Question: Path to 95 more Stamina Tokens


Nov 14, 2007
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Drake Slade Corbett
I have 5 Stamina Tokens from the first Mang Chang Mission on Cyrene (Heart of the Plains). Is there a path to give me exactly 95 more Attribute Tokens? I have done all of the Stamina missions on Calypso, but only the first Heart of the Plains mission on Cyrene for the 5 tokens I currently have. There are two more Heart of the Plains missions I can do for a total of 90 tokens, so I really only need a path to five more. Can I do this on any of the other planets? I would prefer not to go over my limit unless it is in increments of 100 (OCD kicking in).
EDIT: I know we can turn in less than 100 tokens now. But I don't want to end up with 8.05 Stamina after the Attribute Token missions are removed since Stamina is all about how many missions you did and you can't skill it naturally. I would rather have a whole number.
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You probably do know, but you can now exchange single stamina tokens for .01 stamina. That said,

both Paneleon and Dire weed mission chains give stamina. See what their rewards are and see if it obeys your OCD :)
You can do Death Drakes in SI for I believe 7 Stam tokens. All the drakes start out with something similar for each attribute. I do missions all over so there are all types of various odd missions I had to mix match. As someone said Paneleon gives a few token less killing than Dire Weeds. Toulan has a few missions with a couple tokens as well.