Reason why Earth didn't send help...


Oct 30, 2005
They had a surveillance-system above Calypso, but when they saw
behavior from all egoistic, selfcentered idiots, they thought it would
be waste of resources to send help to calypso.
The worst behaviors they had seen in centuries happened in Hades-area.
Actually, they sent spare-parts to bots-planet instead... ;)
Personally I thought Earth saw the carnage and just bottled it.
Personally I thought Earth saw the carnage and just bottled it.
Yeah the pussies!


Merry Christmas!


P.S. This is the new Rick Rolled!
Kummelbraten !
they probably thought "well if they die they just reappear, why do they need anyones help?"
We all know that the inflow of new colonists went down significantly in the last months. That's because all new arrivals are from the long time lost ships that little by little found their way to Calypso. Earth doesn't send any new ships anymore, because it occupied by the robots and the mankind is exterminated and turned into fuel. Face it, we're the only humans in the universe now, CDF just has no balls to tell you the terrible truth.
The bouncing ginger midget affro made them think we were all on medication, and so wouldn't notice if they sent reinforcements or not...

i got your message, me personally made very different experiences out there in Hades, helping, faping, honest sorries for accidental KSing in the heat of battle, gzing and funny and good chats.

Yes once or twice a situation pissed me off, but hey thats war.

no earth doesnt come to help us because it ceased to exist, only a small group of Rebels... 150m million max. ... you know what i mean
nah you've got it all wrong Earth has a new president Bush no. 2 :laugh:

His advisors told him it would be cool to have a deal with the robots. Robots give Bush no 2 a Red Contraption unit for shiny Protector of Empire armour in return he sells out Calypso to robots!

So we got ***** for a red banana !
No one on Earth responded because they are all officially gelatin! Too comfy in their corporate logo sporting climate controled nutrio pods being fed all stimulation through neural network patch. So coddled they would shudder if they had to actually get up and go to the bathroom. The very reason my family left that poor battered and abused planet for Calypso so long ago! For it is our DNA that will seed the stars into the future and not from their lethargic lot.
Yeah the pussies!


Merry Christmas!


P.S. This is the new Rick Rolled!

You are SUCH a shameless thread hijacker/troller with your videos! Are you really in need of that much attention Dear JamHot? :silly2: Are you afraid people won't see your videos even with the gazillion bumps you do with your threads? Why don't you let people have their threads in peace HotJam. :nana:

On Topic ... Joat? You might be onto something! :wise: I don't think we're naive enough to not think that we're being watched, and I'm willing to bet that all of the turrets that watch our every move (instead of just the mobs) are bugged with camera-relaying images of exactly how we behave on this planet. In turn, it gives them a visual blueprint if you will of what their next plan of attack should be ... or not be! :D

Yes, there are some real jerks out there, but I've also had some great experiences. Plenty of people fapping each other, pulling excess bots off etc.

I guess wars bring out the worst in some and the best in others.

I think we are on our own as it should be. We will defeat the bots on our own and then we can fully claim Calypso to be free and independant!
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Yes, there are some real jerks out there, but I've also had some great experiences. Plenty of people fapping each other, pulling excess mobs off etc.

I guess events like this bring out the worst in some and the best in others.

Are you sure you posted this on right thread :scratch2:
Earth needs to think about itself now . . . they are very ill prepared for robots

very good points all . . . but, there is a strategy behind all this

remember, they have been hijacking supplies on their way here!!!

they are after the ships . . . and it is just one move in their master plan

I'm sure Earth did send help to many Avatars.... though it probably came in the form of a Visa Credit Limit Increase! :silly2:
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They had a surveillance-system above Calypso, but when they saw
behavior from all egoistic, selfcentered idiots, they thought it would
be waste of resources to send help to calypso.
The worst behaviors they had seen in centuries happened in Hades-area.
Actually, they sent spare-parts to bots-planet instead... ;)


So true - although good ol' earth itself isn't much better... ;)
Earth did send help, its now so futuristic now that they sent robots to help us, but they were killed by everyone as they arrived thinking they were the enemy robots lol and to save the embarassment of the truth they just told everyone they couldn't send us help lol. Its all a cover up.