One mob I would like to see an Iron Challenge for..

Both Hogglo and Kerberos will have iron challenge missions added for them in the next release. All told we will introduce five new iron challenge mission chains.

Thanks for the reply.
I hope Formicacida's are in there somewhere though :)
Both Hogglo and Kerberos will have iron challenge missions added for them in the next release. All told we will introduce five new iron challenge mission chains.

Hogglo....Can't wait!!!!!
Planet Calypso

New Iron Challenge missons

There will be 5 new Iron Challenge mission chains for the following creatures:


Also there will be terminals from which you can choose any Iron Challenge mission chain, NPCs will be obsolete

hmm so 3 iron challenges and we all have to go into pvp4 and do it , suprised they didnt add formidon/grand formidon kill points or chomper

I hope there are spawns of mulaak'f (the odd mulak'ff in the volcano pvp area) Mulum (not just the single spawn west of troy) and Muluk-Hir on eudoria (eg. pvp volcano) for the missions. Even would encourage people to do the vaccination mission.
Someday I wish to see Iron challenges for
Thorios (Female - Male) and ofc Miner bots :)
Ask and you shall receive, haha. :cool: