New scam trick

He have 2 avatars ingame. So i will try and email mindark soon about that. and link to this case. Maybe they will take action as more accounts. Especially for exploiting with. Is illegal.

Going to bed and work tommorrow. anyhow i will log in tommorrow when i get home from work and reply to everyone requesting the name.

Sleep well when your time comes :)

Wet behind the ears
Okay The PM inbox got full. So some might not been capable of getting the names :) this a full time job hehe.

PM me again for the names. I cleared some space. im sorry if you wasted some time writing a longer PM to then see you can't send it.
Circumventing the no naming rule by telling ppl to pm you makes it into rule 2.13 - "Scamming Accusation", which is not allowed on EF.

I suggest, as you said yourself, that you contact MindArk about the matter.
