Skill vs loot system revealed (for lack of better topicname)

You cracked it some years ago, props to you for that. You didnt do it those time though. Even IF that would be right it still would'nt help you.
Well, I am the nr 1 skeptic about every single theory related to how the loot system works, although I do believe that there is nothing random about the loot, every avatar will loot exactly what MA wants it to, based obviously in an unknown amount of variables!
I obviously do not believe this theory, but I believe it is a nice one! I'm not going to try it for the reasons I've stated before, but for the ones who do believe that skill gains actually mean something it is something you must try! (I belive that the skill is, not only but also, a way that MA has to return some of the investment we make in this game!

Just my :twocents:
1) I tried to follow very similar theory some time ago and it didnt work for me (well it ends horrible, almost no claims :laugh:)
2) I do not believe that claims are fixed in the ground. From my point of view it would be very difficult to balance ped flow if many big deposites will spawn in deserted areas (for example)

Anyway I like reading all these theories :cool:
well tha would kinda explain why u get alot more skill gains in cnd... i think i need to give that shit a try..

but about perc... u always get perc when someone appears ur radar and u drop bomb..? i dont think perc has much to do with mining depos at all..
and aint miner related to drilling coz drilling is the one that unlocks it?
I dont agree to any of it.

The closest I can say that relates to return is...

Eco weps, yes they save some money
Good armour, yes they save fap and revive cost
Nice fap, wow yes get one!

But most of all....

If you loot 1000 Ambu with a ha/dmg of lvl 90 you will get a better return then if you are lvl 70, meaning your loot is related to your skills (not the tiny saving that eco and such provide)

This is a skill related game after-all.

Go figure :D
Hasn't this theory been around for along time now?

Even before amerthea Silver di Avlo was telling people to mine like this and someone figured out that the hunting loots where based on second/hour/minute beams going across the map of eudoria.
I liked the multiple, moving figure 8's more. :laugh:
it's not the deposit in the ground triggering skills. it is your turnover triggering skills and those skills spawn deposits :)
Legion according to your theory, if I get a geology and then turn my avatar around I should get CGA instead.

So I guess you could test it by going somewhere with abunch of probes, hitting a CGA. Turning your avatar around slowly 20 degrees at a time or smth till you get a geology? (You could even tell which way it is) If that works, which I doubt.
You cracked it some years ago, props to you for that. You didnt do it those time though. Even IF that would be right it still would'nt help you.

The mining system pretty much works like legion suggested. BUT it doesn't help you much. There are too many droppoints after you get a skill gain...
here is my mining skill theory: the more skills you have, you can use better finders and excavators...
Now that's a theory I can belive in :D

Wow we got a lot of people insulting Legion here...Damn, give him a break guys. When was the last time you provided something of thought to the community? Hell it might not be right, I have no idea-I do not mine, but he has taken time to write down his thoughts and attempt to explain them. If you don't like his ideas CHALLENGE THEM. Dont just say 'lol this is crap' or 'rofl my waffles Legion you noob' go and test his theory instead of insulting him before giving it a try. Prove him wrong if you can.

He has a theory and has taken time to explain it. Be grateful, don't be asses. It might not be right, hell it might be completely off the mark, but that is for you to decide. Go test it. I for one am giving Legion a +rep for his theory because it is informative, and pretty interesting to read. Most miners here have a system to mining. This is Legion's. If you have a better one, post yours. Don't just slag others off because you're protected behind a screen.

Frankenberry-NBK Legion

It's pretty much impossible to prove or disprove a theory that doesn't give better (or atleast different) results then randomly droping bombs. And even Legion him self says it doesn't imporove his hitrate. So testing it is kind of difficult.
You are right though in saying we shouldn't be rude to people trying to figure things out and sharing their ideas. But then again I don't see much of that in this thread any way.
Well perhaps everyone can at least pull one thing unanimously from this if you haven't already gotten it from your hunting and mining in EU. Loot, be it mining or hunting, is tied to skills and skill gain in some profound way that would blow up our minds if we tried to comprehend it.
Well perhaps everyone can at least pull one thing unanimously from this if you haven't already gotten it from your hunting and mining in EU. Loot, be it mining or hunting, is tied to skills and skill gain in some profound way that would blow up our minds if we tried to comprehend it.

This profound way it is tied to each other is that both are generated by the same activity. This doesn't mean there is a correlation between the two. I have never seen any data ever which suggests there is, so why should we presume there is?
I doubt that your skill gains will tell you anything about where there is a deposit.. But I do think that your chance of getting something is higher when you do get a skillgain.

And about perc, I do think that has something to do with it and that is when you get Perc something of the follow are happening:
1. Your search depth is deeper for the bomb/probe you dropped when you got perc
2. Your search range is increased for the bomb/probe
3. Your chance of getting something rare is higher
4. Your chance of getting something bigger is higher

This is my believe since a few times when I have got perc I have found something larger then normal, like an average when I usually get tiny-poor.
Ofcourse this might be just random :laugh:

But as we all know, perc might just as well do nothing but confuse us.
Your ideas and mine have something very alike:
They might be true but are making for such a complex system with so many possibilities that no really useful prediction is possible.
Hrm going with this is there any certain skill or set of skills that you think boost loot? For instance is it worth chipping in serendipity to uber level ignoring all other skills?

I dont agree to any of it.

The closest I can say that relates to return is...

Eco weps, yes they save some money
Good armour, yes they save fap and revive cost
Nice fap, wow yes get one!

But most of all....

If you loot 1000 Ambu with a ha/dmg of lvl 90 you will get a better return then if you are lvl 70, meaning your loot is related to your skills (not the tiny saving that eco and such provide)

This is a skill related game after-all.

Go figure :D
Is Iam Flatline Legion your normal in game avatar I see very few globals under that name on entropia tracker? When I mine good or bad I get about a 20-25% hit rate just better runs have bigger hits. if thats true does that not mean that I have a 20%-25% chance hit rate on any 55 meter space around me and there for if I mine 16 spaces around me I should get 3 to 4 hits regardless of skill gain or even the lack of a skill gain?

I recently did a run with MA106 amps I used 8 of them lost a ton of money but I can say every bomb I dropped gave me skill gains like crazy as many as 6 at a time. I don't think I was detecting more claims but what I was doing was spending 8 times more decay per bomb there for 8 times more skill gains which should come at the percentage equal to its weight on the task at hand. As in the percentage each skill ads to my surveying level.

I think I would believe this theory if there was a greater chance of a hit rate on the skill gain. But if you already have a chance to find 3 or 4 claims a few hundred meters from within any one spot your gonna get a find every time you try.

As for hunting the better signs to look for in my opinion is not skill gains but the type of loot. Rare loots usually means an area is hotter then normal so you will more likely hit a global then a mini global when it comes. Also the bigger loot usually comes within 100 kills if you get a mini global instead of a global after killing a ton of mobs then most likely thats the big loot and the areas cool. If you get a mini global right off the bat kill some more if you start getting a few mini globals then it usually means the areas really hot and when you hit the big loot it will be a nice global. If your hunting and getting bad loot then finally get a mini global move on the area will probably continue to suck after that.

Anyway thats just my 2 cents lol based on what I have observed hunting.
good post, +rep
perc works for sure on hunting, 80% of times i find the 25 ped + one quickly afther the perc, in a 90% degree spread in front of me

dont believe it, fine, more loot forthsoe who do.

oh and btw, MA once stated that loot differs per person.
so if u shoot the same mob or i woudl kill it, that would mean chance on different loot.
Legion, you already said that you get 25% hit-rate, just like any other miner dropping bombs at random with no system at all. So that means your system doesnt actually help finding more claims, just to know they are around... without any system I can tell you deposits are around... always ;)

So, do you get a TT return better than 100% on average?

If not, than on what exactly do you base your findings?

You have presented these theories so many times, but maybe once you could also provide with data or even an explanation of how you came to the conclusion?
About 80% of the time when I get 3 or more Perc while mining I hit a global or better. The other 20% I cant say what might have been there because I was out of bombs/probes/peds....
Legion is talking about the direction you are moving WHILE DROPPING BOMBS/PROBEs. Not the direction you are facing. I have had this theory about Geo for a long time, even told friends about it and they have seen it also. Gains are not 100% telling you everything. They do give some indication about the area your are mining in. Something to keep in mind also with these gains.... I am hoping that most people here know about the offset map bug on the north shore of Eudoria??? That offset could be affecting your gains. Which mean that you may be getting gains from an area 100-200m away from where your at.
Now back to Legions theories. Let say you drop get no gain, then move north and get a Geo. Turn around and go south beyond your first hit, and drop. You may or may not hit, you may even get a pros or cga. What happens is all on MA(its dynamic remember?). But I would believe your chances are better. I never really have figured out cga, but Legion may have.

to me these mean.
Pros/sur gain, something in area close by.
Perc gain, higher concentration of deposits, or a bigger one. Or I have seen this to show there is nothing in the area..... with perc I have been able to double triple and quad bomb a single spot and get hits up to 10 claims in 1 spot. I have a pic with 8 claims showing, which I hit after perc.
Geo is a cross gain like cga. could mean you past it or its infront of you what you where looking for OR check other type. So if you get a Geo off a bomb drop a probe, off a probe drop a bomb.....
int gain, normally means you are headed in right direction....

So in short you can believe this or not, use it or not, test it or not...
As far as I am concerned I do beleive, in mining, gains mean something. And deposits are there to be found, like mobs. you can shoot at a mob miss and still get a gain. you can drop a bomb/probe miss and get a gain. Ever take aim on a mob get ready to shoot it and watch it fade out? and not because its out of radar range. Same can happen to deposits, which is why BIG hofs can be where no one ever goes, they dont stay there. years ago (before auto claim) someone hit a vast deposit on a hill and could not get to it to claim it. They went back from time to time to see if it was still there, about 1 week later they could not find it.... It moved...
About hades, I have heard of people actually putting a claim up there. Also I beleive the bigger the amp on a detector the lower your chance is of finding something.
The rare and hard to find deposits may give you gains without you finding them, which may be telling you your skill is not enough or you got the wrong tool. Like on TI I get gains and cant find that manganite, but I do rarely get that hit out there.....

P.S. agree or disagree with Legion, but you cant call him crazy cause we all are..... Just look at us and the time we put into this game... ;)
MA has a system we may be able to touch the surface of how it works but we'll never find out the complete depth of it..... And now you can flame me!!! :eek: :yay: :D
oh and + rep for Legion :D

Also Legion on your diagram, how big are the hexes on it?? 50m?
Also I beleive the bigger the amp on a detector the lower your chance is of finding something.
This is wrong.
I have recorded data for thousands of bombs with each amp up to OA105 and unamped, the hit-rate is always the same.

I will ask you the same as Legion:
Do you get a hit-rate better than 25% with your system? (in the long term, not a specific run).

Do you get more than 95% return on TT?

Got any data to back up on your theories?

Not attacking you or Legion, I just want to see some data or at least some indication that the skill-gain system is better than random mining.
All I see so far is people claiming it works but getting the exact same results as any other miner not using the system does.
For once, Legion, provide data from an experiment you did that supports your hypothesis, before calling it a "system" or a "theory".
The only thing I can say that I got a shitload of skill gains in the area I mined befor I got my Oil Tower some years ago same as with my Alicenies Uber but sometimes you get a lot of skillgains and you do not find anything decent so I'm biased about the ultimate guid of minig as long as it is not written by a MA insider ;)

PS: The ultimate crap about MA's system is that I started mining as my main profession, hunting was giving me shitty returns all the time and even my socmates refused to hunt with me as it would have been certainly a loss for all. So I started mining around the time the meteorit event was held by MA and with no skills at all I managed to got my hunting bills payed by mining :eek:
This is wrong.
I have recorded data for thousands of bombs with each amp up to OA105 and unamped, the hit-rate is always the same.

I will ask you the same as Legion:
Do you get a hit-rate better than 25% with your system? (in the long term, not a specific run).

Do you get more than 95% return on TT?

Got any data to back up on your theories?

Not attacking you or Legion, I just want to see some data or at least some indication that the skill-gain system is better than random mining.
All I see so far is people claiming it works but getting the exact same results as any other miner not using the system does.

I think the point Legion is trying to make is that you can't break the system. Not without being a lucky cluelss soab, anyway. :)
Well , i do believe in the a skill trigger system...
But not in a skill that indicate where to go...
First that would be a bit long to code , and expose MA to the constant winning of all player... so they would never ever make such a things...specially since som test would make the whole system total clear...

I did notice an increase of skill gain in good time , and a lower skill gain in bad time... but hell , that just show that server have good and bad time... witch is something admited by a lot of player...
point is not to know if the good and bad time exist ... but when they will be :D
I pay attention to skill gains as I mine and they influence where I drop and which direction I travel, etc. However I would not state that I was ever really sure of anything.

My experience indicates that gains equal claims and should be explored (especially on CND), though just as many claims have no pre-gain and a real model to test this theory (which I call skillgainism) has never been developed. At least not be me, as I am usually too busy counting up all my ugly rocks to figure out how it could be done.
damn a lot to reply too and i should be in bed

What about SIB? and the clear fact that you get more skills using amps, oh and that you get more skills on cnd?

here is my mining skill theory: the more skills you have, you can use better finders and excavators...

About sib, yes using sib gives you more skill, or rather i think it works the way that you have an easier time to get a skillgain from something you might not have gotten one without sib.
for example you could get a skillgain from a gold deposit if u used sib, but without u wouldnt have gotten one. not tested that though. Yes u get more skills on cnd, and this is because ur finderrange is about half but the grid is still the same size. So to get you about the same chance to find something you get more skills instead of deposits and bigger deposits.

Well, Loots when it comes to hunting are certainly not totally random.
I know for a fact however, that you might aswell stand still for 50 hours and hunt, than run around chasing skill gains, and still get the same loots, or about.
Just think about the aurli trapping few years ago.
And no loot system hasnt changed much over the last 5 years that ive been around ^^
Yes you can stand still but i'm not talking about the mob ur shooting at, skills give indications on both that mob and all other around you. That's why i have had a damn hard time to try and figure our hunting.

Just as I thought - nothing new...

To prove that this theory is true deposits should be in the ground waiting for the miners to find them - I think I dont have explain why this is false...

And here goes something that showes that this theory even wasnt tested properly - if deposits are in the ground, then every time you pass them you should get skill gains. Even a newbie miner will notice that he gets skills also in empty areas - just stand in the centre of Hadesheim with sib finder and oa109 and start bombing - for a 20 lvl prospector such amp will give a shitload of skill gains despite no resouces can be found in the surrounding area...

no deposits are not in the ground, what's in the ground is hmm what should we call them... indicators sort of, just like a mob, and yes just like shooting you can get skillgains just by shooting in the air. This does however not disprove my theory.

So according to this, you think that mobs spawn with loot already "in them" and I just have to shoot the right one? And that the skillgains tell me which one?
I heard different opinions.

Do you know the "code" for hunting, too? Would you share it?

no not with loot per see, but when mobs spawn they have a base value indicator sort of and when you shoot at it yoru ammo use etc etc get's put into a loot calculation and from that you end up with the final loot. But no loot is not ON the mob like you think i'm suggesting. And yes by shooting a mob the skillgains you get give you feedback about the other mobs around you. And if there is only one mob around the skills you get are from that one. Ever noticed that in an area with lots of mobs u get more skillgains if the loot is good? i have several times and then if the loot is bad the skillgains go down.

oh. disappointing. this seems to be the same old theory though an interesting twist of signals telling you somthing is in front or behind. however, it can bascially be reduced down to, if you have a skill gain theres loot in the surrounding area.

yes it's basicly the same as seamaster and co posted a few years ago but i refined it a bit.

so the skills you gain from dropping doesnt prove anything?.........well it works sometimes for me, but who knows, i need to see more ppl that can prove to me if it's true or not
That is one reason why i posted it, i want more ppl to try it.

Wow we got a lot of people insulting Legion here...Damn, give him a break guys. When was the last time you provided something of thought to the community? Hell it might not be right, I have no idea-I do not mine, but he has taken time to write down his thoughts and attempt to explain them. If you don't like his ideas CHALLENGE THEM. Dont just say 'lol this is crap' or 'rofl my waffles Legion you noob' go and test his theory instead of insulting him before giving it a try. Prove him wrong if you can.

He has a theory and has taken time to explain it. Be grateful, don't be asses. It might not be right, hell it might be completely off the mark, but that is for you to decide. Go test it. I for one am giving Legion a +rep for his theory because it is informative, and pretty interesting to read. Most miners here have a system to mining. This is Legion's. If you have a better one, post yours. Don't just slag others off because you're protected behind a screen.

Frankenberry-NBK Legion


I never believed skill gains mean anything. And perception has never been an indicator in my experience. You get skills by doing something. The more you do it the more skills you get. You have to get them sometime but I`ll never believe for a minute MA would make it so that it gives you clues which would equal an advantage against the house. So since we are unable to know the real truth because MA is god you can raise arguments all day just like someone who believes in a certain faith. It`s true because you can`t disprove it. When in reality it`s also false because you can`t prove it.

All that aside Legion if you found something that works for you that`s great!

My big theory it`s all rolls of the dice with modifiers. Some days you can`t hit or do damage to save your avatar and others you do so good you`d think your skills doubled overnight.

The thing is, even IF you know this system you dont really get an advantage, as there are too many spots to drop a bomb on. You might get a slight higher chance against other miners but not much, and also by doing it this way MA is not violating the lottery rule that is in sweden. If you did not get any feedback from loot it would be totally random and that's a lottery wich is not allowed in sweden. Now MA has moved the server to germany i think so i dont know what that would mean for teh lottery law in sweden.

so about the "perception" thing, does it tie to our former activity?

Like I got perception when hunting...

does the something valuable can be get from hunting only?

or something valuable can also be get from mining when we got perception from hunting?

ahh, what i'm talking about....hope u understand...
this i'm not sure about, but i think it does tie to the activity you are currently doing, but it might indicate for hunting if you get it while mining, not sure about that.

Well, I dont see anyone insulting Legion - most of us just totally disagree with this theory and not because we're too lazy to test it...

I'm not playing EU for long (around 14-15 months) and I've heared such theory soon after my first visit in EU. People that play longer can confirm for sure that they've heared it long before me. And I guess almost every miner tested it and almost every miner rejected it, cause it doesnt work... If you dont beleive me just grab an ore finder, amp it with something bigger and try to mine oyster

yes it's been said in a similar way before but this is a slight change to it. and yes it does work for me atleast.

well tha would kinda explain why u get alot more skill gains in cnd... i think i need to give that shit a try..

but about perc... u always get perc when someone appears ur radar and u drop bomb..? i dont think perc has much to do with mining depos at all..
and aint miner related to drilling coz drilling is the one that unlocks it?

Yes exactly why u get more on cnd about perc, i'm not sure about the apearance of someone, but i know for a fact that most of the time i get a perc i find something rarer or more valuable.

Hasn't this theory been around for along time now?

Even before amerthea Silver di Avlo was telling people to mine like this and someone figured out that the hunting loots where based on second/hour/minute beams going across the map of eudoria.

yes theirs are similar but not just as mine, i figured out a bit more.

Legion according to your theory, if I get a geology and then turn my avatar around I should get CGA instead.

So I guess you could test it by going somewhere with abunch of probes, hitting a CGA. Turning your avatar around slowly 20 degrees at a time or smth till you get a geology? (You could even tell which way it is) If that works, which I doubt.

yes and no, you dont always get a skillgain from a deposit that is in the ground, just as shooting a mob might not always give you a skillgain. But yes i have been using that method or similar to what you describe to pinpoint deposits. it doesnt always work though for the reason i gave you.

The mining system pretty much works like legion suggested. BUT it doesn't help you much. There are too many droppoints after you get a skill gain...

exactly :p

Your ideas and mine have something very alike:
They might be true but are making for such a complex system with so many possibilities that no really useful prediction is possible.

same answer as above :D

Is Iam Flatline Legion your normal in game avatar I see very few globals under that name on entropia tracker? When I mine good or bad I get about a 20-25% hit rate just better runs have bigger hits. if thats true does that not mean that I have a 20%-25% chance hit rate on any 55 meter space around me and there for if I mine 16 spaces around me I should get 3 to 4 hits regardless of skill gain or even the lack of a skill gain?

I recently did a run with MA106 amps I used 8 of them lost a ton of money but I can say every bomb I dropped gave me skill gains like crazy as many as 6 at a time. I don't think I was detecting more claims but what I was doing was spending 8 times more decay per bomb there for 8 times more skill gains which should come at the percentage equal to its weight on the task at hand. As in the percentage each skill ads to my surveying level.

I think I would believe this theory if there was a greater chance of a hit rate on the skill gain. But if you already have a chance to find 3 or 4 claims a few hundred meters from within any one spot your gonna get a find every time you try.

As for hunting the better signs to look for in my opinion is not skill gains but the type of loot. Rare loots usually means an area is hotter then normal so you will more likely hit a global then a mini global when it comes. Also the bigger loot usually comes within 100 kills if you get a mini global instead of a global after killing a ton of mobs then most likely thats the big loot and the areas cool. If you get a mini global right off the bat kill some more if you start getting a few mini globals then it usually means the areas really hot and when you hit the big loot it will be a nice global. If your hunting and getting bad loot then finally get a mini global move on the area will probably continue to suck after that.

Anyway thats just my 2 cents lol based on what I have observed hunting.

yes it's my regular avatar, but i havent been playing a lot lately, been in another game and also been a bit busy in school, and they wiped the db a few times. Also this system does not give you globals or hofs, it just tells you where stuff is located.

and nope, you might not hit 25% or such as you speak about, as the area might be bad or the vein might go in a straight line. hope that explains it.

as for the ampstuff, i havent done a lot of research on amps, but as i said before you can get skillgains by shooting in the air and doing it with more decay should result in more skills but at the same time you could have been in a great area but you missed stuff cause they where to the sides or ore to hard for you to find, but you still get gains from them. one example is i was out mining using my theory, got a shitload of skillgains and tried to locate the spot, found NADA. then along another miner comes and plop look he got a deposit, JUST where i thought it would be.

Legion, you already said that you get 25% hit-rate, just like any other miner dropping bombs at random with no system at all. So that means your system doesnt actually help finding more claims, just to know they are around... without any system I can tell you deposits are around... always ;)

So, do you get a TT return better than 100% on average?

If not, than on what exactly do you base your findings?

You have presented these theories so many times, but maybe once you could also provide with data or even an explanation of how you came to the conclusion?

the reason why i dont have any data is because i suck at that, the reason i started to see this i think is party because i'm VERY right brained, ie i can see the whole so to speak (bot the best word to describe it though) but being a right brainer also means i suuuck at numbers.

So the way i have done these tests are to define one rule for each skill and then go test it, if it didnt work i asked myself what was wrong and wrote a new rule and tried it again and finally after about 7 different rulesets this is what i came up with.

However some of the skills could mean more that just my rules, for example a lot of ppl claim goe can mean that there is a fieldboarder and this i am fairly shure about but havent given it any real testing.

Legion is talking about the direction you are moving WHILE DROPPING BOMBS/PROBEs. Not the direction you are facing. I have had this theory about Geo for a long time, even told friends about it and they have seen it also. Gains are not 100% telling you everything. They do give some indication about the area your are mining in.

About hades, I have heard of people actually putting a claim up there. Also I beleive the bigger the amp on a detector the lower your chance is of finding something.
The rare and hard to find deposits may give you gains without you finding them, which may be telling you your skill is not enough or you got the wrong tool. Like on TI I get gains and cant find that manganite, but I do rarely get that hit out there.....

nope ur wrong there, i'm talking about your facing not the direction your moving :D sorry missed that in my description :p

oh and + rep for Legion :D

Also Legion on your diagram, how big are the hexes on it?? 50m?

hexes are actually circles that are your tools finder range :D but they are changed into hexes or well not totally sure about that, could be that you should just make them circles instead of hexes but hexes was easier to draw :p

For once, Legion, provide data from an experiment you did that supports your hypothesis, before calling it a "system" or a "theory".

read above why no data.

The only thing I can say that I got a shitload of skill gains in the area I mined befor I got my Oil Tower some years ago same as with my Alicenies Uber but sometimes you get a lot of skillgains and you do not find anything decent so I'm biased about the ultimate guid of minig as long as it is not written by a MA insider ;)

question, when you got that tower in that area with a lot of skillgains, did you also find a lot of other resources at the same time? ie was it a very good run if you take the tower out of the picture?

I think the point Legion is trying to make is that you can't break the system. Not without being a lucky cluelss soab, anyway. :)

sort of, but you might be able to make a program that could do the calculations for you :p been trying to get a few coders to make me one but they have been out of time, but it could be very good to have a prog to test it even more and see if you would improve the hitrate.

Well , i do believe in the a skill trigger system...
But not in a skill that indicate where to go...
First that would be a bit long to code , and expose MA to the constant winning of all player... so they would never ever make such a things...specially since som test would make the whole system total clear...

I did notice an increase of skill gain in good time , and a lower skill gain in bad time... but hell , that just show that server have good and bad time... witch is something admited by a lot of player...
point is not to know if the good and bad time exist ... but when they will be :D

see above why they made such a system. And yes, in good times you get more skills, but also when it's global time it goes down again :p evil ma dont want to give away too much :p

gee that was a lot to answer, gonna update my first post with some stuff too.
Reading everyones post and what people have to say I think skill gains may be related to how hot or cool an area is. Yes I seem to get more skill gains when loot is good. So when an area is hot and looting well you also get a greater value of skill gains? Would that make sense? So when hunting or mining instead of looking at what the gain is, skip mobs run a little further while mining and when you start hitting more gains you kill every mob drop bombs more often?

Just a thought. Since Perception is a small makeup of your total surveying or prospecting career you don't get it so often but maybe when an area is hot your gonna get it more? Or when you use a bigger amp and theres more decay you get it more?

For example take Daikiba when I hunt youngs I get Pixie shin guards once per say 40-100 mobs killed if an area is hotter I get maybe 2 or 3. Now when I hunt Daikiba Stalkers that would be like mining with a big amp. I get Pixie Shin Guards every other kill. I

really think lots of Perception skill gains may indicate a general area is hot maybe but not necessarily the direction the big claim is? And some times you will just get perception because well its 10% of your skill. But if you are getting 2 or 3 in a row maybe just means areas hot and you should mine systematically around? Maybe there is more then one claim that is big?

To know for sure you really need to drop a lot of bombs 1000s even.