Should MA make a underseas city?


Dec 15, 2005
Eye of Matrix
Avatar Name
I believe MA has the capicity to make a new city under the ocean . To get there we should be able to use a sub.yes this would mean that there would have to be sub pens sort of like the hangers . Maybe call it Oceanic . :wise:
Good idea, but I am quite sure most people are not willing to go because you can't move left nor right in water.
why wouldnt you be able to swim there?
Hmm whatabout fix some bugs first ? :p

They are already developing a new city, and they didn't finish CND yet.
yes and they shouldl make it an urban envioronment where one can venture into buildings, and have it organized like a city irl with real buildings that u can walk into and around and make it all pvp for commando style shit... i suppose a crouch and fire option would be neccesary then ^^ make it a event zone as well and make it like a giant submerged biodome.
I have been hoping MA will make an underwater city for a long time :) I still hope that one day they do. Its gotta have a special purpose though, and I think that maybe you should need to have special equipment to reach it rather than just swim there and add it to your TP list :) Maybe it could give access to special sea monster mobs to hunt?
have been hoping MA will make an underwater city for a long time I still hope that

I'm glad your all taking time to repond .ty. To Sibuk and others i really think a Submarine system could be made in port cities or cities that are close to water .It would be just like a trip to space the only way to get in would be a sub.That means there would have to be sub pens built in a fasion like the hangers are for space travel.

BTW it would be great to look out a window in this city and see avatars peering in like fish. :laugh:
i think they should do it but you buy sometihng like the toxic shot for pvp3 to get down there