Strash's mining Log

And just like that......

Nrfs were around 3-4
My hit rate was decent but i only hit : XI x4 XII x2
which was pretty bad.

Ore: 560drops oa-103 = 1800ped
Found TT: 1126ped eek.
Found mu: 268ped
Total: 1394ped

Total: -6453ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 349,043 pedSpent
Enmater: 73,173ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 422,316ped

welll easy come easy let go......
GL all.
well this was a sad joke
i took 1 105oa out
hit IX X x2 VI x 5
bad hit rate all together....

Ore: 39 drops oa-105 = 229ped
Found TT: 89ped
Found mu: 14ped
Total: 103ped

Total: -6579ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 349,272 pedSpent
Enmater: 73,173ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 422,545ped

one can only dream of towers

thanks for clearing my claim mate!
Well took some enmater amps out even those ores prices are going insane!!!!!!!!!! :eyecrazy:

but did well
hit: X x3 XIII XIV x2 XI XV

Started off really bad 3 claims for 30 drops REAlly bad.... but i just moved and moved and moved and well moved ... and finnally got some globals pictures with my PLANE!!!!!!!!

Enmater: 490drops ma-104 = 1075ped
Found TT: 1025ped
Found mu: 307ped
Total: 1332ped

Total: -6322ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 349,272 pedSpent
Enmater: 74,248ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 423,620ped

hmmmm ore or enmater soo many choices!
WoW, cool "EU transformer" U have there, Strash :wtg:
well took out 1 107oa and did ok....
I hit: XI XV

Ore: 23 drops oa-107 = 392ped
Found TT: 202ped
Found mu: 53ped
Total: 255ped

Total: -6459ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 349,664 ped Spent
Enmater: 74,248ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 424,012ped

Well not bad considering it's a oa-107
anyways GL
WoW, cool "EU transformer" U have there, Strash <------ lol to this btw :)

well i took out a oa-105 this time and hit a hofer!
too bad wrong ore
i hit: X XVII

Ore: 39 drops oa-105 = 229ped
Found TT: 428ped
Found mu: 35ped
Total: 463ped

it worked out!

Total: -6225ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 349,893 ped Spent
Enmater: 74,248ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 424,241ped
Welll i thought i had this one in the bag lol but i didn't took out another oa-107 and failed
I hit: XI x3 XII

Ore: 23 drops oa-107 = 392ped
Found TT: 144ped
Found mu: 36ped
Total: 180ped

Total: -6437ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 350,285 ped Spent
Enmater: 74,248ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 424,633ped

back to the drawing board.
Well Did pretty good this run my hit rate was insanly good.
used 10 oa-103's
I hit: XI XII x7 XV

Ore: 560 drops oa-103 = 1800ped
Found TT: 1382ped
Found mu: 325ped
Total: 1707ped

Total: -6530ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 352,085 ped Spent
Enmater: 74,248ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 426,433ped

and more we go.........
Took out some ma-104's and did pretty good...
I hit: XI x3 X x3 XIII XV
Hitrate was good avg nrf was maybe around 4-5
I also didn't expect that XV i hit was near my last drops and surprised me quite abit lol
I also hit a ooto but it was the ore version still cool :) havnt hit one for a while.

Enmater: 490drops ma-104 = 1075ped
Found TT: 948ped
Found mu: 270ped
Total: 1218ped

Total: -6387ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 352,085 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 427,508ped

well :) today turn out to be pretty good lol
but alot of playing hehe maybe too much???
and i been thinking more and more about making a video for this blog hard to give up how i mine so easily.
still thinking about it .
Well took 5 oa-105's into pvp4 and that was a mistake :/

only hit: X x10 XIII x2
and hit rate was just all and out horrid. way too many miners in there now a days

Ore: 195 drops oa-105 = 1145ped
Found TT: 584ped
Found mu: 178ped
Total: 762ped

Total: -6770ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 353,230 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 428,653ped

Well GL then i guess.
Well took out 10 oa-103's
and did ok
i hit: XII x4 XV
looks avg...
nrf was avg again 4-5ish

Ore: 560 drops oa-103 = 1800ped
Found TT: 1314ped
Found mu: 386ped
Total: 1700ped

Total: -6870ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 355,030 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 430,453ped

Cya all on the mining board
Well i did it again i dropped a oa-107 and i blame jack captin Black for this...... can you believe he called mea pussy for not dropping big amps lol

I hit 8 claims: XI XII x3 XV notables

Ore: 23drops oa-107 = 392ped
Found TT: 321ped woot!
Found mu: 64ped
Total: 385ped
woot pretty decent lol

Total: -6877ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 355,422 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 430,845ped

keep the bombs rolling.
Ya i guess i tested my luck alittle to much
I hit 7 claims and XII x2 was most notable
i dropped another 107oa.

didn't turn out soo great.

Ore: 23drops oa-107 = 392ped
Found TT: 138ped
Found mu: 29ped
Total: 167ped
don't wanna talk about it.

Total: -7102ped
Offset: -1158ped
Sweet i been here before.

Ore: 355,814 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 431,237ped

I thought I said close to -5K :(
So so sorry I thought you were doing well
Gotta say it depressing reading atm

Maybe go unamped on a run or two?

GL in Harbringer turning your luck around
Will you tower already!!!!

ijk but mate seriously it is about time....
Well i took 10 oa-104's out.... and did ok... not going to say my hit rate was the best but around 5 nrfs
i hit: X XIII x2 XII x3 XV

Ore: 390 drops oa-104 = 1610ped
Found TT: 1289ped
Found mu: 303ped
Total: 1592ped

Total: -7120ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 357,424 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 432,847ped

well hope one of my runs turns out to be positive......
anyways looks like my avatar is on a down turn atm.
soo can't expect much..
well my run started off the worst i ever seen it. I literally nrfed 2 104oa in a row IN pvp4......
that was a joke.
So i left ....

I hit : X x2 XIII x2 XV XVI

The XVI happened on my last bomb too.... lol

Ore: 390 drops oa-104 = 1610ped
Found TT: 1391ped
Found mu: 322ped
Total: 1713ped

Total: -7017ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 359,034 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 434,457ped

Well i really don't have much to say about this run...... sure it was a success in some sense..... but i got nothing to say atm.
Well the only thing i can say is classical music is needed ...
Well from many years of mining all i can say it just takes 1 bomb. When i say that everyone always says you are a gambler but as we know it is the way of mining with amps. It is a grind but also a gamble also. keep it up and hopfully we all will kick some ass some time soon!
Took out 10 more oa-104's
again nrfed like hell in pvp4......

I hit: XIII x3 X x3 XII XVI
decent hit's

Ore: 390 drops oa-104 = 1610ped
Found TT: 1347ped
Found mu: 311ped
Total: 1658ped
+48ped some profit

Total: -6969ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 360,644 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 436,067ped

Going to try fit one more run in before i fall asleep
Well i finished off 9 oa-104's and did pretty good..... i Stayed outta pvp4 all together and nrfs were pretty low...
but it seems all i was hitting was belk... lol

i hit: X x3 XIII x3 XVIII XII XV

Ore: 351drops oa-104 = 1449ped
Found TT: 2003ped sweet :yay:
Found mu: 406ped
Total: 2409ped
woot nice pedage gain

Total: -6009ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 362,093 ped Spent
Enmater: 75,323 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 437,516ped

Well did pretty good think i will do some enmater next but going to take a day off and meditate on things.
GL all and peace.
well I started this run yesterday before the update got all done except one amp...
was doing pretty good too...
after update well i was in a nrf fest.

I hit: XI x3 XIII XIV X x3
Also hit a ooto.

Enmater: 490drops oa-104 = 1075ped
Found TT: 906ped
Found mu: 256ped
Total: 1162ped

Total: -5922ped
Offset: -1158ped

Ore: 362,093 ped Spent
Enmater: 76,398 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 438,591ped

Well Off to check out that mining mission lol

and maybe kill some bots.

Entropiatracker said:
Blausariam Stone 6577 PED Tuesday, November 09, 2010 20:47

There you go. Gratz on the tower. :yay:
WOOOT I hit my TOWER!!!!!!!!!!

and i had a SICK run ....

I hit: X x14 XIII x6 XIV XV XXIII

Ore: 390drops oa-105 = 2290ped
Found TT: 8211ped
Found mu: 1539ped
Total: 9750ped

Total: +380 :yay:

Ore: 364,383 ped Spent
Enmater: 76,398 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 440,881ped


Finnally my mining PAys off......
now tryin to keep this in profit from now on.
:yay: :wtg:
WOOOT I hit my TOWER!!!!!!!!!!

and i had a SICK run ....

I hit: X x14 XIII x6 XIV XV XXIII

[Ore: 390drops oa-105 = 2290ped
Found TT: 8211ped
Found mu: 1539ped
Total: 9750ped

Total: +380 :yay:

Ore: 364,383 ped Spent
Enmater: 76,398 ped Spent
Total ped spent is: 440,881ped


Finnally my mining PAys off......
now tryin to keep this in profit from now on.
:yay: :wtg:

Impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gratz!!!!
Total: +380 :yay:

Congratulations on the :tower:

Great to see, you can stop now, and kill steelbirds! :handgun:

Weird day today, 36k Iron, 29k Lyta, 21k Lyst, and even an 18k Daikiba. :eyecrazy:
You got yours, now where's mine?