Reintroducing Taming

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
[h=3]Re-introducing Taming inside Entropia Universe[/h]

[h=3]A long time ago in the virtual Universe colonists used to tame wildlife species to be a colonists best friend. And for fun![/h]In the next major update to Entropia Universe the profession of taming will once again be made available. Starting with one wild creature on each of the planets Calypso, Arkadia, Cyrene, Toulan and Rocktropia, colonists will be able to tame these to be a colonists new best friend.

Old time Entropia veterans with previous taming experience will have their old pets regenerated using a dazzling new DNA-technology. While not being guaranteed a 100% match of the previous tamed pet this technology will give veterans a unique way of displaying their skills and hard earned efforts of old times.

In the first stage of the taming system the basis for this growing part of Entropia life and economy will be laid out. Further additions to the taming system will be added in the outlined stages to come.

In this release your Pet, once tamed, will need your attention to grow in affection, learn to perform additional tricks and more. You as an avatar will learn new skills associated with taming and, as with many other systems inside Entropia be able to benefit from and take part in the related economy.

More details about the taming system will be made public in connection to the next Entropia Universe update.

Originally Posted Here
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[h=3]Re-introducing Taming inside Entropia Universe[/h]

In the first stage of the taming system the basis for this growing part of Entropia life and economy will be laid out. Further additions to the taming system will be added in the outlined stages to come.

Originally Posted Here

hmmm... the basis will be laid out. I gotta read between the lines on this one and not get too excited.
I still wonder where is the creature control caps? There has been maybe 5 discovered... and I think only 1 on Calypso...?
hmmm... the basis will be laid out. I gotta read between the lines on this one and not get too excited.
I still wonder where is the creature control caps? There has been maybe 5 discovered... and I think only 1 on Calypso...?

Dead on.

Taming is back! Everyone can have a pet Snablesnot that blows boogers in the eyes of curious onlookers! And there will be much rejoicing.
explains why i looted sweetstuff today
Old time Entropia veterans with previous taming experience will have their old pets regenerated using a dazzling new DNA-technology. While not being guaranteed a 100% match of the previous tamed pet this technology will give veterans a unique way of displaying their skills and hard earned efforts of old times.

It would want to shit diamonds.

So the equivalent of a purple beret by the looks, hey look I'm a veteran my pet can roll over.

I guess we shall see, I'm trying to stay positive but fk it's hard.
Thank you MA for this information.
This will be just like Beacon, alot of bitching becouse they "miss" it, and once its back its fun 1 month than everyone who did bitch about it will forget it exists. :wise:

Hope atleast some people will like it after all this time wasted on taming.
This will be just like Beacon, alot of bitching becouse they "miss" it, and once its back its fun 1 month than everyone who did bitch about it will forget it exists. :wise:

Hope atleast some people will like it after all this time wasted on taming.

this guy knows what he talks about :wise:
This will be just like Beacon, alot of bitching becouse they "miss" it, and once its back its fun 1 month than everyone who did bitch about it will forget it exists. :wise:

There's at least one other explanation. So wise is probably the wrong emoticon :p
This will be just like Beacon, alot of bitching becouse they "miss" it, and once its back its fun 1 month than everyone who did bitch about it will forget it exists. :wise:

Hope atleast some people will like it after all this time wasted on taming.

MA fucked beacons up and the players spoke with their wallets, same will go for taming and if you don't enjoy taming then go do what you enjoy, quite simple.

And if MA fuck taming up i will complain and you and people like you wont deter me in the slightest. And how do you waste time on something that hasn't been here and will be coming back the same as it was if not less than it was? enlighten me.

I think Space is a waste and pvp is shit but i don't go raining on people's parade who enjoy space and pvp.

Your worse than any whiner mate you are hear complaining in a thread about taming and you don't seem to even care about taming, whysowhiney.

Go sit with timewarpman and compare shit posts.
This will be just like Beacon, alot of bitching becouse they "miss" it, and once its back its fun 1 month than everyone who did bitch about it will forget it exists. :wise:

Hope atleast some people will like it after all this time wasted on taming.

To be fair, Hijacker and anyone with a modern club is glad beacons came back.
Thank you Bertha Bot for this information. I understand that taming will be reintroduced with the next update on October 7.

I have been waiting for its reintroduction for more than 5 years and I am very happy now :)
They should think about fix the pvp areas again instead of this tamming lol mobs are for shooting and get loot. Not give hugs...:silly2:

Im sure tamming will be popular like pvp is today. And thats not good..
Thank you Bertha Bot for this information. I understand that taming will be reintroduced with the next update on October 7.

I have been waiting for its reintroduction for more than 5 years and I am very happy now :)
I'm with this guy! :yup:
They should think about fix the pvp areas again instead of this tamming lol mobs are for shooting and get loot. Not give hugs...:silly2:

Im sure tamming will be popular like pvp is today. And thats not good..

Read the roadmap in the link bertha gave.
Finally !

Why did it take 5+ years ?
In this release your Pet, once tamed, will need your attention to grow in affection, learn to perform additional tricks and more.

sounds like tamagotchi, pet it, stroke it, play with it! not my cuppa tea but im sure a load of ppl are waiting for this, so i hope it lives up to the expectations
sounds like tamagotchi, pet it, stroke it, play with it! not my cuppa tea but im sure a load of ppl are waiting for this, so i hope it lives up to the expectations
Sounds like a good Saturday night! :laugh::wtg::smirk::handjob::naughty:
Den som väntar på något gött väntar aldrig för länge ;)

Translation: The one who waits for something good never waits to long.

Not my cup of tea but great to see a new chapter for taming after all this time.

I hope that we see unlimited whips that are economical, mid to high dps, that also take melee amps
Where will this be happening, though? I need waypoint.

Yes they are.
So, I have to give Munchie, Chewie and ..(damn, been that long forgot what I called him) a dazzling new DNA thingymajig, that may or may not bring them back to how they was before?

I want them back exactly how I left them in cryo storage 5 years ago.

Glad it's coming soon tho :)
I welcome quality updates from Mindark, including the latest buzz feed. In this new era of millions of dollars of deeds floating about within this real cash economy game, confidence and faith are paramount.

It's very easy to lose confidence in a system if heavily invested, if you feel communication is lacking or not as professional as an investor or any player for that matter might expect.

I was in deep thought recently and was thinking about how many in game investments are sold to the player base. Usually an asset is live before it is sold. I think the motherships and Medusa were the last live asset sold, i.e. "ready to use".

Since then we've had Monria, and then more recently stables and compet, which were not active as peds changed hands. So players need more cuddles in such an environment and these updates is what MA needs to continue feeding. Even if...we are still on target as per our last update.

Anyway good update, particularly some of the taming pictures on buzz feed. I still believe the taming system has huge potential as it appears you need little investment to get started (such as the player shouldn't need armour). Visually it should look exciting. I hope many use it.

All thing that are paid for should work here, to strengthen confidence within the community that what they have bought has a use, or will have a use. We don't need doubts to fester. Roll on next 6 months then :)

Good luck out there.

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I hope that we see unlimited whips that are economical, mid to high dps, that also take melee amps

Well got my Cobra, that should do the job :D