The CTRL+V game

I want to make an bid of 50Ped on the Shijin Table and 35 ped for the confyr large sofa
the change works properly in QA and
"Is this the wird things to do? i dont know, because i have done this with man underwear near my gym locker rooms and found some of thigs of boys underwear and too it home t boil and drink their water, is it gets you some AIDS or somthing is it safe?"

A post from a troll on another forum...
First start with the testing of the render server:

Start the vrayspawnerXX.exe program from the Start menu (Start menu > Programs > Chaos Group > V-Ray for 3dsmax > Distributed rendering > Launch V-Ray DR spawner). It will automatically try to find the 3dsmax.exe file and start it in server mode. You should end up with 3dsmax minimized down in the task bar. It should have the title "vraydummy.max". If 3ds Max stays there alive without closing then you have the Render Server part working. If you see the a 3ds Max window flashing on the taskbar and then disappearing, right-click on the V-Ray DR spawner icon in the taskbar tray, select exit to close the DR spawner, and try running a regular Backburner job with this machine as the server. After that, try to start the V-Ray DR spawner again.
Now test the render client:

Open your 3ds Max as you normally would.
Open a scene you would like to render (preferably a simple one for this test).
Choose V-Ray as your current renderer and make sure you have checked Distributed Rendering ON in the V-Ray System section.
Press the Settings button in the Distributed Rendering section.
Add the machines used for rendering - either with their IP address or their network name and close the dialog.
Render the test scene as you normally would. You should see the buckets rendered by the different servers.

Hrm, that was a few days ago copying over instructions for setting up distributed rendering. Guess I've not copied anything else since. And yes, my computer is hardly ever off. :silly2:
a = [ 1, 'cat', 3.14 ] # array with three elements
# access the first element
a[0] » 1
# set the third element
a[2] = nil
# dump out the array
a » [1, "cat", nil]
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That's 12 years ago , summer :)

Commenting of FB tagged photos :laugh:
First Motif
Rnd 1 (RS): With A, ch 8, remove hook from lp, insert hook into first ch made, pick up dropped lp, draw through st on hook, ch 1, 5 sc in ring, jp to first p on any petal of any lupine, **[{3 sc, ch 3} twice, 5 sc] in working ch-8 ring, *ch 16, remove hook from lp, insert hook in 8th ch from last, pick up dropped lp, draw through ch, ch 1, 5 sc in ch-8 ring just made, jp in last p made on previous ch-8 ring *, 3 sc in working ch-8 ring, jp in next p on same petal of lupine, [3 sc, ch 3, 5 sc] on working ch-8 ring, rep from * to * once, [3 sc, ch 3, 3 sc] in working ch-8 ring, jp in next p on same petal, 5 sc in working ch-8 ring †, ch 8, join to form a ring, ch 1, 5 sc in ring, jp in first p on next petal of lupine, rep from ** around, ending last rep at †, join in beg sc on first ch-8 ring. (12 ch-8 rings)
Rnd 2: With RS facing, **ch-4 p, ch 1, *[5 sc, ch 3, {2 sc, ch 3} twice, 5 sc] in next ch-8 sp *, ch 8, remove hook from lp, insert hook in first ch of ch-8 just made, pick up dropped lp, draw through st on hook, ch 1, [5 sc, ch 3, {3 sc, ch 3} twice, 5 sc] in ch-8 ring just made (corner lp made), rep from * to * once, rep from ** around, join at base of beg ch-4 p, fasten off.

The name of a guy ?! Forgot how I copyed it :)
<Cuppycake> ne seri
<Lateralus> :p
<Cuppycake> eto ga
<Lateralus> ty :*
“At last I recognize his mania. He believes me to be the mystical Caligari. Astonishing! But I think I know how to cure him now.”

Been browsing some film quotes lately apparantly
^blank :( didnt have anything copyed WIERD:scratch2:
$mappedDrive = uc($ARGV[0]);
$fileIn = uc($ARGV[1]);
PSA 'And Now You Know'

from youtube
very funny
check out racism at the bus stop :p