Something strange about sweating.


Jan 13, 2008
Avatar Name
Herco Coz Mann
I have been sweating off and on for a little over a year now and this, to me , is a little strange.

When sweating exos I noticed that most of the time when I got a 3 pulls out of one the last bottle had 6 sweat. It seems to be more than random so I did a little sheet. Remember that I only counted the times I got all 3 pulls. Out of 50 full pulls only 4 had a bottle other than 6. Then I kind of forgot about it for a while. I have starting doing a little sweating again (Skilling with a TT sword) and tried snabbies and guess what the last 6 times, in a row, I got 6 sweat on the last bottle. Remember that snabbie female mature give exactly 3 full pulls. I had as many as 11 in row on exos with the last bottle being 6 sweat.

I know that 50 doesn't seem like a lot of data but remember that I only counted full 3 pulls which didn't happen that often and it took about 5 or 6 days to get to 50.

I find it very strange that the snabbies would do the same thing.

Anybody else noticed anything like this. I wouldn't mind if it was stuck on 22:).

I am sure there is someone out there that can tell me the odds of that happening 6 or even 11 times in a row, if in fact it is random like MA says.
... if in fact it is random like MA says.

Where did MA say that?
I read the word random a lot here when it comes to loot and stuff, like it is kinda officially. Haven't seen MA claiming anything in EU is random tho.
random number generator...

it's most likely a random number generator that tells EU if you you win sweat or loot... as such there's probably some seed number pulled from somewhere... could be time based, could be avatar weight based, could be name of your avatar changed in to numeric form divided by the square root of pi rounded to the nearest 10,000th digit, multiplied by 3, divided by the number of stars in the sky... or something else...

in other works... EU IS DYNAMIC!
I used to have 10 sweat per pull from small fugabarbas :scratch2: Not every time, but like 30-50% of the successful pulls from those roadrunners. May be for some mobs there really are some set numbers or may be a chain of coincidences - i don't sweat fugabarbas much because they are too fast and nervous. :D
But not for every mob - for snables, kerberos, molisks and daikibas i've never seen any pattern in the sweatgathering after many thousands succesful pulls on them.
I have noticed (when I did a lot of sweating) that 8 was by far the most common amount of sweat which I got. Perhaps the "random number generator" is somehow seeded with your avatar name? My friend, whom I sweated with a lot, did not get 8 as often as I did (and claimed that no number was clearly more common than another).
I think we can all agree that 0 is by far the most common amount of sweat gathered ;)
Surely dynamic.
I have a high failure rate but the system makes it up with a few 20-23 bottles per pull.
Doenst mean anything, not even 3 successfull pulls in a row.
Well I try to sweat Berys only, and I can tell you that they consistantly give 20s and 21s, and then just a unch a veryiong numbers, like 6,5,7s and sometimes 11s.
Very Dynamic....

BTW, Berys are the best animal to sweat in my opinion.
Surely dynamic.
I have a high failure rate but the system makes it up with a few 20-23 bottles per pull.
Doenst mean anything, not even 3 successfull pulls in a row.

22 is max ;)

I think the only thing clear in this thread is that sweating will drive you barmy. :D

P.S. I am sweating a lot again recently too. :yay: