News: Robot Spring Offensive

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Robot invaders on Calypso are amassing their forces for another spring offensive. As the robots are coming en masse, all colonists are advised to stay vigilant. The robots are primarily targeting the settlements at Camp Phoenix, Cape Corinth, Chugs Hideout, Fort Ithaca, Fort Pandora, Fort Troy, Minopolis, and the robot main base at Hadesheim.

The Calypso Research and Defense Institute (RDI) has observed increased activity in the robot subterranean base matrix network. Surveillance has also picked up increased communication between the robot dropships hovering over several locations on the Eudoria continent.

Reports suggest that the robots with the lowest threat level are targeting the area around Camp Icarus. The Cape Corinth area is being targeted by mid-level robots, while the most heavily armed robots seem to be focused on the other targeted locations detailed above.

Colonists are advised to take precautions in regard to both their armor and weapon selections. Forming teams will also allow for effective engagements against the heavier robot forces.

Originally Posted Here
more markup or copy paste thats the question.
To be or not to be.
Guess these are the scouts prior to the Big "Easter" invasion :cool:

Are there any special things to be gained in these events ? Or are these just "mobs coming to us" rather than "us going to them" ?
Guess these are the scouts prior to the Big "Easter" invasion :cool:

Are there any special things to be gained in these events ? Or are these just "mobs coming to us" rather than "us going to them" ?
Codex, all mobs in this event besides big bulk are complete dogshit loot-wise
more markup or copy paste thats the question.
To be or not to be.
Copy past of course, I'm afrade. 🙈💪

Would be great if we could get an actual story line bot attack like the ones we had in the past where we could turn in items and get things with Mark up...

But also we all want them to finish UR5 so we should be content with cut and past. 🙈
Usually it the only wa
Guess these are the scouts prior to the Big "Easter" invasion :cool:

Are there any special things to be gained in these events ? Or are these just "mobs coming to us" rather than "us going to them" ?
Usually this is the only way you can kill some bots for codex. SteelBirds, Drone Coordinators, etc.