Please Help - I Need To Find Djuba Oberon Boa


May 26, 2005
In your dreams!
Avatar Name
Ann Lykke TheNun
I bid on his/hers lyst in auction and by failure thought it was BO - now I put all my money on the lyst, which doesn't have a BO. Saw it happened right after :((

I really hope I can find him, and that he's honest enough. I don't have the possibility of depositing anymore atm - and it's really a lot of money

Damn, how stupid :( :rolleyes:


I hope that you will get your money back. ;)
good luck with it, i hope that there is a nice guy behind this avatar.i had it happening in past long time ago too. (thx Nilsa again ! :))
Bumb to help find him.

Hope you do and gl
Subscribing so I can bump this up once in a while...
he has no recorded globals in ET, i presume he is relativly new player. I'll pop by PA and Swamp Camp to have a look.
Aww i see it ingame 1153 ped :(

I hope u get in contact with this person and that he wil be Fair ....
I will ask around a little bit and keep my eye open for this person...
Good Luck Lykke !

Mari *.*
I've heard of people accidentally doing this and in every case they were able to get their ped back. Keep asking around and looking. Hope you get it back. I'll keep my eyes out for this avatar if I see him/her will point them to this thread.
:( Sorry cant help, Good luck with finding him/her :(
Really i hope you find the guy but i also find that MindArk should fix this. It happens sometimes and should really help ppl. Maybe even put in some .. i dunno .. extra payment. Like 50 ped goes to the seller for the trouble.

Goodluck lykke
Never saw that guy before... damn Lykke, you should be more carefull girl! You've been here long enough to have witnessed dozens of cases like that! :(

I hope all will be solved. Good luck!
I bid on his/hers lyst in auction and by failure thought it was BO - now I put all my money on the lyst, which doesn't have a BO. Saw it happened right after :((

I really hope I can find him, and that he's honest enough. I don't have the possibility of depositing anymore atm - and it's really a lot of money

Damn, how stupid :( :rolleyes:



If it has not concluded yet, It might be worth talking to support aswell - after all, as long as it has not concluded it is not yet a trade and thus need not be final?
If it has not concluded yet, It might be worth talking to support aswell - after all, as long as it has not concluded it is not yet a trade and thus need not be final?

Support will do nothing.

There is the screen that asks you are you sure you want to bid. Along with the all trades are final policy. that is the MA safe guard. so they do not get ppl sending in cases again and again over a mistake like this

Lykke you for one should definatly have been more careful. Time will tell if you manage to find this guy.
I posted on both forums - I wrote support - a bunch of great people have tried finding the guy for me.

I wish to thank you all so far. Nice to have such support!!!

I'm really noobish :( always looking but was in a hurry today... but I guess you learn from that.

One happy newbie out there, I will asume ;)

I hope I can find the guy and of course, he will get a little something for his honesty!
If it has not concluded yet, It might be worth talking to support aswell - after all, as long as it has not concluded it is not yet a trade and thus need not be final?

And there response will go something like this.

This is why we have two places where you must accept the bid. Once where you place your bid amount and push accept and then another screen pops up saying "Really place a bid of 1153.00 PED for Lysterium Ingot?" These fail safes are there to help people from accidentally over bidding. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused you, but at this time we cannot be of assistance. Thank you for your participation in Entropia Universe.

Kind regards,
Entropia Universe Support
Hope you get your peds back.

Maybe auction could be improved by showing the society an avatar is in. That would help in these kind of cases.
Sorry I never heard of this person. I hate to hear these stories. Best of luck!
been there once too, Im usually very carefull in auction but It can happen to everyone.
Didnt get much positive posts in my thread so I hope it works out for you

I will keep my eyes open for you.
Thanks again for all the support And also huge thanks to all of those trying to find this person for me!

I have to sleep now but will continue tomorrow!
Unlike today I usually play late nights Eastern standard time and I have seen this ava in twins.. Either he is European or he does not sleep well like I do.

I will keep an eye out for him as well and pass the message he should read here or EP.
This is a good reason to have all peds extracted in storage, and only play with 300 peds on card

Bump again, I hope you are lucky and find the guy
This is a good reason to have all peds extracted in storage, and only play with 300 peds on card

This is a useful solution, obviously not of any use now for your case, but for anyone else reading this, consider doing this, you never know when it'll happen to you by mistake.

Hope you find the seller Lykke. :)
hmm, I saw you in game lykke.. I'll keep my eyes taped open with ducket tape and and keep my eye out. Good luck finding this guy!! :)
Just woke up and tried again. Nothing.

I will reward the person who can first get me in touch with the guy with 100 peds.(personal contact)

As you can also tell Djuba Oberon Boa himself that he will be rewarded for his honesty.

It's better to get sum than nun :rolleyes:

Thank you again for all the support I've gotten. I am very happy for it.
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A tip for all: ALWAYS buy ore/enmats with BO in auc. paying 1 ped more sometimes wont hurt this much.
A tip for all: ALWAYS buy ore/enmats with BO in auc. paying 1 ped more sometimes wont hurt this much.

Yes and i thought i did that. I seached after cheapest lyst. On top you have all without a bo and i thought i clicked on the first but cheapest bo. I must have been too fast and instead have clicked on the one above. On the pc i can be like a tornado sometimes! Good in some situations but obviously bad in other :(

i also usually keep money in my storage but i just arranged an event and wasnt sure how much that would cost me and i just wanted to try a short run on the new vehicle bp from the technician ...

Again, read above; theres 100peds to the person who get me in personal contact with the guy and also a reward to him for his honesty
Hope you get your peds back.

Maybe auction could be improved by showing the society an avatar is in. That would help in these kind of cases.

Definitely something like this would be the best solution, that, or the ability to request a chat with them, via their listing (considering many people aren't in societies).
i'll pass the word around

I will be passing the word around, whenever i will be online