Sweat as fuel for vehicles?

Oct 21, 2008
In my opinion it's very hard for noobs to really get started in EU. Don't get me wrong, the new gateway and brandnew Port Atlantis are nice starting points, but they just delay the inevitable. People will get broke and what are they usually told how to get some money? Deposit (yeah, but some people can't or don't want to... yet) or go sweating. But now with vehicles sweat isn't needed nearly as much as it used to be, when people could only teleport to get forward faster than by foot. So... sweating wasn't really worth much ever. You could always earn more money per hour in a rl job. But with the demand of sweat dropping and therefor the price for sweat dropping, it becomes nearly worthless. So people are quite much left with the options to either deposit money or leave the game. Many noobs will leave and even some longtime players won't start depositing now all of a sudden, but leave instead.

Now to the point... sweat needs to be more useful again. And why not on the thing that made it less useful in the first place... vehicles. Yes, logically vehicles are fueled by oil, but this is an alien planet, so who cares. Fuel could be a mix of oil and sweat. And there we have the demand for sweat again. Keeping all kinds of noobs and longtime players in the game, because they can sweat for a living again. Keeping the playerbase big. Which will also increase demand for all kinds of items, that are sold by people who deposit maybe. I'm sure that the profit will be higher for MA, even if more non-depositers are in the game. So make vehicles fueled (partly) by sweat and everything's fine again.
Actually, I had the idea only yesterday that there could be some special fuel that would be mixed from ME+oil to make "Hypercharged Fuel" that would allow any vehicle to travel 10% faster or something :D

That would get sweat prices up a bit maybe :dunno:
Nice idea to have sweat useful for something else. But I fear if MA wanted sweat to be useful they would not have made TT ME. There was nothing wrong with the way it worked before for heal/attack chips etc.. apart from the fact that the money paid for ME was to players & not the TT. The fact that the sweater took that long time to earn sweating money & brought their items & ammo & recycled those ped pretty quickly due to wanting to get away from sweating as fast as possible seems to have be lost in the board room that runs MA. It's about trying to force players into depo's.

Saying that I also understand that it's cheaper for ppl for skilling in those things as TT ME has no MU. So I'm guessing that some ppl are happy with the change.

the change away from ME for the mindforce was a good one in my opinion
you barely had ppl use MF, except teleporting ones, cause the eco of heal and attack chips was disastrous
just imagine you had to pay 200% on your ammo each time you hunt (thats pretty much true for melee, but thats another story)

so the change for heal and attack chips away from those overpriced ME due to high markup sweat (0.001 pec tt ^^) was a good one

the real fun thing is, it even didn't effect the market that much either, cause the heal and attack MF ppl were such a small percentage that the didn't have too much influence

left were, as before, the teleporters as main market

with the vehicles that changed, which is actually also quite funny, cause you barely had threads about vehicles sucking for sweating, compared to tt ME sucks for sweating, although the vehicle influence was more grave imo

that they should run on sweat alone, that is hard to say, it is still a very high priced resource so to speak (maybe not from individual point of view, but %)

now IF the consumption would be the same AFTER markup, so, dunno, say 2 pec of sweat or what is that in sweat, 8 sweat, that would be in a way interesting
if that would seriously improve the sweat market tho, 8 sweat per km isn't alot, is questionable
if its done as before with MF, with some hilarious cost for use with overpriced resources, it would be pretty bad and make the whole car thing pointless

so no, i wouldn't like it at all, would possibly even backfire
cause the sweater from today is likely the teleporter or driver from tomorrow
and once you see the actual greed and bad influence the sweat price can have on your gameplay, you may agree
(former MF heal skiller here ^^)

id rather see sweat in the crafting process, be it MF, guns, mining tools, maybe even vehicles, which would get a way broader market of end users
that way, even if the price of the end product stays pretty similar to the sweat, the actual demand would go up more, cause you split the whole thing better than on -just- teleporters (or vehicle users for that matter)
Just reinstate the sweat cap, this will get rid of all the 'pro' sweaters and let the newbies get a better price for their sweat.
Just reinstate the sweat cap, this will get rid of all the 'pro' sweaters and let the newbies get a better price for their sweat.

Or get some people angry and get some to create secondary accounts ;) lol
i think is a nice idea too.
In my opinion it's very hard for noobs to really get started in EU. Don't get me wrong, the new gateway and brandnew Port Atlantis are nice starting points, but they just delay the inevitable. People will get broke and what are they usually told how to get some money? Deposit (yeah, but some people can't or don't want to... yet) or go sweating. But now with vehicles sweat isn't needed nearly as much as it used to be, when people could only teleport to get forward faster than by foot. So... sweating wasn't really worth much ever. You could always earn more money per hour in a rl job. But with the demand of sweat dropping and therefor the price for sweat dropping, it becomes nearly worthless. So people are quite much left with the options to either deposit money or leave the game. Many noobs will leave and even some longtime players won't start depositing now all of a sudden, but leave instead.

Now to the point... sweat needs to be more useful again. And why not on the thing that made it less useful in the first place... vehicles. Yes, logically vehicles are fueled by oil, but this is an alien planet, so who cares. Fuel could be a mix of oil and sweat. And there we have the demand for sweat again. Keeping all kinds of noobs and longtime players in the game, because they can sweat for a living again. Keeping the playerbase big. Which will also increase demand for all kinds of items, that are sold by people who deposit maybe. I'm sure that the profit will be higher for MA, even if more non-depositers are in the game. So make vehicles fueled (partly) by sweat and everything's fine again.

Not to be rude or offend you. But IMO depositing 10$ or 20$ a month to play this awesome game is no big deal. Since many games like WOW for example cost 15$ usd a month. Used smartly you can trade a bit and support your avatar game play with as little as that. I am fed up with whining "Noobs" who want something for nothing and don't help support the economy here. As far i'm concerned, good riddance to freeloading "Noobs" who want something for nothing.
Nice idea to have sweat useful for something else. But I fear if MA wanted sweat to be useful they would not have made TT ME. There was nothing wrong with the way it worked before for heal/attack chips etc.. apart from the fact that the money paid for ME was to players & not the TT. The fact that the sweater took that long time to earn sweating money & brought their items & ammo & recycled those ped pretty quickly due to wanting to get away from sweating as fast as possible seems to have be lost in the board room that runs MA. It's about trying to force players into depo's.

Saying that I also understand that it's cheaper for ppl for skilling in those things as TT ME has no MU. So I'm guessing that some ppl are happy with the change.


there was a lot wrong with using sweat/nexus ME for heal and/or attack chips it had MarkUP you payed 185% of the tt value to have ammo for old style mindforce attack/heal, while returns where excactly the same as using ammo in a gun that doesent use big MU ammo.

so it was higly un-eco to use before they implemented the tt variant of mindessence, making the cost way to high to use unless you dident care about eco at all.With the tt mindessence chips became eco enouf to be used.

Its a fact a lot of sweaters that play for FREE got less income due to this.
Is this a real problem?? i dont think so...
Does the paying playerbase care?? not likely.
Should it be changed back?? HELL NO!!

It made it worse for the FREE players but they dont aid to the economie in anyway (to prevend the alway's returning argumend of "but we spend those peds and with that contribute".. WRONG if a player pay's you peds or spends it himself makes no diffrent in the overal economie.

TT ME is good thing and it made attack chips usefull, this brings in money for the game not a bunch of sweaters who plan to play free and want it as easy as possible.
Actually, I had the idea only yesterday that there could be some special fuel that would be mixed from ME+oil to make "Hypercharged Fuel" that would allow any vehicle to travel 10% faster or something :D

That would get sweat prices up a bit maybe :dunno:

Excellent idea :cool:
sweat for vehicle is good idea, but I agree with those saying sweat has to stay very low price or ppl that really want to put time in EU should deposit and not bulding careers plans w/o ever deposit.
Then we really have to figure that beside the engine that requires decent pc, it is probably a fight of every instant for MA to block all the entries ways for "chinese farmers" (european term, sorry for it). So in a sense it's a non-sense to develop free content value because it's risky and requires 2x more energy to be regulated before introduced than any other regular activity. Ntm we don't have "freerolls" in EU, or promotional extra-incomes, that means every pec a non-depositor does was deposited, jut not by him -)).
I would rather see a total transform of what sweat is used for. Something that implies more than one only activity (sweat gathering) but would have no great value. Or just remove it from economy :cool:
in the case of vehicle fuel, it could nicely be an alternative fuel, but it should be used at great rate (20 sweat= 1 oil?) or make the vehicle slower, not faster. But there is the problem of the "currency", ie MA would have to set and fix a value or equivalant for sweat, very unlikely to happen imo.
Speaking from a "sweater"s prospective - I notice a lot of people bashing on the non-depositers...

However sweaters don't actually DAMAGE the economy (for MA) - sure they don't necessarily "help", but all the PED they obtain is from other players. Furthermore, if you can keep a sweater in the game, the more chances you have that they will deposit - for example, I have actually deposited $20 before, and plan to do so again soon (in the next month or two, and possibly more than 20 this time). Even for the low amount depositers, being able to make some change on the side is beneficial - cuts down on spending is the biggest one imo.

I don't disagree with what people say on TT ME, but I don't think that doing something so that the price of sweat will rise a little will hurt, but will increase the chances of keeping players who may deposit in the future.
for vehicles that currently exist - probably not since that will change the economics of existing in game assets, something MA|FPC should (may have actually promised at some point in the past) to not change... for future vehicles - sure!
They could add some kind of "turbo fuel" that use sweat and/or fragments to boost the speed of the vehicle.
sweat needs to be more useful again. And why not on the thing that made it less useful in the first place... vehicles. Yes, logically vehicles are fueled by oil, but this is an alien planet, so who cares. Fuel could be a mix of oil and sweat. And there we have the demand for sweat again.

An excellent idea. Sweat needs to have more value
Take care of our enviroment use sweat as fuel. We need hybrids! :wtg::D