sounds :

Enjoy :)

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I would like to see the Aurli cave mobs come out into the CP domes once a year for those who do not have access now that Mindark has some control over them both. You WANT to go to CP. As well, there should be a repeatable mission on CP with a solid bonus. You NEED to go to CP. I also want to see about removing the TP fee for the customers of CP, because they are the most awesome players in the game. You HAVE to go to CP. I dont know about you guys, but when it comes to mob content, I think of CP. GO to CP.
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I suddenly feel a strong urge to stop at CP next time I go to Caly. It seems your mind-trick has worked on Dorki. But heroic MindArk stepped in and crashed their own servers to help Dorki resist this urge. Thank you. :lolup:
After the Men in Black , Bud , and Bruce ,

now petition opened for a Benny Lava-like mob : in honor of one of the most legendary Youtube memes ever.

Sources of Inspiration for funny sounds and animations (including "DA MOVE" : see below for the description) :

NOTE: here activate the video subtitles to better enjoy this Benny Lava's masterpiece...

The name of this new funny mob might be Benny LOVA .

Description of the mob
: Benny Lova attacks running towards the Player, then in close distance he performs "DA MOVE" :
a NAIVE CATASTROPHIC dance move that deals an Immense Damage to the Player

( That damage supposedly is the price for the privilege of attending Benny Lova's performances :nana:)


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Mob Divine Mister Pink,
It cannot be destroyed, with a suitcase full
with tokens and blazar always leaves without damage.
So nobody wants to fight Neo, Trinity, Morpheus or all those Agent Smiths. Anyone afraid to take the red pill?
So nobody wants to fight Neo, Trinity, Morpheus or all those Agent Smiths. Anyone afraid to take the red pill?

Yes for now, we took more than enough during the halloween survival.