skilling curve


Old Alpha
Nov 13, 2008
Has anyone ever shared anything about if the profession level curve (plotted against time or money spent) has an upper limit (asymptote) or it theoretically goes to infinity?
Has anyone ever shared anything about if the profession level curve (plotted against time or money spent) has an upper limit (asymptote) or it theoretically goes to infinity?

Professions are calculated from the skills and skill point volume increases in a linear fashion above 10k points. In other words professions should not be asymptotic when plotted agains money spent.

Its not something that I had considered before, Is it true that after 10k in a skill that the curve stops?
Not that I need to worry about it for many years, but still good to know.

Its not something that I had considered before, Is it true that after 10k in a skill that the curve stops?

It doesn't stop, it just isn't wavy anymore. It is a straight ascending line. That means that it still gets harder and harder to get another point but difficulty should not be asymptotic. I think. :) Have a look around in the gallery, there were pictures of the skill volume per point around and above 10k.

Edit: I looked for it and found it:


However, this looks wrong. It should be very wavy under 10k. Sorry, maybe my memory played tricks on me.
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I'm not sure what you mean about linear behavior...

Imagine you do 100 ped hunts with the same weapon on the same mob, and plot your prof level against the number of hunts.

You will get a curve that looks like y = k*log(x)+b, where x is your hunt number and y your current prof level.

In reality it's not log(), I don't know what it is and ofc it'll have some random noise added to it, it just an example

What I'm asking is how it behaves at infinity.

So you are saying it becomes a straight line and grows linearly after you maxed 10k skill point relative to the profession?
I thought it was exponential. The first 2-3000 points happen qiuckly. 3-5000 slows but is doable. 5000-7000 is getting expensive.

A 7 ped TT chip might get you from 0 to 1500 as a noob, but at level 7000, it will barely move you 100 points. Its like the ratio gets worse as you get more points.

Then 7-9000 points is painful and further to that, 9000-10000 is soul destroying. This is just for skills that have a direct relationship to skill chips (Like rifle to rifle). If you take into account skills that influence a skill (Such as BLP Sniper Hit), then increasing that skill becomes a whole new challenge. See

The graph above pretty much sums it up though. Skilling near 10000 is bloody hard. I would leave it to the super ubers like Joda and Star with >10000 skills in a profession to advise what happens after 10000.
