Sweat price


Sep 15, 2006
Whats happend to the sweat price recently? When I started I could get 1.2pec per sweat. Now there is people in Port Atlantis buying for 0.85pec and one guy in Troy buying for 0.75pec.
According to MyTwoPecs the recomended price would be 0.89pec. But when it was 0.96pec when I was selling för 1.2pec. Think price should be slightly higer.

The price of Force Nexus is increasing if you look at the chart, both the chart based of 10auction and 50auction sales.

Price of Mind Essence is only increasing if you look at 10auction chart so far.

I talked to alot of noobs in Port Atlantis and everyone agreed that sweat was paying too low and they would quit the game because they couldnt afford to deposit and they thought it was boring only collecting sweat all the time.

But, I havent seen a guy selling sweat to thoses guys offering 0.9pec per sweat so maybe they realise that price most be slighty higer for so people will sell their sweat.

I know there is too much sweat in the market and too many people gather and there is not that high demand at the moment for Mind Essence. If MA should implement some new Mind Force skills maybe sweat would be higher valued.

What do you guys think?
mrbulle said:
I know there is too much sweat in the market and too many people gather and there is not that high demand at the moment for Mind Essence. If MA should implement some new Mind Force skills maybe sweat would be higher valued.

What do you guys think?

The 'problem' area for sellers is the fact an awful lot of small scale MF users, who would have bought small amounts ( 1k or so ) - gather it themselves. This group make up a large proportion of sweat consumers, so the non-depositers have fewer people to sell to. New MF areas may boost the price momentarily, but generally too many people will be happy to collect their own from now on.

So although non-depositers can continue to earn from sweating, the return is diminishing. I can't see this situation changing for the better, which is a shame because I think MA will lose more people from the game than it gains. It will simply be too boring for sweaters to afford a taste of the game before they play properly - ie make deposits.

Edit - Junkyard, alas, the fall of sweat prices goes on and on...so people adjust gradually to 3.0,2.8,....,1.2,1.0 etc and some will look back to 1.0 as the great times.
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sweat is worth whatever sweatters sell it for... :D
in my opinion don't go lower than 1pec/bottle... let those guys shout "buying sweat 0.8 @ X" untill they fall asleap and you should see a sweat price rise :cool:
Well I dont think the sweat price should go below 1.0pec per bottle after all its boring work. I Agree that there are to few mindforce users and their probably going to make it themself. The only true winners I think in this is the miners that mine for force nexus since that wont increase in availability unless MA tweaks it meaning its high demand for nexus vs the supply = higher prices...

Atleast thats what I see at the moment

I would love to get a bp of a gun that uses sweat bottles as ammo though;)
Canesh Athey said:
I would love to get a bp of a gun that uses sweat bottles as ammo though;)

That is a nice idea, but will never happen. MA is extremely clever in what they do (yes there may be bugs in EU, but guess who is paying for them with missed shots, etc ??)

You think a non-depositer can play this game for free ??? wrong a non-depositer plays it cause other depositers will give you some money for something that as a ZERO tt value (okay, 1pec for 1k in terms of sweat). If you think about, everything that is free (sweat, dung and fruit) has a zero tt-value and the stuff that it is being sold for must be funded from a depositer.

Now you are thinking, hang on ILW what about the oil-rig ?? Fair enough oil has a low tt value on it, but guess what, the money that is burned through ammo (and decay) at the oil rig is 10x times higher then the oil that is been given out...

If MA was to implement a gun (even if it had the worst eco ever) that burns sweat, they would effectively loosing money as loot is hard ped (and items got a tt-value too). That MA simply could not afford to do.

Lets face it, MA would never give anything for free (even the mentor presents come as a ZERO tt-value [according to Alice]).

I personally have gathered a LOT of sweat before finally deciding to pump some money into the game and yes last night I sold 1k for 9.5 PED for Kiki which I thought is very low, but then that is the way to go ...

If the sweat price was to drop to 5PED for 1k we see the following:

- many non-depositers leaving (sorry to see that, but the economy gains from it)
- many non-depositers eventually pumping money into EU (again, the economy gains)
- few non-depositers being hardcore enough to to carry on with the game (as I figure this number is relatively low, the economcial impact is negligible)

Guess what I wanted to say is that no matter what the sweat price is at, it is always a fair representation of its value as the money comes from people who deposit and they are the buyers determining the market value.

Don't Give Up

people, the time's bad.
Sweat prices have been dropping like mad, and its gonna effect the entire economy of PE(or EU or whatever).
I don't know the reason the price dropped so much, but since the sweat bug was fixed, the prices started to drop.
now all should be aware: there are some sweat resellers, who (in my opinion) takes advantege of NooBs, who will sell for whatever they r being told to, since they got no clue about the game.
u all should understand, that this is a chin-reaction: sweat price low ==> noobs not making enough money to start play==> ppl quit PE ==> the entire economy collapse... and worse than that - NO NEW PLYRS. it will b no fun around without new players!!! i like all our uber friends, but its gonna be boaring beeing all 70k skills.
so ppl - be responsibale - dont diminish the price of sweat!!!
the gun who uses sweat I wrote about was meant as an ironicle joke. ;)
I buy sweat from my desciples alway's at 1.15 - 1.3 but never lower.
Thats is one of the way's I'm trying to support them.
Indeed lower than 1,0 is bad, really bad!
I would also suggest to give noobies at least 1,0 for their work so they can enjoy the game as well and save some peds to buy themselves an weapon and some ammo.
This will repay later when they stay in the game and the community is getting bigger.
So if everyone that is trying to support the noobs buy for a couple of peds sweat from the new ppl so they know they don't need to sell below 1,0.
phonix said:
people, the time's bad.
Sweat prices have been dropping like mad, and its gonna effect the entire economy of PE(or EU or whatever).
I don't know the reason the price dropped so much, but since the sweat bug was fixed, the prices started to drop.
now all should be aware: there are some sweat resellers, who (in my opinion) takes advantege of NooBs, who will sell for whatever they r being told to, since they got no clue about the game.
u all should understand, that this is a chin-reaction: sweat price low ==> noobs not making enough money to start play==> ppl quit PE ==> the entire economy collapse... and worse than that - NO NEW PLYRS. it will b no fun around without new players!!! i like all our uber friends, but its gonna be boaring beeing all 70k skills.
so ppl - be responsibale - dont diminish the price of sweat!!!

Sorry, but your argumentation is not coherent, non-depositers do not contribute to the economy (consequently their potential lack-off would not disturb the market equilibrium) as they do not bring money to the game.

As I said before I would not dream of judging whether someone does or does not deposit (as non-depositers spread the word equally and might attract the next hardcore gamer who pumps thousands of dollars into the game).

This game (as much as real life) is all about the right balance and atm it just looks like there are too many people (whether they deposit or not) sweating out there hence the price drops ... Sooner or later this trend will automatically reverse itself and sweat prices could go up again ...

I can see the argument from both sides on the price of sweat. I sweat lot to pay for ammo and have felt the burn of the price drop in the last 3 months from 1.2 to what realistically is now 0.8. It sucks. But IRL I'm a business man and 1 thing I've learnt (the hard way) is that any product or service is only worth what some1 will pay for it. No MF user is going to pay 1.0 for something they will only get 0.8 worth of satisfaction from. I'm not going to get into the resellers argument here.

Important thing to remember is this: EU is a real cash economy and more importantly, at least to me, it’s a "free market". Everybody knows this when they sign up. No1 ever said "join EU, we're giving handouts this month".

Oh and 1 other thing... noobs who say they can't afford to deposit are lying. I mean come on! $10 = 100PED. Thats a cheep gun and 9000 ammo. If you can't afford $10 to see what this game is like then where did ya get ya money for the computer you on, the internet connection your using, the time ya spending playing a game and not working earning some money.... that apparently you don't have?

Sure. I miss the days when my sweat was worth 1.2. Realistically though us sweaters should be thanking the ubers they give us anything for it at all when they can easy go and get it themselves now for nothing.
The times are bad for poor non-depositing sweaters like myself. I personaly refuse to sell under 1.0 or 1.05 depending on the amount. I was actualy thinking that prices will go up after the sweating bug, but just the opposite happened. Hopefully MA will influence the market before this gets out of control.
In Love With said:
as non-depositers spread the word equally and might attract the next hardcore gamer who pumps thousands of dollars into the game

I have three friends who completely dismissed the notion of this "free game" where you could work your way up without deposit. Within a week of me playing, one had joined, and is now firmly entrenched in the game, and has deposited. The other two have joined in the last week because they see that after 5 months, I am still here without deposit. One of them is already starting to calculate how much he wants to deposit regularly.

This is, in my opinion, the benefit non-depositters bring to Entropia. Each and every one represents clear proof that there is an economy in which one can work your way up from nothing. If this element is destroyed, I believe it will have a negative impact on many who might otherwise feel confident enough in the system to contribute.

So I support all those who feel the sweat price should be around 1pec/bottle. This is a price which allows some growth from the hard work of gathering sweat. I agree that the price should fluctuate according to market forces, but someone telling noobs that "the price is 0.76, or 0.85", is not a market force, it is an attempt to garner unfair profit from another's inexperience.

Every leader of every succesful organisation will tell you how important it is to attract and nurture new members.
I went to PA last night for a little while, just to sit and watch the marketers and answer questions for the poor confused newcomers who frequently stop by the busy TP area to ask all kinds of things.

What I saw when I arrived there made me sick. There were a few noobs standing around, very LOUDLY complaining about the market, bashing MA, and giving false information about sweat prices before the latest VU.

They were going on and on and on, spamming the chat with things such as
"MA is crashing the market, since the VU sweat prices have dropped from 2.0-3.0 to .90"
"MA doesn't want you here, you might as well leave now" (spoken to another newcomer who was asking questions)
"MA likes to screw over their playerbase"
One even had the nerve to state that he played <insert game here> and that HE could play an ENTIRE month for $X.XX, and that EU was a huge ripoff.

"WTF??" I thought to myself, and stood listening for awhile, thinking "OK, well a couple of noobs who don't like EU, they'll log off & be gone forever any moment." But no....

I left PA for a little while to go help some sweaters, and when I came back about an hour later...they were STILL THERE, and STILL spamming the chat with that filth. So, fed up with it, I started correcting the misinformation bits about sweat selling for 3.0 before the VU, and had to tell the poor lads that EU was not a game like <insert other game here>. And I remember saying something along the lines of "You know, <insert name here>, if you're THAT unhappy with EU, I'm sure you know where the ESC key is. Quit trying to scare off the newer players who might be perfectly happy here in EU."

mrbulle said:
What do you guys think?

What do I think? I think that EU is not meant to be free to "play." It is a virtual economy. A simulation of a real economy. In a real economy, you have to work to earn your money if you don't have money already.

Sweating for a living is supposed to be challening. If you aren't going to deposit, or can't deposit, then you're supposed to have to work hard to earn your start in EU.

I still see a few people buying sweat at 1.0-1.15, which IMO is not a bad price. If you don't want to sell your sweat for .90, then hold onto it until you find someone who will buy it for more, or adjust and gather more sweat to sell for the lower price. Economies fluctuate for whatever reasons. This one is no different.

Who knows... sweat may one day become something that everyone wants or needs, and the price may skyrocket, or it may one day become worth only it's TT value: .001pec, and the newer players will have to work much, much harder than they do now. Only time and new VUs will tell...


the original question, why is sweat price dropping.. I think has to do with the upcoming vu.
Mindark is dropping a really big bomb there (the half-amp thing)
The longer they pospone it the lower the sweat will be.. simply because a lot of us are "waiting it out". I for one am not depositing until after I have seen that it isn't all as bad as we think it is now.
Maybe mindark will introduce nice replacement amps, and find a solution for the opalo gap (a medium rifle that has nice reload, burns 5-6 ammo , does 20-24 damage and has ha 10, or maybe a fast reload longblade with nice stats)
Until the vu comes and Mindark proves that it isnt as bad as it seems, I am not depositing, but sweating to keep shooting. And I think a lot of us are (who are mainly opalo hunters). And that is why the sweat price is going down. Way more sweat onto the market then normally..
Spawn said:
the original question, why is sweat price dropping.. I think has to do with the upcoming vu.
Mindark is dropping a really big bomb there (the half-amp thing)
The longer they pospone it the lower the sweat will be.. simply because a lot of us are "waiting it out". I for one am not depositing until after I have seen that it isn't all as bad as we think it is now.
Maybe mindark will introduce nice replacement amps, and find a solution for the opalo gap (a medium rifle that has nice reload, burns 5-6 ammo , does 20-24 damage and has ha 10, or maybe a fast reload longblade with nice stats)
Until the vu comes and Mindark proves that it isnt as bad as it seems, I am not depositing, but sweating to keep shooting. And I think a lot of us are (who are mainly opalo hunters). And that is why the sweat price is going down. Way more sweat onto the market then normally..

You make a very good point spawn. I would like to address the issue that someone mention about non-depositers not contributing to the economy. I just don't see how people are comming to this conclusion. As we all know, unless you are selling sweat directly to the TT, your not getting anything from MA. When someone sells sweat to another person, where does this money come from? MA sure as hell don't buy it for you. What i'm trying to say is that the money has to come from other players. Which in turn will eventually force someone to deposit more money into the game, thus nobody is really playing for "free". Someone, in one form or another is paying the non-depositers' way by buying sweat from them.

I don't see the price of sweat going up anytime soon. Someone at PA said that if MA put the cap back on sweating the price would rise again. This may be true, but your forgetting about the low skilled people who now use sweating as a suppliment to whatever is looted, to help pay for ammo/bombs or whatever. With the dimishing sweat prices + the very poor loots of late + the upcomming amp nerf, I personally believe we will see a large drop in player base simply because it will be too expensive to play.
good point, like traders sweaters use up money from other gamers. And as someone also noticed hunters who dont deposit and hunt do that economically.

I tried a opalo run with a 105, and indeed , its damm economical, and i do see how some peopel claim they profit from opalo hunt, but the boredom was killing me, so i took out my ml 35 and shot all corns.
Problem is that ML usage costs so much and the opalo is amped way to economical.

A non depositer/trader who climbes up the PE society does it with money that didnt go too depositing people, therefor making them deposit quicker.

But such is life in PE, i for one hope the amp thing will bring back balance again.

ps: if u see neverdie earn 1 mill peds in 1 year or so, so "normal"gamers missed out on 20.000 50 ped globals ................ ofcourse he brought in 1 million peds also, at least we hope its ïn.
But from now on in some way u can see him as the sweater, so does anyone who makes a profit.
Only difference is those people took a risk, and now its paying off.

Sweat is worth what its worth, t can rise if MA does a major overhaul of mindforce, or is will become worthless like dung...... who knows, aint that the fun??

me for one, i cant wait for the amp update, finnaly a real change
for the worse or better

phonix said:
NO NEW PLYRS. it will b no fun around without new players!!!

I think MA keep an eye on this :D If the sweat price will have impact on new players, they will put the cap back ASAP or find another way for the noobs to get some free bucks from the other players.
Remember this, as stated earlier in this thread, MA gives nothing for free. Only items that can help you profit from other players are for free.
Basically price of sweat depends on the demand and reseller's price. When I started this game sweat was around 1.5. Then it went up to as high as 4.3 and then drop again to around 1.0 now. To push up sweat you will need more players using the Mind essence for their chips. As you noticed only a 'long time player' will be using those extensively and some of them are already leaving the game.

All you can do is wait for the current players to reach that level, then sweat demand and miond essence will go up again. :D
phonix said:
people, the time's bad.
Sweat prices have been dropping like mad, and its gonna effect the entire economy of PE(or EU or whatever).

Watch out...it's chicken little...the sky is falling...the sky is falling....

Sweat prices do not drive the economy of EU. Lack of people placing new funds into the game drive the economy. Lack of people playing does....sweat...that is just the ticks way of playing the game if they don't deposit.
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phonix said:
people, the time's bad.
Sweat prices have been dropping like mad, and its gonna effect the entire economy of PE(or EU or whatever).

Watch out...it's chicken little...the sky is falling...the sky is falling....

Sweat prices do not drive the economy of EU. Lack of people placing new funds into the game drive the economy. Lack of people playing does....sweat...that is just the ticks way of playing the game if they don't deposit.
I personally think that 1.0 Pec / Bottle is rather expensive for a sweat bottle considering the massive affect it has on the economy of a Mindforce weapon.

Don't get me wrong, I can afford the price. But the Mindforce system is never going to be efficient due to it. The Sweat Gatherers are earning a lot more than the enmatter miners who finds the Force Nexus, which in combination with the Sweat turns out to be Mindforce Ammo.

I think you should buy Ammo for your weapon at 250% and see how it affects your economy. Most Mindforce users are gathering their own sweat due to the high cost of it. The ones who are actually buying it are the biotropy skillers and the TP users.

I know that it's a tough job, and I admire you for doing it. Back when I was a Mindforce skiller, I went through thousands of PEDs worth of Mind Essance every week. The total cost of skilling up to 2000 in Biotropy is around 600 - 700 Ped worth of Mind Essance. That was bought for around 250% however, which means that I bought ~700 + Ped worth of sweat.

Now, here are three reasons why the sweat price has dropped:
- Mindark removed the limit. Most players are gathering their own sweat now.
- The Acid Pools became bugged / were turned off. Not as many people are skilling Biotropy anymore. This'll have an affect of the Biotropy skillchip value as well as the sweat price.
- A lot of new players have joined Entropia Universe the past month. This means that we have even more sweat gatherers, but we don't have any more Mindforce users. This, in turn, forces the price to decrease.
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And all the ppl who are collecting the sweat themselves now arent paying the hefty repair + ammo cost

Wouldn't that make MA loose more in the long run ?
the stone, ma doesnt loose as long as poepel dont cash out, or even more acurate:
if more people deposit then cash out

point is poeple see peds as money. Peds are nothing till they leave the game.
For MA balance it doesnt matter how peds or the lack of it are distributed wihtin the game.
They gotta keep players both satisfied and hungry for more, a thin line which we all walk everyday and we all complain about often ;)

if the cashout option would be irradicated they could give u shadow and imp stuff as long as u would deposit lol
Ice Pirate said:
Cameron Vayle double replay :rolleyes:

I dunno why the sweat price is so low :dunno:

Hmmmmwonder how I did that....must have be tired...now how to get rid of the double...
Recommended Sweat Price is now 0.79 at MyTwoPecs.
I feel bad for sweaters now. I have deposited but I often do some Sweat & Kills. This because it will give me some more skills in concentration and the ammo will last for longer time :D

Yesterday there was this really wierd dude in PA. He bought 400sweat of mine for 8ped, jepp thats right 8ped.
People screamed out they sold for 1.1, 1.2, 1.0. Resellers screamd buying sweat 0.9 :D
Think I made a good deal there :silly2:
Well, the formula used on mytwopecs.com insinuates that the price for sweat has dropped to 0.79 per bottle, but that is not really true. The basis that is used for that formula is the market price for mind essence and force nexus and tries to derive the price of sweat therefrom. This formula can be used the other way around too!

Let's stick with the 1 pec per bottle price and calculate the resulting price of mind essence from that. You already see the price of force nexus rising in response to the enormous drop in price of mind essence.

When all sweaters stick with the 1 pec per bottle price, this must be feasable. Otherwise there will ne no entry for new non-depositing players.

Everyone hold on to your sweat if you can't sell it for more than 1 PEC, it's worth it!
its worth what people willign to pay for it mate,
hold on too it will make a bigger crash even, sweaters will build up stockpiles, then suddenly they get scsred and wanna get rid of it.

if nobody uses it, it aint worht anything, regardless what u feel it should be worth.

i use sweat for my own tp ing, i sweat 100 bottles a day for it, meaning, in 1 year i sweat 36 k, so i dont need too buy it
They probably dont loose , but ppl who are sweating arent killing stuff , have lower armor decay and use less ammo.

So even though they dont loose , they most likely make less profit of those players
You think the price is low now, just wait until they expand into China and we have 500,000 people more than happy to earn $0.05 per hour farming sweat.