

Jan 3, 2013
Is there a specific plan in place to farther develop stables in game as stated in the link below?

Some of the buffs are already in place with objects like rings already providing buffs that Stables can offer

Idealy I personally would like to see stable specific buffs OR for example reload buffs, mining buffs, crafting buffs

( maybe some sort of rotation to give each stable a turn at standing out for a given time frame ) <-- probably not doable?
Edit: Maybe a good way of doing this would be to issue shares based on total stable purchases for example total stable amount they where sold for/ percent for each stable??
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That's rather disappointing considering what stable owners gave you guys for these...

It's been 5 years since stables were introduced... what's the "long term"
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Not in the short term is business speak for "it's not even on our radar".

It's such a shame, MA do not develop the meaningful promises they sell.

I guess that means pet auction is not on the radar too.

Not in the short term no.

So before getting flamed by the community, might I ask for a direct statement on how the members of the community who have invested in things under the old regime will be compensated so that their confidence and poisonous feelings can be corrected to end the toxicity it is creating in this game?

We need utility value added to stable owners, space ship owners, and many other areas that were promised major things that led to people investing in them, only to be let down.

It would not be hard to look at a programming-efficient solution that does not require development of large features, but instead gives the owners of these assets something in order to regain the value in their investment.

An example for stable owners would be simply redoing the pet buffs to be worthwhile, things like increased reload speed, critical speed, and skill gain buffs so the stable owners can make a penny.
The biggest trouble with the stables issue is, that they were rendered unprofitable by a slurry of buffed items, i.e. rings and other stuff, being released so shortly after the sale of the stables that it appears implausible that these plans haven't already been in the drawer when the stables were sold. Most have given up restocking, and also have no chance to find another buyer. One could witness their downfall sitting on the sidelines and only draw the conclusion to be very careful about ever considering a similar investment in the future. Could you expand on this, or is this perception entirely wrong?
The biggest trouble with the stables issue is, that they were rendered unprofitable by a slurry of buffed items, i.e. rings and other stuff, being released so shortly after the sale of the stables that it appears implausible that these plans haven't already been in the drawer when the stables were sold. Most have given up restocking, and also have no chance to find another buyer. One could witness their downfall sitting on the sidelines and only draw the conclusion to be very careful about ever considering a similar investment in the future. Could you expand on this, or is this perception entirely wrong?

That is precisely what I and many other long long time players with money have chosen to do, while back in the day we would have invested. It's critical we see the utility value of things be evened out and patched when promises aren't going to be kept, as this keeps people from losing their real life wealth.
Wealth is something precious, people have had their real lives, relationships, and other critical parts of their lives destroyed, because promises were not kept.

It would be a simple concept to ensure you make the utility value on these things like stables, shops, and space ships balanced in regards to what the old regime convinced people to invest, and that you proceed forward on a different road going forward.

I myself am sitting ready with a very sizable deposit depending on how things go this year. I'd love to buy a shop. I'd love to buy a ship. I'd even buy a stable if it made sense...but I and most others are very cautious after the promises in utility value(it's actual economic use in the EU economy) and their current and 'stated final' or 'currently final' utility values are so extraordinarily different.

It indicates historically that investing in big things will result in you getting totally boned, does it not? It's not hard to fix their economic usage in order to generate income for everyone, since it's your focus to make it a better place for everyone.

People shouldn't have to bail from bad investments at total loss, their confidence should instead be re-encouraged so that they might invest MORE, instead of pulling out. These people were the ones who carried your platform to what it is now. Respect them going forward!:wise:
The community doesn't help the situation. Rather than collectively fight for paid promises to be delivered, some often blame the players for poor investment choice.

unbeleivable really.

I've made a support case asking for a refund of stable (is pending for can't remember how long now) . In realease notes it was clearly stated what I'm paying for. Now not that I didn't get it within 5 years time frame but you say I'll never get it. Would be in very good sense just to refund or deliver it....
That's rather disappointing considering what stable owners gave you guys for these...

It's been 5 years since stables were introduced... what's the "long term"

Well its a new team, and they have to work of a lot old broken promisses made by former teams.

Although the answer is disappointing at least it is an honest answer, and we know now that stables is not high in their priority list.

Would you prefer an answer that gives another set of promisses which they can´t deliver due to lack of manpower and time to develop that promissed content?

The new team has to set prioritys and it is totally understandable to me, that they set priority on things where more players are involved (f.e. space, landlots).
Hundrets of players (spaceshipowners) even thousands if you count in the quad owners, wait for space content.
Thousands of players still wait for landplots and those who already got a plot wait for improved usability of those.

Just comparing the numbers of players involved comparing this three parts (plots, space, stables), it is logical that stables will have a fairly low priority compared to the others.

Not that this would make the situation any better, its really sad for stable owners.

At least this new team is honest and tell you that it simply is not doable in reasonable time!
Well its a new team, and they have to work of a lot old broken promisses made by former teams.

Although the answer is disappointing at least it is an honest answer, and we know now that stables is not high in their priority list.

Would you prefer an answer that gives another set of promisses which they can´t deliver due to lack of manpower and time to develop that promissed content?

The new team has to set prioritys and it is totally understandable to me, that they set priority on things where more players are involved (f.e. space, landlots).
Hundrets of players (spaceshipowners) even thousands if you count in the quad owners, wait for space content.
Thousands of players still wait for landplots and those who already got a plot wait for improved usability of those.

Just comparing the numbers of players involved comparing this three parts (plots, space, stables), it is logical that stables will have a fairly low priority compared to the others.

Not that this would make the situation any better, its really sad for stable owners.

At least this new team is honest and tell you that it simply is not doable in reasonable time!

Bull shit... Your saying that it is fine because they are honest ? :) I should probably bow and thank them as well :D

I can promise you literally anything, after I get paid for I will be JUST HONEST and tell you, that you won't get it :)