Next Island II The results


May 21, 2007
Agents of Entropy
Avatar Name
Karmic Karmic Nature
Putting my plan into action meant a lot of grinding on little papoo. These guys have very low health, 40-100 or so and run away from you when they get scared. This requires low damage weapons and my usual little mob finisher (TT powerfist) is not useful. Luckily, I packed most of my storage with me and the rarely used Emik s30 UL i looted off of an attacker long ago.

Fighting looked something like this.

Pull with a mindforce chip
one swing of Embra if it was one of the higher maturities, kesmek slo if not.
finish with S30.

Exciting no?

Loot (after markup), however, looked like this:

TT+MU returned/TT+MU spent


These were the results from each run I did on NI, most runs covered multiple days (including drakes, chimera, skeletons, sharks, but mostly papoo. This is after selling most time travel parts, however, the ultimate markup might end up much higher since my storage is now full of other crystals, papoo, and other parts.

Just for fun, lets play a guessing game, guess which of the above runs was on sharks.

Practically all of the muscovite and obsidian I looted went into the auction but some went to p2p trades for parts like drake hearts and shark stuff. The prices are high because the blueprint success rate is so low. 1.2ish ped of materials in create a 5 ped output causing most people to click on full condition with a success rate around 3%.

This has to change in order for time travel to be viable for most participants unless Ancient Greece starts dropping the mod merc equivalent of melee weapons.

From a newbie perspective, anyone that started on NI during this time could have done exactly what I did, I found a couple that were making their way through with the blueprint quest and papoos.

Once I learned the next patch wasn't going to be until mid summer and with Rocktropia 2.0 around the corner I decided to move back to caly. I'll probably use the peds from NI to cycle mining for a while and hope for blueprints on Rocktropia 2.0 to click.

Some portion of the profits went into possibly overpaying for Rocktropia parts with unknown uses. It's interesting psychology wise how much easier it is to pay a high markup on items once you've sold things for a decent markup.

Best month in a while, lots of ped, lots of junk in storage, lots of mindforce skills and some psyche.
March Avatar TT value: +5.83%
March Avatar Skill TT value: +2.12%