Question: Tiger Arms M (L)

Wildman Alpha

Jan 2, 2007
Fort Benning GA
Alpha WildD3amons
Avatar Name
Brent Wildman Lancing
Has anyone looted the titled item recently. I know of several looking for Tiger arms and we can't figure out what exactly is dropping them if they are dropping. I don't need directed to wiki or zap I hunted the hell out of those mobs no arms. Bad luck for me or are they dropping at all?

MA if their not dropping is the loot pool dry? I know items have fallen through the cracks before.

Thank you any help is appreciated, if you have sets in storage I am buying ;)
Has anyone looted the titled item recently. I know of several looking for Tiger arms and we can't figure out what exactly is dropping them if they are dropping. I don't need directed to wiki or zap I hunted the hell out of those mobs no arms. Bad luck for me or are they dropping at all?

MA if their not dropping is the loot pool dry? I know items have fallen through the cracks before.

Thank you any help is appreciated, if you have sets in storage I am buying ;)

They were pretty rare from begining, so check auction history. I just think there is now more people looking for them so its even harder to get them..

But seriously, do you need to look cool for that price? :D

Go for martial or buy normal UL stuff ;p
Troopers drop them. My socmate looted a pair maybe a few weeks ago.
Martial was my second choice but it seems it was everyone elses also. None to be found in auction lol

TY for the info they are droping, I was on troopers yesterday I guess back to them I go ;)
Martial was my second choice but it seems it was everyone elses also. None to be found in auction lol

TY for the info they are droping, I was on troopers yesterday I guess back to them I go ;)

BTW, if you will get tired of troopers, kill few SEGs , they drop martial arms in like every second global or so...
BTW, if you will get tired of troopers, kill few SEGs , they drop martial arms in like every second global or so...

Yep & all markup crashed there so none hunts them wich results in less auctions