Noob trying Crafting


Apr 15, 2007
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Yalin Trelan Oman
So I am still a noob:ahh: at the game but have deposited. I had been only hunting previously but recently have decided to try different professions. I tried mining with no success. Now I am trying manufacturing. I decided to skill with a Basic Pump with a thousand attempts and now need a little advice. I want to know if I should continue to skill the Blueprint to 100 Quality rating, currently at 29.1. I actually like manufacturing if I can sell my Blueprints at market value then I will have actually broken positively on my first attempt. So does anyone have any advice on what I should next in crafting? My goal is to actually be able to craft power fists, but am not sure if that is feasible yet with my current budget.
You used the word "budget" in your post. You can't do that if you want to be a crafter;)

It is a long, hard, expensive road. SEARCH for advice, it's all over here. I'd recommend keeping at minng for a while as you get engineering and materials whihc you will need to craft. Scan robots if you polan to skill on certain componenets. Some of the enw componenets use mats you can get by hunting, you can hunt mobs that drop stuff you need to use.

I don't want to discourage you, but crafting is and expensive venture. Not to say you can't craft a little on the side for fun, but I would recommend you hunt and mine to make the money and gain the skills you will eventually need to craft...
I know crafting is expensive but that doesn't really bug me that much. I have the budget to easily become a crafter but I don't want to chip skills. I already do scan robots. What I meant by budget is that my skills currently would probably make crafting powerfists at this most more expensive then it should be. Which I do want effeciency.
Continue the way you are going, get your Basic Pumps to qr 100 and move onto Standard Dampers if you think the skill gains are going to slow. Skill that upto qr 100 and maybe start thinking about moving up a level again.

Skilling on equipment is just a means to an end. Although a lot more equipment is used in crafting other items these days. So the equipment crafter has a lot more options than before. You may already know this, but im going to say it anyway. It raises general crafting skills like Engineering which will be important for your powerfist crafting later on. First target really in crafting is to unlock BPC. You will need a pro standing of Qualified 10 in one of the crafting professions (not including tailoring). Depending on how mucgh time you put in you could reach BPC within a few weeks or months. Dont forget once you unlock BPC you are only over the first hurdle and still a crafting noob :)

Just like any other profession attempting to run before you can walk can be an expensive mistake. However if you are set on this idea of becoming a crafter then start thinking ahead. Good luck :)
is basic processors anything good to start with?