OK, I'm Crying Now!

How long has it been since you last played? There haven't been PEDs in loot for years. Besides, PEDs do not have any mark up. As nice as they were to look at in your loot window, they weren't worth any more than their TT value. Loot on the other hand does have some increased market value. Granted, much of it gets TT'd because the market value is so low, but how is this any different than getting actual PED in your loot?

Though the graphics back in Project Entropia seemed pretty cool to me at first, lets face it, they looked like sh_t. I was rather embarrassed to be an Entropia Ambassador at a gaming show with the shabby Entropia Universe booth across the aisle from a game with really wow graphics.

Better graphics were desperately needed for Planet Calypso. If you want to be a serious gamer these days you need decent hardware. If your computer is limited for Planet Calypso, it will have trouble running most graphics rich media. At least your friends have the option of playing at lower settings. And if they find the graphics look terrible, it's not the fault of the game, but of their own cheap-ass machines.

Bugs? Would you say there were more, less or the same number of bugs as before? Perhaps there are a few more than before, even including many of the bugs from before (mob dying below the ground so you can't loot them). Not sure what to say about that. Most of us just accept the bugs and think of them as built in obstacles. Sure it's ridiculous yo have your arm stretch out behind you like a kite in the sky. But from recent interviews posted on this forum, there may be only three dudes working for FPC, and they all have to submit a requisition in triplicate to sharpen a pencil.

Tell me. What did you do before that you can't do now? Did you really think waiting, sometimes for hours, for a pilot to take you on his or her "ship" so that you could watch your screen go black for 20 seconds was better than just paying to TP there or back? I hope we see pilots back and beacons too. But I sure hope they aren't as lame as they used to be.

Is it more expensive than it used to be to play Planet Calypso? No. Is the loot the same as it used to be. I honestly think it is. And possibly greater considering the higher market value for the new components. The population is greatly reduced at the moment, but recent events have demonstrated to me that when the population in any given area increase considerably the globals and hofs follow, i.e. Cape Corinth Longtooth spawn any given Friday.

I enjoy the time I spend in game as much or more than I did when I started and I hope it only gets better.
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The OPs point seems to be that he's depo'd and played and played a long time, then game devs say 'HEY let's make it so that about 5% of our player base can play the game without glitches'

Take a look at the screenies and HOF sections here. I have yet to see a hunter who runs max settings.

The premature implementation of a GREAT graphics engine is still a bad choice because it's premature.

Please state your computer specs and show a few screenies where you hunt on max settings. I'm fuming with anger at your trolling statement but I'll not neg rep or the like. I simply do not think more than a few gamers can run EU without glitches - and if they are able to do so, they run the game on very low settings.

I will post a hunting screenie later, my network is swamped by my daughters at the moment.
It's starting to make me cry!

I've been playing for quite some time, I'm starting to really hate the game to tell you the truth. (Ya I know -REP)

I hate the Cry Engine, it didnt work well for Farcry 1 or 2, Regardless of the OS it's laggy and buggy as heck and always has been and thats probably why they got it at a deal! Friends with crummy PCs can't even play the thing! (Anyone seen what the game looks like in Med settings? Why would anyone want to play with that!??!) With all the games out there for sure it's a step backwards.
Works for me, looks nice and no lag. sounds like the problem is at your end (i thought far cry 1 and 2 where good)
The whole game is buggy as hell, my gun takes like 100K of ammo per shot. (Someone actually posted here it's supposed to be that way)
its still the same price just bigger numbers to accomodate the tier system, when you think about the small effects the tiers will have on weapons, you need the large numbers to see the increased ammo consumption.

No Flights to CND or Back (That was kinda cool), It takes more money to play then it does to have teenage kids!
Just use the tp, no hanging around, much more convenient
... there are others at this forum (despite the continued bugs and bullshit that everyone is experiencing) who don't want to hear negative opinions about EU game-play ... no matter how much experience we've had and for however long, and no matter how much truth there is to it.

Yes and how ironic not so long ago you use to be one of them. :laugh:

The game started going down hill when they introduced mining amps and radically decreased mining deposits so to try to force miners to buy mining amps so they could get the same loot they had for years...without having to pay extra $ for the same loot. Once they easily got away with that, it opened the floodgates for the many, many, many, many other ways they have since devised to quietly drain their supporters of their $.

Most who have been here long enough can trace the starting point back to when they finially fought off Miscrosofts raid and lawsuit. We were promised how much better things would get in the universe now that the company could go sell itsself to outside investors (cant get investors in the middle of a MicroSoft lawsuit lol). They were right, it did get better...for the investors, not the players.

The many years after the mining amps the plan has continued full steam, the theme has been (and for those with HOPE) forever will be to decrease your average loot intake and and find many different ways to charge you more to acquire it.

In other words....investors demand their compensation, only place that comes from is the game...the only way that happen is if you deposit, they only way you deposit is if you have run out of money in the game.
So, they get you to deposit more, their #'s go up, they attract more investors, and have to charge you more to play.
For years now the game has been designed and systematized for and to attract investors. From the years of forum posts and the drop in long term player base it doesnt seem like the over all player experience hasnt changed much for the good, if at all. It is like taking candy from a baby...or printing money.

Are you serious? That wont work.

Just watch....I'll make up some ludicrous idea and design an event around it...watch what happens. (can you say footguard$?)

Wow, you were right, its like printing $...your own little cash cows. But that is just a one time thing...you can only do so many of those per fiscal quarter.

Ok, watch this then....I will make up some reason to charge them to do something trivial that many do several times a day...taadaa, revolving income. (can you say clothes and armour tax?)

LOL, Im sold....where do I sign?

Is it going to get better? That completely depends on your definition of better. Only thing for certain is you can depend on it continuing on the path it has for years now.
The new "planets"? I am sure their will be lots and lots of "new and shiny". But remember, these "others" are merely "partners"...MA is still the bottom line owners and developers of their systems. The icings will be different, new, and exciting...but dont expect the new cakes to taste any better. They will be designed and systematized for one purpose, to devise new ways to charge you more, or in effect, just simply get you to continually deposit.

Better hope they do it soon, or come up with another new hype they can get a press release for, otherwise....people have been seeing their friendslist and Soc population "decaying", which in turn increases further the remaining players' costs, which in turn causes decrease in remaining players, which in turn increases further the remaining players' costs.....

...a proud player that hasnt deposited since mining amps were introduced / forced down our throats. :D
After 5 years, after many ups and downs...

This is about...yep, I use the word about...the end for me...But, some part of me thinks that is what MA wants...the middle guys, not the noobs with their gifts or the Ubers with their, (Waaa, MA i'm an uber and I did not get a real Gift, waaaa) cries to MA or the nob in March who is still getting HOF's, ATH's give me a freaking break...but not here or there...MA wants you to leave...just that simple, they must be looking at the total amount of Peds in the 'middle class' and i'm sure if they, the Middle Class, all took out their peds it would put MA under or very close..so, the new idea, make the game so bad that people just quit...Peds still in game..MA does not lose...

SO, if you quit, take out your peds...even if it is just 10 bucks..(don't think you can, must be 100 bucks or so, I think..but I hope my point is taken)

MA is a leach...and you are the warm body it feeds on...I'm selling out now, one part at a time...and when I leave I hope to make MA feel it..


The soul of Asia...:mad::mad:

I just wanted to point out that your ridiculous conspiracy theory is written in broken English and is immoderately off from the truth; by no means does MA want to push players away from their platform. I guess the good news is that you'll be leaving the game, which hopefully means you'll also leave the forum and we won't come across your ill-considered posts ever again.

If you decide to stay, next time, think before you write.
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That statement is nothing but bullshit.

well I play on min specs PC, get nice graphics and no lag. So I think statement that: 90% of lag is client side" is not BS imo.
well I play on min specs PC, get nice graphics and no lag. So I think statement that: 90% of lag is client side" is not BS imo.


Why do people always mistake "lag" with "low FPS"?

The quality of your graphics has no impact whatsoever on your ping, choke or packet loss (a.k.a. lag).

Btw: 83,46% of all statistics brought up in a discussion are made up on the fly. :wise:
everyone have bad time here, believe me, but not all whining here, so do somethink, leave ir play. and stop cry doh :mad:
everyone have bad time here, believe me, but not all whining here, so do somethink, leave ir play. and stop cry doh :mad:

So you agree with the OP, but won't let him voice his opinion? Lol, so suddenly if things are bad for you, you're not supposed to complain about it, because it's the 'macho' thing to do? Yeah, keeping to yourself sure is gonna fix all the problems.
Lag is often caused by the routing as it is set up by the ISP's of us participants. Packetloss occurs sometimes at certain hops that seem to be unable to handle all the traffic going through them. I've checked this a few times for longer periods running in the background.

I'm also convinced however, that the MA servers drop a lot of packets as well. Typically shows while logging in sometimes already. The password is entered and u notice it's taking a long time for the one-time code request to pop up. The next screen will be the famous connection lost one as many of us know it. This is often MA related.

To check if the lag you experience is caused on ur ISP's side I suggest running pingplotter in the background checking like ususally suggested by support. Double-click on all the hops so you can clearly see the histograms below for each point that's part of the routing table. Red blocks there instead of black lines indicate a problem at that point. If the problem shows between ur computer's address and the address of ur modem (hop 1 and 2 in this case) coz ur using a router then the problem is on ur own side. If this occurs further in the chain it's your ISP that has to take measures. Pings over 200ms are considered unacceptable as well as red blocks.

If for no reason u get disconnections I'd think its MA related.

See an example:

Pingplotter's free trial version is available here: http://www.pingplotter.com/
Now take a cold shower and cry yourself to sleep. I ll send u a few tissues for free as well.
This thread is just what I needed to keep me entertained while I wait for my flight. :)

Honestly I don't think MindArk is killing its cash cow. If anything it shows some real balls to make changes to a game like this and stand by your desisions.

After 4 years of playing my loot hasn't changed much. Loots just a Sine wave. It has it's ups and downs. Just play a LOT when it's good and take shelter when it isn't. I think the system is holding up pretty well for the decreased number of active players feeding the pool atm.

It's always darkest before the dawn. I just hope we're not on the North Pole with 6 Months of night. :D

It has only been a few days since I started playing again, since VU10 came out, and for me the new game is just another step in a pattern of decline through the years.

That is not to say that the graphics aren't nice. I've climbed some mountains and took screens of some nice views - this engine is quite excellent for that.

But, the game feels more and more empty for me, as time passes. New areas and teleports are added that I collect and then never use. New features of receiving weird crap in loot that I send straight down the TT.

I gave up hunting a long time ago and only did occasional little ones, with most of my time spent exploring and mining - but even that feels weird now (as terrain makes so many places off limits, no matter how beautiful they look from far away).

I have cashed out quite some time ago, so I find myself spending time and the remaining few ped browsing the auctions for shirts and armours to just parade around in.

Happy holidays all :)
The only thing,besides many other that really disturbs ME,is that with the new ammo count Mindark has now a even greater ground to take advantage of their players.I have checked few loots,and some of ammo i get cant even be counted,value 0,00 PED????So,the no more No looters was a LIE and with that i still get no loot with a lootwindow.
I am a gambling addict and i admit it:)))))
would be interesting to know what half-life we have atm.

If you ignore technical and loot related issues, what really makes you play the game?
For me the game has never been better.

Sure there are bugs, systems are still missing. But the world graphics are much improved. Not as good as i expected, but some areas are very well done. World geometry still bugs me, im not happy with how we can or rather cant climb some mountains/hills. I hate how they did the enhancer system, but it has potential if they make some changes. And im eagerly awaiting the mission system. As well as new planets, which *should* finally be *soon*.

I agree that medium graphics and low graphics settings looks like crap. There is no excuse for how bad the game looks on med or low. Its playable tho, and there are bigger issues at the moment, but at some point they need to address it for sure.

SGA has kinda annoyed me as well. But its tuned out exactly as i expected so....i guess i cant say im surprised. Because this is what i expected, i didn't go out and waste tons of peds trying to chase down an item i was unlikely to get. So maybe that's why im not up in arms about it.

On the loot front tho my average hunting returns have been higher in vu 10 then vu 9. No hofs, no good item loots, etc, just average loot. As far as tt return goes, my tt loss is about 30% of what it was in vu 9, which is a huge difference.

Overall even with the issues id rather have vu 10.6 then vu 9.4(or whatever it ended on, don't remember)
as usual it boils down to the same thing

EU is liek a beta anyway. there is no other game like it out there

so it's a great concept but the pople who run it are noobs and cant seem to leave a good thing alone.

cryengien was a good thing we needed it to keep the game alove because to be honest the graphics where getting embarasing

but after 2 years in developent the bugs we got with it where just appaling and it makes you wonder about MA's profetionalism. any beta test crew that would have tested vu 10.0 would have told you the hills where shit and dont work yet we got vu 10.0 wiht gay hills

that's why people left it's not the game to blame it's the pople running it that are like headless checkens.
Cryengines aint an MMO Engine.

and ill say the same as I said to a mate of mine when we where talking about making our own MMO.

Cryengine 1 is better suitable for MMO's than CE2. MA would save ALOT of people the hassle using ce1 instead, and it would even feel alittle nicer, but well alot of things would miss out ofc.

EU is just another MMO that has to make an living :p

as for bugs and beta etc. MA\FPC is to small, they should hire people that had a job to ONLY run around and play the game, yes, gametesters beeing paid to play the game, and seperate the general support with the gametesters. so that not ALL the support sent went to general support, but game related bugs etc was sent to the game testers, whom would imidatly run off to try recreating it and try it out, regardless of 10000 people sent the same thing, or 1.

would make custommers happy, even the demigods. and it would create less stress.
Maybee in the future we can transfer our Calypso Planet Avatars to Rocktropia or whatever and prosper there who knows. Maybee some good music pumping on our speakers aswell while we are "gaining peds and skills" *feel free to replace the word gaining with the appropriate 6 word sentence of your liking*
You know i think MA does need to get their act together.

They just released this whole tier shit system, and we still cant focus/heal chip, or go on beacons.

We need robot residue for vivos :(

I, and countless others, have had to Re-install EU at least half a dozen times. ( My tally is up to 9 :( ) and it should not have to come to that. Alot has changed since VU10. Graphics are cool, too bad not many can enjoy them :/

I miss people hanging out and chatting...yeah twin peeks...but what happend to Port Atlantis?

And atlas haven ffs!! They butchered Atlas haven :(

Theres been alot of changes...not alot for the good :/, i wish we could re-install PE, or the REAL GOLDEN AGE!!!!

They should bring back older things before releasing new buggy systems that suck.

All in all i don't know if Mindark is Scratching their watch or winding their ass.
They should bring back older things before releasing new buggy systems that suck.

All in all i don't know if Mindark is Scratching their watch or winding their ass.

Couldn't agree more ... oh, and ... I don't remember when I laughed so hard :laugh: ... your ending comment was mint. :thumbup:
Lol, lmao...

I just wanted to point out that your ridiculous conspiracy theory is written in broken English and is immoderately off from the truth; by no means does MA want to push players away from their platform. I guess the good news is that you'll be leaving the game, which hopefully means you'll also leave the forum and we won't come across your ill-considered posts ever again.

If you decide to stay, next time, think before you write.

May I take this opportunity to thank you your ill considered and uninformed post? I must say that in your one simple post you have given a prime example of the mind set of the FHC of MA. (Fair Haired Children of MA). You are a primary example of the FHC that do not wish for the truth to be told. You would rather lose a paying player then allow that player to express his or her thoughts, if in fact those thoughts paint the game in less then flattering terms.

Your simplistic and naive missive is classic in its tone and message. If I may paraphrase your post, you are stating in your very simple command of English; “You must post only good things about MA and EU, you must never say anything that can be seen as negative in any way, shape or form. If you do, you must leave the game and never return.” I do think that covers your entire message.

Therefore, I think you and your simplistic and imperceptive post. You make my heart leap with joy, to be able to witness such obtuse and pitiable wordage that expresses the ‘company line’ of those that lack the ability to comprehend and sympathize with the conventional player.


The Soul of Asia
People get so personal on a forum.
It's a discussion ffs, get a real life and take that personally. Upset people never converse rationally.
Take some time off ... or go away - either way, be happy in what you choose. :D

I hope your Holidays were fabulous ! :D

This is the answer to every EU problem....
People get so personal on a forum.
It's a discussion ffs, get a real life and take that personally. Upset people never converse rationally.

I took a break from my gameplay because this one gave me a nice laugh and I wanted to take a moment to respond. You insinuate that people shouldn't get personal on this forum, yet you stated "get a life and take that personally."

Anyway, I thought it was funny. :)
I took a break from my gameplay because this one gave me a nice laugh and I wanted to take a moment to respond. You insinuate that people shouldn't get personal on this forum, yet you stated "get a life and take that personally."

Anyway, I thought it was funny. :)

Yes, take real life personally/seriously... as opposed to spending all day on a forum getting nickers in a knot over a discussion.
I'm selling out now, one part at a time...and when I leave I hope to make MA feel it..

Buh-Bye "The Troll of Asia"! :wave: You can say whatever you want in reference to me responding to your post about your idiotic conspiracy theory, but I don't really give a fuck. I just take it as another troll pushing their agenda and I'm done feeding you for now. And just for the record, I have a RL friend/EU Player that's seen you on EF and we both agreed that you're a negative little troll, and that's all you'll most likely ever be on here. Oh well.

Btw, +rep for learning to use the thesaurus and dictionary and making an attempt to try to sound smart.