Space is 5 years old


Dec 6, 2010
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Happy birthday space!

Launched 21st June 2011, officially 5 years old this week!

I thought it would be nice to create a thread for people to post their memories of space over the years, and what they hope for the future :) I would love to see your images or memories from the last 5 years. I will post more over the years that came shortly.

Seems like those 5 years flew in ;) I remember heading up for with such anticipation and excitement on Day 1, and never looked back! Space is my home in Entropia universe, I have been fortunate enough to meet some of the best friends anyone could wish for and create the most fun memories. Friendships grow strong in space, close ties and now even love and marriage :)

I flew up with my vtol on day one, there were no quads. There were no triangles and the motherships had not been sold yet. Welding wire was lootable, the space stations were fancy and had swimming pools. Space was pinky/purple in colour, and a fraction of the size it is currently. Horrors didn't live in areas, and were loads of them! There were only a couple of planets, it was full of bugs and utterly tremendous! A new frontier, just waiting to be explored.

Here are some photos below of the very first days.

A lot has changed since then, space completely transformed, people come and go over the years. I am really hopeful about what the next 5 years will hold for space :)






This video was linked in the official announcement :)

Great post! Thank you
Sorry I got a bit carried away posting things there :D Have put the videos into the first few posts rather than too many posts from me!
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Thank you for this and no way can you post too much on such an epic topic!! :)

I lived in space with my slow little craft.
Would not be on a planet for several days and only then because I was a colonel in a soc with duties to perform :laugh:

#space_flight ~ connecting travelers with space service providers
Wonderful pictures :) I got into space just after Cyrene first launched. I was given a ride there by a soc mate and then on the way back came across Kronan and got Sbi to put me on the GL for repair skilling. The rest as they say, is history. :)
As space enthusiast I much appreciated this thread and all those images. I have a huge amount of my space adventures also. But starting a year later! First from my legendary greenish Carabok Sleipnir< travelling to Next Island and back many many times and spending many many hours flying it :)
We used to call it space also when you had to go hangar to travel and the only destination was crystal palace.
So in my view space is older than 5 years.
Since the launch of true space, and not the old bypass system, it has came a long way.

That is not to say however it is not in need or development, or indeed flawless. It could be far greater, it has untapped potential which is being seen across the board in the gaming community.

The past always looks rosey, and I too look back with rose tinted spectacles. It should of course be appreciated for its worth, remembered for its greatness, but also valued for progression.

This thread is indeed about reminiscing, but also about looking forward to the future. Dwelling on how lovely the past was is a far cry from reality. Reminds me of this song. @ 3.55 mins.


Happy birthday Space in its 5 year mission to boldly go etc etc!

Wow, great videos n pics. Thanx!
Hope the real glory days for Space are still ahead... :cool:
Good Times!


I wonder if they have a nice update for us for the 5th anniversary :D
That would be a wonderful surprise!! :yay:

Happy Birthday Space!

Great pictures and video. I remember those times fondly!
