PJ's Pet Shop: Sale


Aug 9, 2005
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Level 3 Exar's (which don't need feeding for a month) 20 Ped, Exar Stalkers level One - 5 ped, the price of Daiki Stalkers has been reduced (again).

Genesis Almethera HQ- Genesis Star Tower Block C Shop 4 – this is just next to the TP. There is one shopkeeper in the window and two in the shop.
What is the price of daiki stalkers now?
Prices for Daiki Stalkers

What is the price of daiki stalkers now?

Hi Kombi- It depends on the level of trust the pet has, the amount of food and the level of experience.

I have some full trust daiki stalkers (they take a good chunk of a brush to bring up to full trust) with about 3000 bars of food in them for just 200 ped - these are the most expensive.
full trust is half a brush for these, not sure why you need them that high though:)

thanks pj, i will swing by to see
Exar Prowler Deeds now in....at below 2 peds each.
Daiki Alpha's, OA's and Prowlers - lower price

Daiki Alpha's, OA's and Prowlers are now available in the shopkeeper for a much lower price than normal...35 ped per prowler....