Achievement: Shaolin turns 17


Feb 1, 2006
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Photonic Edge
If you spend 17 years doing anything, you've got to be an expert at it, right? Shaolin was formed 17 years ago - that's a pretty cool achievement deserving of a 'gratz' or two. We were discussing the other night if there is any older active soc out there - we just might be the grandaddy of Entropia!

We've had ups and downs, good times and not so good, but through all these years, we've somehow managed to remain a pretty active soc with some excellent personalities. We may not top the rankings, but that doesn't phase us much - we're more interested in getting to know one another in a meaningful way. True friendships last through the years.

So finally it remains for me to raise a glass and say 'thank you' to the all of the people who have been through our ranks down the years. You've made this group what it is today.
My first TP run on Amethera as an OJ, I landed near a fight for LG. I was a few weeks old and I never thought I could see so many ubers in one place, it was the Shaolin soc, in 2006.
Keep it going, guys!!
I remember Sbi at rig, i love sbi with adj fap at rig ahhh
Happy 17th Birthday Shaolin!

I am so proud of my society and what a wonderful bunch of people to be a part of.
