Return of the GOLDEN AGE

i read it twice, how do the rules work? how does one win? it may be covered in some old competition post you linked, but how about you write the rules for this event here and now, nice and cleanly? Do i assume that by gaining a global one is entred into the draw for the prize? presumably its a bit more complicated to encourage multiple globals.

!Register Ari Ari Dash

because even one global amongst a couple of thousand avatars taking part is still alot shorter odds than actually ever looting one of the first (or second) prizes.:laugh:

I'll update the first post to make it clearer. :)

btw do i nneed to use EU tracker?

No, but I encourage it to support Starfinder and his tracker.

Do you accept team submissions with global message and timestamp?


but I really think you should look into the legality...
I know another recent LA owner was going to do this... but it broke some rules and they went another route...
Thank you, I'll look into this, but didn't run into any problems with my previous event.

Everyone who doesn't make the r in register a capitol R as in Register isn't being read by the auto-mated registration system.:silly2:
Oupsie. I'll get that fixed! :)
!Register Stelios AKALYPTOS ntelinatsos
!Register Rob Menace Klok
!Register enpeba kike xp
Thank you Akoz

!Register Clytemnestra Cly Darksteel
!Register Targen Tatch Farbauti
!Register Nero Pelleman Wolf
!Register Jesper Jeppzore Johansson
!Register Leroy Casper Hunter
!Register Oracle Kev FountofWisdom
!Register Joseph Dredge Hogoroth
!Register crazy DaLegend Bob
!Register Lexus Axel Laonna
!Register Jar Jasis Sismondi
"!Register Lillith Leo L'Ambrosia"

Cheers, great event thanks Akoz :yay:

!Register 00Danny 00Dan Helichopper
!Register chillbanan swedish monkeyboy
!Register Krimanji Krimey Groening
!Register Thierry Rag Of Grimbergen
!register Killahbee Killer Bee Killahbee
!register Phoebe Poena Phospor