The person below me.....

ooooh! Most definitely!!! Chocolate...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!:yay::wtg::yay:

TPBM Likes purple more than pink
yeah, out of those two choices I'd go for purple.

TPBM is still secretly in love with a high school crush... o_O
False I'm in love with an Uber Ninja... and that secret is out:nana:

TPBM....lets their child(ren) watch as they play EU;)

TPBM lets their child pick which longu to shoot next
False, I'm a kid free zone!! (Phew!)

TPBM thinks people should be remote controlled!!:laugh:
True :ahh:
TPBM Killed an atrox today.
False, I haven't logged in yet:rolleyes:

TPBM will kill an atrox today :laugh:
False, I have not logged in since Sunday for our 1Year Naked Hogglo hunt:silly2: left handed
False...right handed...

TPBM is favoring the left foot [having a natural tendency to lead with or use the left foot, especially in playing sports such as soccer]
True.. I do tend to stand with my weight more on the left...:scratch2:

TPBM... has done their "Good Deed" for the day:cool:
False, I am the spawn of evil :vampire:

TPBM has 99 cats :eek:
False, I have 0. :p

The person below me frequently logs out of EU temporarily to masturbate.
False, I logout to sleep and work! :rolleyes:

TPBM types brb and then waits to see if anyone is talking about them!! :eek:
false i dont care what other folks say about me :)

TPBM has only just woke up
FALSE, just got off work.....

TPBM wakes up often in some persons front yard...pants, 8 feet away....undies, around ankles...not remembering what the hell happened the night b4....:rolleyes:
False. I wake up by the keyboard and can deduct all of my nightly activites by how many Peds are missing from my card this time. :eek:

TPBM appears to be a nice and happy person but hides inside himself the fact that he is a crazened psychopath.
False. I wake up by the keyboard and can deduct all of my nightly activites by how many Peds are missing from my card this time. :eek:

TPBM appears to be a nice and happy person but hides inside himself the fact that he is a crazened psychopath.

Bang on target there mate :D

The person below me is a pathological compulsive Forum poster and can't resist to answer this post.

TPBM woke up wondering why they have a used condom on with crap all over it and there best friend lying right next to them.
Not really...

TPBM is having a mean hang over today
False, I'm not a big drinker....

TPBM... is looking forward to the weekend!!!!:yay:
TRUE! Then Ill be answering TRUE to Afro`s.....:D

TPBM wishes EU was IRL......:rolleyes:
haha sometimes :p.

TPBM is waiting for the weekend to get his drink on :wtg::wtg:.
True :rolleyes:

TPBM is thinking why he is addicted to PE :)
False don't hava one @ the moment

TPBM is thingking what to type after 'TPBM' :laugh:
False don't hava one @ the moment

TPBM is thingking what to type after 'TPBM' :laugh:

False, I already know what Im gonna type.

TPBM realises that MA watches this site and looks for peeps that are actually addicted to PE.....and works there ava acoordinglly.....:rolleyes:

Fuk me for SP! lol!
MA are wonderful people and would never do something so sneaky...

TPBM is as paranoid as TPAM

MA are wonderful people and would never do something so sneaky...

TPBM is as paranoid as TPAM


False, i dont even know what TPAM meens ;) (edit: ok, i do now, but no im not)

TPBM is raving out to Aqua
False... I'm posting from work and NOT raving out to anything:silly2:

TPBM.... has a third nipple:silly2:
False..standard issue 2 nipple model!

TPBM is using a laptop