New to the Forums and Entropia


May 4, 2010
Hello, I played Entropia Universe briefly a year or two ago and was attracted to the game because of the Real Cash Economy model that it employs. This is still one of the major selling points of the game to me, as no other MMO currently carries the 'weight' of being such a fully functioning economy. The reason I originally didn't stay with the game is because I played it as a solo-effort without really spreading my wings and interacting with other players, which is something I plan on doing this time. I look forward to becoming a part of this community and playing along side of all of you.
Wishing you all the best in your entropia endeavours :)


Thanks for the warm welcome. If you (or anyone else here, haha) has any helpful tips for noobs that would be appreciated greatly.
Welcome back! :)
For tips for noobs, check out the threads in the n00bs corner. Maybe you find something helpful (or ask your own questions). :)
WB `n don`t forget to bring your friends. :)
Just by searching around I quickly remember that there is very little official documentation with this game, haha. Has much changed in the past 2 years or should I expect a similar play experience?