Sold my fap 90 by mistake =(

Nov 16, 2005
Amethera Demons
Avatar Name
Bobby Skankinbob Deluxe
Hi all...made a huge mistake a little bit more than 1 hour ago and sold my fap 90 in the auction for tt+40 when I was going to sell a fap 50 =( Now I´m searching for the one who bought it hoping to buy it back...if anyone knows anything about my case please help me out... I´m going on my knees here...

/Skankinbob (Amethera Demons)
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Good luck with that...i find it strange though u don't recall who u traded with after such a short time though??
concearning the fap

Sold the fap in the auction that´s why =(
so sorry to hear that :(

i really think there should be a "lock option" so you can lock items u dont want to accidently trade/tt/auction :mad:
I agree roth...this really sucks and now it´s just to hope that someone with a bit of good will bought it so that I can by it back...
Shit sad story,
Hey but let we hope there some nice and karma people here in this game..
I will get it back to you if i bought it...
GL and let me know
MA should implement a karma system...that way good people get PED, while scammers die and revive at a TR full of atrox...

Do good things and good things happen... bad things and suffer like Earl :laugh:

Paybacks a beotch :D

mytwopecs..sorry about your situation
That really sucks, i guess that is what happens when you lose a second of attention span... I hope the person who bought it is willing to give it back, but i would doubt it very much.

Good luck with that though.
Just to give you hope this has happened before and the items where returned. So i hope the same things happens to you.

and who says there isn't a karma system ;-)
id hate that

that is sad i know id be s****** myself if i accidently did that but i honestly say that u wont be getting it back :(

and it isnt really karma at all how was this guys upposed to know u put it in by accident he may of thought it was just a really good deal ...
but maybe if whoever bought it was kind he will :) gl
ah i see it now.....didnt see the auction part b4 sry.

Maybe u could send support case asking for the avi's name u won the auction to make it easier to track down??
FleshCleaver Don´t be sry it was my mistake from the beginning...when you first read about the case I had forgot to say I sold the fap in the auction but you made me see that so i edited the the text right after that...but thx for for the support and for making me see that I´d missed to tell the whole story :)

I´ve already sent a supportcase to MA but what I´ve heard the don´t help with things sold in auction, only things sold in tt :( Was told about a guy that by mistake sold a hangar for tt+20 inte the auction without getting any compensation for that so I can only hope it was a player that understands my situation that bought the fap...otherwise I´m back to square one least it feels like that right now =(

And thx to everyone supporting me in this matter, feels good to see that people show some empathy in this game :)

Ohh just forgot... MA never givs out any information about other avatars except your own...a policy they have...
Really sry to hear that :(
this havnt happend to me, i have tted some fap like 50, 80 but on the trade terminal and MA would give them back to me. But for auction i dont know. There are always some ppl clicking refresh on the list with the items that are putted and when they see low price for something they b/o it and put if for more or even keep it. I just hope they guy who bought will be kind enough to give it back to you, GL
Case closed...

Don´t seem like I´m getting that fap back so from now on the case is closed but life goes on... At least I have a fap 50 and not everyone has such a good fap ;) so it´s just to go on with the skilling and save to buy a new fap...

Thx to everone for the support here and in the game and may the luck me with you all!!!! :D
