Ped to Quantity Calculator... Takes away the guesswork when you need to make exact amounts!


Jun 8, 2008
Idaho, United States
Avatar Name
Goldbaron Goldbaron357 Maximus
Well... I try to solve unusual problems because I find that the usual ones have plenty of solutions out there. As a trader, and a crafter, I have had experience on both sides of the equation... If I had 20 peds to spend how much of a resource can I get at markup? As a trader, people needing a certain number of peds of something can come up to me and I can now tell them how many units their X amount of peds will buy at whatever markup we agree on without having to split stacks until we get it close enough by guessing.

There probably isn't a huge need for something like this, but I make a hobby of programming, and it is easier to learn when I focus on real solutions for real world situations.

I would apologize for the simplicity, but it was just a programming exercise for me, and I did get some good use out of it too. Even though I was wanting to refine it and polish it up with a nice GUI, other projects have been called to my attention. And sometimes, simple is good!

It's 100Kb give or take, so definitely not bloatware. If microsoft made this same program it would be at least a hundred megs :p


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nice little program you have there. Spruce it up with a nice GUI like you said and I bet you can get some more people interested.
Must be the most awesome program I have ever seen :yay: some really hard math needed in that for it to work :p

some nice GUI and you're good to go.. I would never, ever click that link tho. Looks fishy as f*ck.
Excellent program, thank you respect!
Although I spent 10 minutes on the translation and understanding :D
Must be the most awesome program I have ever seen :yay: some really hard math needed in that for it to work :p

some nice GUI and you're good to go.. I would never, ever click that link tho. Looks fishy as f*ck.

Fishy or not, but when people starting to hit nails with microscope...

Google docs spreadshit

Fishy or not, but when people starting to hit nails with microscope...

Google docs spreadshit


That's not my problem ;)

The link is the problem to me, where you should download the program... That's why it looked fishy to me :D

ty for spending 5 seconds to create the formula in google docs tho... I would never ever have figured that one out ;) +rep for giving me a giggle
Must be the most awesome program I have ever seen :yay: some really hard math needed in that for it to work :p

some nice GUI and you're good to go.. I would never, ever click that link tho. Looks fishy as f*ck.

Yeah, I was a bit perplexed of how to spread the download and still have credibility :p

I am working on a GUI now for it though, so hopefully I can release a fancier version before too long!

While I am here posting, Thought I'd ask how it's working for those of you who've tried it :)

For those who don't want to click the link, you can just go to for the homepage for it. I hope to register a domain soon for it. Or soon as I decide what domain I want to associate it with, maybe a subdomain on one of my sites.