Petition against the 2pec decay

Nor Alien Euqcab..... Signed

Now this is a fantastic way to show MA what the player base thinks of some of its VU's. Smart, intellegent, and profesional :) Im sure that this will give more clout then the whine fest i've seen in some ot the forums. + rep
Although I do like Cheese :D
Stephan Shining Reuter

and i especially despite the cloth decay!
DrFeelGood DrFeelGood Ladiesman.
why do people still write.. we dont have 2pec decay anymore.. if you dont want 1pec... well, make a thread :p
one or two pecs, both are not really nice to us.

It is like a slap in the face.
1 pec armor decay + 1 pec clothes decay = 2pec.
No, we have 1pec decay on armors and 2pec on clothes
okay, well in any case... get rid of the few pec BS fees.
Mihleyni Leyni Lowe

Yuro Vhailor Ryba

Signed against this ...thievery.:rolleyes:
you can sign in william denthomas jack ;-)
put me down as well: JJ Ony Matrix
Trox Charles O'Rien signing in
Alien Xeno Morpheos sign me in please
Kristoffer Stoffer O'Shenanigans
Sign me up, Red Shock Rocket :)
soon there will be similar groups forming against other stupid things done in last years. extremely nice to see people stepping up against it. but hey, we're talking about real money universe here, it's not a game and money talks =)

Storm Spawn Bootcamp
Amaury NamoKiller Puma :wtg: Sign me Please !
soon there will be similar groups forming against other stupid things done in last years. extremely nice to see people stepping up against it. but hey, we're talking about real money universe here, it's not a game and money talks =)


You mean like the way they changed regen without telling anyone?
Sange Perseverance Yasha

Sign me up.
Indigo Rage Wyrdweaver, signed.

I'd actually not noticed this, since I spend very little time in armor, and haven't taken my OJ's off since I materialized - but thanks for pointing this out!

It's a pretty stupid decay - I've had outfits for years and never "wore out a zipper" or "lost a button". And if you're 1/2 knowledgeable about how to do laundry, your colors won't fade either!
