Reon-T Signs


Nov 5, 2006
The British Empire
Avatar Name
Coos Craystar Masta
I've just picked up a Reon-T screen in the auction and noticed it had a max TT value of around 107ped. All the other ones in the auction have TT values of 217ped. So - could a crafter please explain the options for crafting Reon-T screens to me and what the difference between the ones with higher TT values and lower TT values are. I may need a crafter of the lower value ones at some point but I want to make sure that these can still be made.
Your title says Reon-T Sign, your post says Reon-T Screen. The Reon-T Sign is the lower tt item (I believe 108.5 full tt) and the Reon-T Screen has a full tt of 217. The main difference is that with the Screen you can use effects (transitions and such), with a Sign you cannot. The cost of an ad for a Sign is 5.42 (according to entropedia) and for a Screen is 10.85. Also, a Reon-T Sign takes 1 item point in an estate, a Reon-T Screen takes 5 item points.

And because they are Personal Content Signs/Screens, they must be repaired to 90% tt value to be used.

To answer your question about crafting them... yes they can still be crafted, but you have to have a Limited BP to do it (UnL BP for these don't exist afaik). I had this BP at one point but I don't anymore. However, I crafted a large number of the Reon-T Screens a while ago and still have many in storage if you are interested. :)
I have 2 of the L bps just waiting for a person who needs the screens. So I can make them at any time. I may have the signs as well.
Thanks for your help - I missed the fact that one was a screen and one was a sign in the auction - that clears it all up.