News: Server Downtime for Maintenance

Suggestion: please make the notices about server shutdowns flash across the screen like a mayhem instance does when you hit some points as not everyone has the one chat window where these notices are broadcasted focused & visible.
specially that sometimes the timer is not starting at 60 min. last week it started at 20 minutes.
Every Tuesday this happens..

I like the idea of it flashing up like when you get mayhem points, but.. Do we really need to be reminded at this stage?
Every Tuesday this happens..

I like the idea of it flashing up like when you get mayhem points, but.. Do we really need to be reminded at this stage?
Servers offline?

↑ Someone, every week, always, without exception.
Even with flashy screens, faxes, e-mails, texts, some people still miss it and wonder why the servers are offline
Unfortunately Australia exists and maintenance happens during prime time for us. We get caught out still especially if we don’t have the correct chat window up. It would be a good improvement.
It doesnt matter what time zone you live in. Justs set an alarm if you cant remember that something happens every Tuesday at same time for years now. (Its not attack on you Katie! just in general)