Supremacy Reign HQ thanx Manu manuel.

Doesn't take that much time if you violate the EULA 3 days and you got the money IRL, but of course it's dangerous ;)

A last post to say, if you don't know the guys very well don't lend anything unless you're totally sure to get it back (know the guy irl, long time players, or any others cases which could make you lend that stuff)
I've myself been scammed, and ATM i don't feel like doing the same mistake twice. :wise:
"Neverlie Nevertry Neverscam (<-- dont remember :D) is a second avatar ... the first avatar is called "Babe" she .. or I should say HE was my old soc leader when I was in the soc "Wants to Equals Deaths" He said lots of shit about ppl in the soc ... then disbanded the soc ... some days later he made this avatar but kept "Babe" to scam all ppl he could ... then tried with Neverlie ... and you can be sure she will make another avatar if MA don't do smth.

About lending stuff like that in this game .. erhm .. in this universe ... you really need to trust the person, if he has a good reputation, if you know him IRL, if he's an old player you can but it can also be dangerous if you don't have his adress IRL or tel num like "Nevarna" who was a bit known .. he still scammed ... "Lady Mercury" who borrowed and adj v1 then disapear (<-- dunno if she scammed but nobody has news about her)

Baron, I don't know you personnaly but I know some ppl in your soc and all are nice ... so good luck to have your ped back (HOF?? :))

And about Manuel ... He can be trusted (a nice french :p)
It was the right thing to do indeed. +rep for a reseller ( lol never imagined doing that btw )

MA can track down the ip adress very easily but completely protect us is very hard. But they could do more about that.

I hope this $#%^!@#&* of a scammer dies young and lonely.
"Neverlie Nevertry Neverscam (<-- dont remember :D) is a second avatar ... the first avatar is called "Babe" she ..
You should probably give a full name because 'babe' could refer to a lot of avatars.
This shows that even resellers can be good people in the inside. At least some...

Damn, I bought my ARR from that scamming scum :(
NeverLie and PhilMe had a huge fight on the in-game Ads, where they accused each other of being scammers.
I guess we know now that minimum ONE of them were telling the truth.

Agree with Stormer... MA: Please save EU from those scumbags. :mad:
Reminds me of when Waka sold his RockJacker to Nakia and she never paid him for it. She said her boyfriend Euroman sold it but it was her character who Waka made the deal with. Too bad this happens but it's just like real life, bad people will take advantage of trusting people every chance they get.
Manuel i salut you, Baron i wish you best of luck, Neverlie i wish to see u down in my palace :p - The Devil
Wow that is a great little ending to a story that did not start off good.

I tip my hat to all good parties involved.

As to Neverlie its such a disappointment to how this person turned out :(
It was the right thing to do indeed. +rep for a reseller ( lol never imagined doing that btw )
+rep for You, naming things what they are :D

Big gratz to manuel, who became a very trustable RESELLER in my eyes.
I had never anything against resellers, but those two persons, especially Fire, wonders me a lot :D See why:

i dont trust people with nicks like "neverlie" ;-)
and yes, manuel is a fair trader imo

I've been wondering, Fire, if You do know the term "reseller"

fu reseller put ml35 on auction for tt+5k

Hmm reseller would be the word :p

OMG, You do KNOW! :) So why You don't use it? :p

[...]I didn't know him at the time, but now know him as a trusted trader (yeah, yeah, I know, the prices...).

Damn blind people, he's a reseller :D He's good, but still a reseller.
Hypocrisy of someones just doesn't seem to end :D

Go ahead, -rep me for pointing facts :D

Hope it will be a very good lesson for Byron, cheers manuel, You did the right thing here!
Kudos to Manuel for returning the items its to bad NEVERLIE got away with so much ped.

I had a run in with NEVERLIE a while back it was around the time that he/she was getting accused of scamming. NEVERLIE tried very hard to convince me the accusations were false ohhh what drama too. I never lent anything to NEVERLIE and I just stopped listening after a while and he/she went away.

While NEVERLIE did not try to borrow or scam me from anything I always got a fishey feeling from some of the conversations. In fact I started saving screen shots so I could submit them to MA once the scam came down but it never did.

Its too bad MA lets players like this remain ingame and sow seeds of distrust among the community.

If this player is in the US I am fairly certain anything stolen or acquired under a fraudulent act over $400 USD is considered a felony. So it might be worth while to gain info on the player and contact local authorities here in the US since $2300 USD is quite a large sum. It might not gain much but it will at the least put this player on a watchlist since I am sure if they are low enough to scam in EU they have their fingers in other pots too.

I sucks that this scamming still goes on and the scammers are so very blantant about it. To bad MA will not do more.
This NEVERLIE avatar did aproach one of my soc members a few weeks ago asking if she could join our soc. But becouse of her previus beeing acused of beeing a scammer, and having obvius ND impersenation in her name, we told her to get lost. I feel bad for Baron who lost quite alot of money becouse of her. Nice of you to return the items Manue (make you a little less of a dirty reseller ;) )
+rep for You, naming things what they are :D

Big gratz to manuel, who became a very trustable RESELLER in my eyes.
I had never anything against resellers, but those two persons, especially Fire, wonders me a lot :D

trader is more appropiated in this kind of letter that's all..
"trader" sounds a bit more likeable than "resseller","damn resseller","fu.."
No worries ..

Nervelie sent me a pm yesterday, saying she feels sick ..but when i asked her to return the money she didn't reply me so..
I think she really doesn't care, really bad move from her
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trader is more appropiated in this kind of letter that's all..
"trader" sounds a bit more likeable than "resseller","damn resseller","fu.."

No worry i won't -rep u just for saying the truth :)

Nervelie sent me a pm yesterday, saying she feels sick ..but when i asked her to return the money she didn't reply me so..
I think she really doesn't care, really bad move from her

lol to tolerance of the truth.

It's ironic that in a country where people will and do spend an absolute fortune for health care someone is willing to make themselves sick over a couple thousand dollars. Come on, Neverlie: it's not worth the personal angst and hatred of other players if you really are in EU for entertainment instead of criminal pursuits. Simply return the items to the owner and go on with life.
trader is more appropiated in this kind of letter that's all..
"trader" sounds a bit more likeable than "resseller","damn resseller","fu.."
No worries ..

Nervelie sent me a pm yesterday, saying she feels sick ..but when i asked her to return the money she didn't reply me so..
I think she really doesn't care, really bad move from her


i talked to this dude today :eek:

and what i heard was pretty new :D

this dude that got scammed, said all the time "to neverlie" that he loved here.
and all of this stuff, was just a test to see if he realy loved here :D

and that the reason for she selling it to manuel, was course she knew manu would return the stuff, and after that she was gonna pay the money back, so he would get he's money and gear back :D

and than she said she even had to deposit to give him the money back, then i said, lawl, why in the name of "the man upstairs" did you have to do that if this was just a test, course if it realy was, you wouldent have spended any of he's money, and then she said, no no, he had to move the cash to another avatar so she dident get locked whit that money on that avatar, course than she couldent get the chance to give him the money back, then i asked, well couldent you just give the money to him from that avatar? :D

and then it was just a bunch of lame lame silly talk, rofl....

A scammer attempt gone baad, and trying to make it good again whitout loosing to much respct, all i could say to this person, was consider yourself respectless and blocked from my pm's for life!

this was kinda funny tho, altho i hope she have given the money back, but i realy realy dont hope any of you out there realy belive this story "of a life time" for sure, course all it was, was an scam going the wrong way,:wise:
Hmm ... some more good news :D ...

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Strange but ... Neverlie is Baron's boyfriend ? :laugh:

Well I just hope you will have your ped back Baron
Well, I actually think, just in case if she does feel bad,
Let her at least give a chance to work it out with him,
It might be just misunderstanding!
If what she says in the Screen shot is true, well, in that case we will find out sooner or later.

Good luck to Baron, hope he does gets all money back.
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You should probably give a full name because 'babe' could refer to a lot of avatars.

Babe Babe Lass was the full name if i remember correctly :)
Sorry to hear about this Baron, there's some low life people within our universe
Also well done manuel, nice thing to do :D
Windows 95 is the best one for pking :wise:

Holly sh*t, lol.
Can the EU even run on that Vintage Windows :p...
hehehe thats funny thats yous still on 95, but i guess you got both running on one machine! :)

I think time is to move on to Win 98
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Holly sh*t, lol.
Can the EU even run on that Vintage Windows :p...
hehehe thats funny thats yous still on 95, but i guess you got both running on one machine! :)

I think time is to move on to Win 98

j/k that is windows xp with classic skin ! :)

I've gotten back close to what i think is 18k worth of peds.. in items... This is far more than i could have hoped. As far as i'm concerned this is closed. I cannot discuss in detail what transpired for this was part of the deal in getting the 18k back and i hold to my word. Yes i was scammed.
Omg.. the support that i've gotten over the past week with this situation is utter amazing to me... EU is a close knit community for which no other place exist or can ever compare. The ppl here are incredible and i'm glad to be apart of this wonderful place.... I would just like to thank everyone for the help and support....

Nice to see you got at least something :)
Nice to hear about Manuel, things like this :) cose i didnt respected manuel much...he was to me in one boat with tzepu and other resellers. This incident raised lot of respect to manu in my eyes.
What i can say... + rep from me!

BTW, never trust person, who was in scammer list and neverlie was in several lists some months ago, if i remember right.
I spoke today with neverlie, she said she feels bad, but then again she said its only a game. Well its a shame to know people think its only a game when some people lives get hurt. Well, what comes around goes around.

Hope u ATH Baron

omg only a game? I'm going to borrow my mates car and sell it on, then when he asks for it back say "its only a car" ffs.

Pays for everyone to be careful, scammers are getting very clever lately and + rep Manual.
So the only thing we could was to try and track down Manu manuel the well known trader.A few of us had him on freinds list so after pming him we arranged a meet with him ourselves and Baron.

After some gentle persuasion from ourselves

I'm curious.... before the "persuasion" you allude to, was he by chance asking for any PED as compensation for returning these scammed items?