Planet calypso content release 2014.2

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Jul 26, 2006

Camp Icarus

The area around Camp Icarus has received a major overhaul in order to improve the experience for our new players. This update includes the following points:

  • The creatures inhabiting the area have had their parameters adjusted.
  • All creature spawners on the Port Atlantis server area have been re-designed.
  • Dialogue and objective texts in quests have been simplified.
  • The design of the area has been significantly improved and optimized.
  • Quest givers in Camp Icarus will now hand out universal ammo so that the quests can be completed for free.
The Hive (Crystal Palace Aurli Cave)
The mechanism for spawning the Aurli bosses has been changed. In order to spawn a particular boss you now need to kill a specific amount of Aurlis from the same brood as the boss. The amount of Aurlis killed is not in any way tied to the avatar that does the killing, the boss simply spawns when the set amount is reached.
We have also added a new “bonus boss” that spawns once all the other Aurli bosses have been killed. This boss has shared loot and spawns out in the hallways, ready for you to chase it down!

The Gauntlet: Stage 2

The second stage of the gauntlet series of instances has been added and is accessible from the “Gauntlet Organizer” NPC’s as soon as you’ve completed stage 1.

Akbal Sector 2

This instance, accessible from Jennifer’s island, now requires a beacon to enter. The particular beacon needed is untradable and can only be obtained by completing the instance “The Gauntlet: Stage 2”. The instance itself has also been re-designed in terms of creature spawns, traps and loot.

Migration Update

Several Longtooth wave spawners have been added to locations near Fort Argus, Chugs Hideout, Fort Zeus, Minopolis, Camp Ichidna and Jurra Plateau.

New Hunting Challenges
The following new hunting challenge quests have been added.

  • Silver Atrox Challenge
  • Bronze Challenge: Aurli Stage II
  • Bronze Challenge: Kreltin Stage II
  • Iron Challenge: Eomon Stage IV
  • Iron Challenge: Eomon Stage V
  • Iron Challenge: Longtooth Stage V
  • Bronze Challenge: Longtooth Stage I

  • Players will now only loot Berycled Trophies, Caudatergus Trophies, Daikiba Trophies and Maffoid Heads if they have the mission that requires them.
  • Newcomers leaving the gateway will now always arrive at Camp Icarus.
  • The counter in the quest “Into The Core” now increases when the required item is looted instead of handed in.
  • Clues about creature spawn locations have been added to the daily hunting quests.
  • The names of all Iron Challenges have been changed in order to match new naming conventions.
  • The “Longtooth” creature is now a creature class with maturities ranging from young to stalker. The old Longtooth creature is therefore the Longtooth Dominant.
  • Removed a function from the quest “Bronze Challenge: Daikiba” that reduced the counter value when certain actions were performed.
  • The graphics for the following creature classes have been updated: Caperon, Eomon, Gokibusagi and Tantillion.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that made the particle effects attached to land area markers and teleporters extremely performance heavy, this should improve performance significantly when viewing these objects.
  • Fixed missing auction and terminal signs in the Twin Peaks Mall
  • Fixed an issue causing the target drone creature class to fall underground when killed.
  • Fixed an issue where the GeoTrek LP53 Storm (L) Blueprint (L) required a non-existing component in order to be used for manufacturing.
Known Issues

  • Terrain on some of the roads around Icarus are difficult to traverse.
  • Gun Turret in Camp Icarus is hovering above the ground.

Originally Posted Here
So its migration?
Punies no longer dropping Skulls ?

Just removed or would be replaced with some more usable loot ... @ some TT value (OtherWise good VU)

+ Really thanks for removing Reduction of small Shink/ Daik decriment for Bronze .... Hate 2 agro small mob and having 2 run off ....

Nothing about the sound problem???

Akbal Sector 2

This instance, accessible from Jennifer’s island, now requires a beacon to enter. The particular beacon needed is untradable and can only be obtained by completing the instance “The Gauntlet: Stage 2”. The instance itself has also been re-designed in terms of creature spawns, traps and loot.

A bit of meh. I hope it's at least repeatable.
Apparently Fritz Feldgast doesn't hand out the LT missions anymore. MA, got any hints about where to get the new mission?
Not fixed the vehicle seating bug :(
nice nice... especially the aurli cave part :)
Isn't that a platform issue ? These are only the Calypso VU notes.

Well if some sounds are missing in the game like golobals/hof/vehicles/teleport and few guns that is also a bug or am I wrong?
nice nice... especially the aurli cave part :)

Not nice at all, ppl will ONCE AGAIN stop hunting mobs once boss is killed... i wrote in the thread that every mob spawn should have x% chance to spawn boss instead of simple brood (low % ofc) so ppl would hunt all time cause boss could spawn any time...

Dear Lootius please don't kill my pedcard... or give me strength to avoid all this mess! :laugh:
Apparently Fritz Feldgast doesn't hand out the LT missions anymore. MA, got any hints about where to get the new mission?

I just got stage V from him at the lounge in Corinth.
Well if some sounds are missing in the game like golobals/hof/vehicles/teleport and few guns that is also a bug or am I wrong?

Only the PP content release notes are out yet, not the platform release notes. Maybe wait and see what's in those first?
Where is the Battle arena thingy?

Is polished Chrome texture fixed yet?
Where is the Battle arena thingy? ...

Front Page Article said:
Creature Control System Stage 2 - (Planned for Winter 2014 Release)
Through a new Battle Octagon interface...

That's northern hemisphere winter.
Creature Control System Stage 1 - (Planned for June 2014 Release)

You may already be aware of a new feature introduced not long ago which allows officials and planet partners to control various creatures during special events. This system will be extended to participants in the form of Creature Control Capsules, consumable items that will allow you to transform your avatar into a specific creature for a limited time. This fun feature will be made available exclusively through the loot system, and will be monitored closely to prevent abuse.

Only the PP content release notes are out yet, not the platform release notes. Maybe wait and see what's in those first?

Ok, when will thay release the platform notes?
Gauntless 2 isnt working
At least not for me, not sure if bug or ment only for lower lvl'd players
Fantastico! i really like that you guys and gals keep updating the graphics of a few mobs each update, even though i dont hunt most of them its good to see the over all quality of the mob poll be lifted slowly ;).

I'm kinda excited for the new instances, Kan higher lvl players enter the gauntlet now or is it still restricted to the lower lvls?

The Gauntlet: Stage 1 can be accessed by all while The Gauntlet: Stage 2 can only be accessed by beginners. This is because we want new players to make teams with eachother and not just get boosted by their friends for easy rewards.
I'd like to know that to, if heads/trophies are just filtered off, or if the TT value is given out in some other form.

It's a new trophy tax collected according to Calypso law in order to fund a Caudatergus breeding program.


Just joking, you still receive the same TT value as you would have before, but in other items.
  • Silver Atrox Challenge
  • Bronze Challenge: Aurli Stage II
  • Bronze Challenge: Kreltin Stage II
  • Iron Challenge: Eomon Stage IV
  • Iron Challenge: Eomon Stage V
  • Iron Challenge: Longtooth Stage V
  • Bronze Challenge: Longtooth Stage I

Oh wow, I never thought this day would come - when there is a bunch of missions added to Calypso, and I can actually not get any of them, as I am too newb to have the prerequisites ...
As usual. After fixing some OLD BUGS -> NEW ONE to come.

Friend list Seems bugged as hell. Even if players PM ME (They are online) i cannot see them online in Friend list. I have ~3-4 friends online and thats all (At this hour should be atleast 20 online) Not even society m8 is online (but we speak on SOC Chat)
The Gauntlet: Stage 1 can be accessed by all while The Gauntlet: Stage 2 can only be accessed by beginners. This is because we want new players to make teams with eachother and not just get boosted by their friends for easy rewards.

This practically means that that older players can't team up and enter Jennifer's Island anymore?

(That, joining a run created by a beginner account is needed, well if possible ..)

Another thing I've wondered about, the beginner fap previously handed out to beginners at gauntlet (with time-heal), if it will be possible for older players to get one? (Not that it's a great fap at higher levels, but it's uniquie in the way it works with delayed healing and it might be fun to be able to test it).
Just joking, you still receive the same TT value as you would have before, but in other items.

Since you are here ... melee amps are coming in platform update, or are already in game?
This practically means that that older players can't team up and enter Jennifer's Island anymore?

(That, joining a run created by a beginner account is needed, well if possible ..)

Another thing I've wondered about, the beginner fap previously handed out to beginners at gauntlet (with time-heal), if it will be possible for older players to get one? (Not that it's a great fap at higher levels, but it's uniquie in the way it works with delayed healing and it might be fun to be able to test it).

1) Thats because we want you to find a nice friendly noob and bring him along!

2) We do not plan to make this FAP available for old avatars, but other FAP's with a similar functionality may become available.